Kemy stared at the boss monster that sat next to her.

Well, where his voice came from.

His question was blunt but not without purpose.“Will we fight you?” Kemy echoed.

The taller goblin merely sipped his drink as he waited for the answer.

What kind of question was that? Kemy fidgeted with her empty glass and felt torn.If this was a normal dungeon...

this wouldn’t even be a question.

It would be a certainty.


Bosses are guardians to the next level of death and reward.

You beat them and you know you were strong...

worthy of what came next.But here?In this place?Everything Kemy had experienced had told her that violence wasn’t the answer.

This dungeon of Delta’s wanted to see something else...

expected something else.

Every monster she had met had allowed her to live.It was kinda clear they had the power to say otherwise.But this was new.“Do you want to fight?” Kemy finally answered.


The boss monster’s aura went charged for a moment.“Yes but not to the death if you can help it.

I may return but you lot are a bit more limited edition,” Fran admitted.

There was a clunk as Kemy guessed Fran put his glass down.“I’ve been a boss for a while and I’ve only had one good fight.

The thrill, the energy...

the dancing of blades and wild spirits was...

beautiful,” Fran’s voice went soft with a tone Kemy would normally hear from those in love.Fran was someone Kemy would never understand, she already knew that but that didn’t mean she couldn’t empathize with him on a level.

A boss with no boss encounters sounded lonely.“We can try! I mean, no harm in trying if everyone knows it’s more like a spar than a deathmatch!” Kemy nodded.

Fran actually burst out in a laugh.“No, I want you all to try and kill me.

I can get better from that,” he said amused.“Sounds like you’re handicapping yourself then,” Kemy shook her head.

She resolved the curious sniffing of the large wet nose of the pig sitting nearby.She giggled and petted it.“I guess but until some real warriors turn up, the ones that feel the same as me...

friendly spars aren’t so bad,” Fran admitted mostly to himself.“We use magic and arrows as well, is that okay?” Kemy suddenly said, worried that Fran might expect swords and shields.

Fera the bartender snorted.“Franny, she’s worried about you.

Stop stealing the poor girl’s heart,” the goblin laughed.

Fran’s reply was hissed too low to be heard before he cleared his throat.“It’s fine.

I want your best so I can see if you’re ready for the next floor.

You know anything about it?” the boss asked lightly.

Kemy sat up straight.“Nothing! Anything you could share would be helpful!” Kemy said eagerly.Fran’s smile could almost be felt on Kemy’s skin.“It’s green,” he said before draining his drink and burping so loudly that the bar shook.Kemy winced and next thing she knew, she had downed another drink and another and another.Soon, Kemy felt very happy and rather...

springy.---Delta watched as her goblins carefully guided a rather drunk Kemy back to the entrance of her Dungeon.

She would have to make sure Fera warned people that her Shroom pops had a slight buzz to them.

She felt a tug from Nu on the second floor, so she zoomed off down the stairs.She sent a silent thanks to Kemy for her visit.Soon, the tunnels exploded into lush jungle and life.

Delta loved her jungle, to have seen the vibrant green grow from nothing.

Delta’s efforts...

her imagination...

her wonder was a reality before her.Really, she would never grow bored of this.

If there was no going home, wherever that was, and no getting out of the Dungeon...

then Delta honestly didn’t mind making new floors.

It was such a deep-seated satisfaction to see her results...

but it also gave rise to a new feeling.Creativity.Delta wanted to do more soon...

the next floor would be hers and she was going to make it amazing! But first, she was going to make her second floor even better! The jungle was here, the monsters were here, the secrets were here, and the purpose was here.But it just needed those extra touches to make it spectacular.


I suspect we have some things to get done first.

I opened a few rooms to ease your Mana burden so they will need a purpose.
