1489 The Punishement of The Universe.Ravager and Massia were nothing but a drop in an ocean when it came to the casualties the entire heavenly realm sustained.The death toll soared into the millions, and the spectral realm grew heavy with despair.

The universe itself shuddered, sensing the unholy ritual taking place.At last, Lord Hades felt the mounting anguish of the fallen spirits, causing him to make his move and save them.With newfound resolve, he rose from his mediation position and extended his arms outward.A brilliant light emanated from his hands, unlike any the spectral realm had ever witnessed! It was a celestial radiance, a manifestation of his dormant powers, harnessed now for the salvation of his realm.Everyone on the heavenly plane lifted their heads and watched as the blue sky became golden all of a sudden.

Then, it started raining with mesmerizing divine droplets.No one was able to escape from the divine droplets as they went through anything in their way, stopping only when they touched the spirits.'What's this?'Felix narrowed his eyes as he watched his entire body get covered in divine light, feeling empowered and refreshed like he could take an entire army by himself!While it only gave him this feeling, the newly turned fallen specters, and other struggling spirits felt a profound transformation happening within them.The malevolent negative dark energy could no longer touch them.

It was as though they were encased in a protective cocoon of radiant light, shielding them from the suffering that was about to befall them!"It's the lord's grace!! He hasn't forsaken us!""Praise The Lord!! Praise The Lord!!""Run outside of the city while you are still under the lord's protection!"With their newfound immunity to the negative energy, the protected spirits began to flee their cities, seeking refuge far from the malevolent dark clouds.They moved with urgency, putting as much distance as possible between themselves and the chaos.Honestly, they didn't even need to do that as the divine droplets were also erasing the spreading of negative energy in all cities.Even the red sphere around the capital had its powers wane over time, seemingly about to disappear at any given moment.'Tsk, he sure managed to restore order quite fast.'In the distance, Duke Humphrey showed an irritated expression as he watched his efforts of more than six decades fade away in less than a minute.'It doesn't matter, the death toll is enough for the universe to punish him.' Duke Humphrey smiled coldly.The universe, ever watchful and unforgiving, had taken notice of the grave injustice that had unfolded under Lord Hades' rule.The cosmic balance, a force as ancient as time itself, stirred with righteous fury.The universe had no consciousness and didn't understand that punishing Lord Hades, it would make things worse for the spirits.All it cared about was right and wrong.The fact that a few million spirits were erased from existence under Lord Hades' rulership warranted a strict punishment.As the ruler of the spectral realm reclined back, his form shrouded in an eerie darkness, he suddenly felt a searing pain coursing through him.'It's starting.' He thought expressionlessly.It began as an uncomfortable tingling sensation, like the prickling of a thousand needles, spreading across his spectral flesh.When he looked down, he noticed tendrils of brilliant light emerging from his skin.

They resembled chains of cosmic energy, radiant and pulsating with ethereal power.They wrapped themselves around his form, tightening with a merciless force that defied his control.These chains were not mere symbols of imprisonment but the embodiment of divine retribution!All unigins were born with them as they were the constraints placed upon them by the universe, used to keep them in order and line.Since the ruler of the spectral realm didn't abuse his powers, but failed one of his duties, which was guarding the souls and spirits against erasure, his punishment was physical pain instead of forcing him into slumber.Even the demi-gods felt pain when it came to the universal punishments as the chains coiled around him like serpents, their grip unrelenting, and he could feel their luminous energy seeping into his very being, scorching his flesh.I think you should take a look at The pain was excruciating, unlike anything the ruler of the spectral realm had ever endured.

Yet, he neither screamed nor showed a different expression.The chains continued to tighten, sapping his strength and power with each passing moment and Lord Hades knew that this would last for a couple of millions of years, corresponding each spirit's death with one year of his immortal life!When it came to demi-gods punishments, the universe was an absolute merciless menace.***Meanwhile, in the heart of the Eternal Celestial Kingdom, one of many majestic palaces rose, its spires piercing the heavens.

Its architecture was a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship, adorned with intricate, celestial motifs that seemed to dance and shimmer in response to the kingdom's vibrant energy.Within the palace, The Godfather himself, seated upon a twisted throne of fire and magma, wore an imposing cloak that seemed to absorb the very light around it.He was robust and muscular, with a sturdy frame that spoke of immense strength.


His body was marked by scars and burn marks, seemingly glorifying the wounds his laws could cause to his enemies.His skin was a rugged, weathered texture, as if it has been forged by the very fires he commanded, bearing a reddish or bronzed hue, reminiscent of smoldering embers and cooled lava.His eyes gleamed with an inner fire, often appearing as deep, fiery orbs that seemed to smolder with an otherworldly intensity.This was The Godfather of Fire and Magma, The one and only Unigin with the powers to command those two laws and anything related to them!At the moment, his eyes were reflecting a hazy images that resembled the heavenly plane."That old coot has finally been weakened and his seal over his realm started to give in." He showed an icy smile as he stood up from his throne.

"It's time to show my worth to the Upper Celestials and earn my rightful spot amongst them."With a single step forward, he disappeared from the throne room and appeared at an everlasting expanse of mesmemirizing green fields.Those fields weren't empty at all as they were packed to the brim with armies upon armies of celestial illuminating humanoid figures.They resembled men and women, but their divine complexion and featharly large wings behind their back set them apart from any other race.Even High elves paled in comparison to those beings' elegance and nobility, seemingly screaming of superiority without uttering a single word.Yet, when everyone saw their Godfather appear above them, they kneeled with their heads touching the ground, dirting their foreheads and clothes.They all shouted simoutanlously with a tone filled with unquestionable reverence and worship.

"PRAISE THE GODFATHER HEPHAESTUS."Godfather Hephaestus' eyes gleamed with evil intent as he stood before his forces."Your sole purpose in life has arrived, do not disappoint me." He said, indifferent as ever.Then, he turned around and with a gesture of his hand, a rift began to tear open in the fabric of the Eternal Celestial Kingdom.It crackled with fiery energy, expanding into a massive portal that connected their realm to the heavenly plane!The very sky above them darkened as the portal grew, an ominous gateway between realms.This sight wasn't appearing just for them, but also for everyone in the heavenly plane.

Felix, Elder Kraken, Nidam, Captain Charleson, Mr.

Atticus, Boss Alives, Inspector Nolvar, and even Duke Humphrey.All of them were seen staring at the sky above with eyes showing different emotions.

Most were left absolutely stunned and confused, but some of them showed looks of absolute excitement and fervor."Hahaha! I am going back! I am going back at last!" Duke Humphrey laughed at the top of his lung akin to a madman at the sight of the Godfather's forces descending from the sky!Thousands upon thousands of divine angels rushed from the portal and into the heavenly plane, their wings stretched far open, and their bright light casting an illumination as strong as the fake sun high above.When the netizens saw those angels, none of them felt an ounce of threat or fear...In fact, they kept staring at them with widened eyes in awe and astonishement.Alas, those looks didn't last for long as the moment those angels reached the capital city below them, they didn't hesitate to expand their hands forward and release divine scorching light from their palms, destroying absolutely anything in the path...Spirits included!"Is this really happening..."Felix's heartbeats started increasing in agitation as his eyes were affixed on the demonic angels, hunting down anything in sight, while more and more of them kept pouring from the portal high above.He didn't need to guess as he was certain that portal was connected to the kingdom of those beings, the beings who were responsible for sending him down here!

