1510 Shatter...While the angels were either running away or regrouping under the second in command to seek a way out of this doomed situation, the spirits and law enforcers outside of the city were seen cheering at the top of their lungs.A wave of jubilation swept through their ranks as the capital city's skies were filled with cheers and an overwhelming sense of relief and triumph.Law enforcers and spirits who had fought tirelessly to protect their city and its inhabitants rejoiced in the knowledge that their unwavering efforts had not been in vain.Even though no one knew Felix's identity due to the far distance between them and the battle, he was hailed as their hero and savior.Meanwhile, Karra, who had endured the torment of Duke Humphrey's cruelty in the past, watched with a mixture of emotions as the once-mighty ethereal elder was consumed by black flames.His agonized screams echoed through the skies, a stark contrast to the arrogance and cruelty he had shown before."Sob...Sob..."Tears flooded down her cheeks uncontrollably the more she listened to his agonized screams.For Karra, this moment was a well-needed vindication, a form of poetic justice that brought a semblance of closure to her own painful experiences.Felix had promised her that everyone who harmed her was going to pay a grave price and he delivered his promise.Meanwhile, uncaring about Duke Humphrey's constant b*tchy screams and the cheering noise below, Felix lifted his head and stared deeply into the eternal kingdom portal.'Asna...' Felix tightened his fists until white showed and lowered his head in disappointment.He was disappointed in himself for not having the courage to go through the portal and seek out his woman.

His emotional side wanted him to do it, but his rational side stopped him from committing such foolishness.'Be patient Felix, be patient, Asna isn't going anywhere and I doubt anyone will dare harm her.' Felix exhaled deeply, 'You are nothing but a hindrance to her at the moment and if you want to save her for real, you need a real plan and the strength to back it up.'Felix would never forget how he was a boy handled by the first ruler without even seeing his face.It was a humiliating experience and it angered him beyond measure, but it made him understand at least the level of strength difference between him and his mortal enemy.As much as he hated to say it.

'I don't see a way for me to obtain that kind of strength...At least, not without help.'Felix understood that it would be nearly impossible to match up with the first ruler or even a unigin if he wasn't blessed by a miracle.At this moment, he knew only one person capable of showing him at least the way to obtain this miracle.'If I am going to ask for his help, I better make sure he owes me the biggest favor possible.'Felix lifted his head up again, and this time a cold gaze was etched on his face...Then, he took off towards the eternal kingdom's portal.'Felix...''Don't worry elder, I haven't lost it yet.' Felix replied with a faint smile after hearing Elder Kraken's slightly worried voice in his mind.He knew that his elder must have thought that he was going to enter the portal.'That's all I wanted to hear.' Elder Kraken smiled kindly and didn't bother Felix with any more questions.Felix's movement hadn't gone unnoticed by the others...Even the escaping angels were forced to halt and look up when they realized that Felix wasn't targeting them."What is he planning to do?""Oh no! Don't tell me he is going to guard the portal to make sure none of us leave!""Sh*t! He is even more devious than I thought!"The angels' faces went as pale as a paper at such a awful realization.

Before, they thought if they escaped and hid somewhere, they could switch their direction to the portal when Felix put some distance from it.But now? They knew that it was doomed for them.Meanwhile, Felix never had such a thought in mind...But, if the angels knew what he was planning to do, they be even more mortified.The moment there were a couple of kilometers or less between Felix and the supermassive portal, he came to a halt.I think you should take a look at 'I tried this only once and the results were far from promising...I don't know if it will work or not, but it's the only way to achieve my goal.' Felix thought to himself while staring at his right fist.He closed his eyes and resonated his mind with the spacetime frequency almost instantly.The instant his mind was locked with it, he tightened his fist and drew it backward.

Then, he took a deep breath and punched forward into the air.BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!The first punch sent shockwaves echoing through the skies, cracking the space in the area again.

However, just as the frequency shockwave was about to reach its peak, Felix threw another punch in the same position!BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!A much more thunderous noise resounded this time and the spatial cracks seemed to have at least tripled in size and spread!It was like the second punch built upon the frequency of the first, enhancing its strength.BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!Yet, Felix didn't seem to have any thoughts of stopping as he punched another time and used the built-in momentum to empower the third punch!This was much harder than it looked since Felix had to find the right timing to release his punch or the shockwaves would end up conflicting with each other instead of building upon the other.He continued doing so under the watchful gazes of the angels and spirits, staring at the shattering sky with a dumbfounded look.

None of them knew what he was doing, but the notion of a person capable of breaking such a large area of the sky was enough to chill their blood.BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!After the seventh punch, Felix's fist and entire body seemed to be vibrating at a rapid speed like he was put in a mixer.Felix knew this was the result of his punches' recoil as his body also took a little of the damage each time he forcefully built on the spacetime shockwave.'This is the last one, either the portal gets destroyed or my body will be shattered apart, leaving me as a wisp.'With a defying resolute glare, Felix committed to the last punch, pulling it with great difficulty behind his waist, and then without an ounce of hesitation or fear, he unleashed the culmination of all the built-in momentum, smashing the frequency with the most powerful strike he could muster!The instant his fist reached the end of the line, a sudden deafening silence seemed to have fallen around the entire heavenly plane.Then..."Shatter..." Felix murmured, his soft voice amplified by the vibrational energy in the air, causing a weird phenomenon for everyone in the city to hear it crystal clear in their ears.Before they could react to his voice, an explosion of energy erupted outward like a celestial supernova.The force of the impact was so dominating that it seemed to distort reality itself!The spectral skies fractured and shattered, resembling a vast, fragile glass sphere struck by an unstoppable force!The shards of the spectral sky scattered in all directions, revealing a pitch-black void beyond..."...""...""..."The capital city's inhabitants stared in awe and disbelief at the gaping hole in their once-vibrant realm, their expressions a mix of humiliation and bewilderment.It was like their brains were incapable of processing the kind of information their eyes were feeding it!As for the eternal kingdom portal? It suffered a fate worse than destruction...It was as if it had never existed at all, erased from the fabric of reality!The portal's grandeur, and its towering presence, all faded into oblivion, leaving only an empty void in its place.Amidst the splintered skies and the void beyond, a sole human stood, his presence barely noticeable against this unholy background.'I guess I overdid it a bit...'A moment later, the figure's body disintegrated into nothingness, leaving behind him a mere floating spirit flame, heading towards its gaping void...
