Electromagnetic Field Method.

In the hushed confines of his laboratory, surrounded by vials of exotic ingredients and intricate apparatuses, Felix stood before his concoction table, eager to test his latest breakthrough.

But before then, he reached out to his master Thor.

"Master, what do you think about creating a minimized electromagnetic field across the atomic world of the mixture and using it to manipulate the charged electrons and protons." Felix spoke with a tint of excitement, "Will it be possible to hasten the molecules breaking apart?" "So, this is your plan?" Thor chuckled, "Possible? I have never tried it before since my vision can't reach the atomic world, but I am certain it's more than doable." "Interesting, you are attempting to hasten the integration process of the mixture, allowing it to finish in the one-minute waiting time before the dark reaction could appear.

Not bad, not bad at all." Elder Kraken praised Felix for coming up with such an ingenuous method.

"It's indeed a great idea and if you pull it off, you will guarantee to have 100% success chance every time." Candace clapped happily.

"Wait, won't this affect the potion's stability, causing it to fail?" Fenrir questioned.


Lady Sphinx was the one answering him.

"It doesn't affect it at all.

Felix will be merely accelerating a natural process, reducing the time it takes for it to finish.

He won't be adding materials or something to the mix." Usually, this would be useless in Felix's case when dealing with rank five and lower potions since he was already at a level, where he could guarantee any potion he concocted to be 100%.

That's because he had enough mental power to create a massive barrier around the entire mixture, making it impossible for the dark reaction to do anything.

However, the dark reaction of rank six potions appeared explosively and randomly everywhere, which made this method useless.


Fortunately, the saving grace was that one minute of peacefulness before the invasion and Felix was going to take advantage of it.

"There is only one way to truly know for sure." Felix ended their speculations by concocting God's Pillar and using his quantum vision to enter its mixture's atomic world.

Then, he created a minimized electromagnetic field within the atomic world of the potion's mixture, spreading it to a decent size...He didn't want to go all out from the start.

The moment the field manifested, it began to exert its influence on the charged protons and electrons within the mixture's molecules as he expected! However, before he could be joyful, the atomic world was thrown into chaos.

Protons and electrons, which were previously in stable orbits around atomic nuclei, started to move erratically, their trajectories disrupted by the field's influence...Bonds between atoms within the molecules strained and broke as the particles within them went haywire! The once-stable mixture rapidly descended into ruination as molecules collided and merged haphazardly, and the entire potion's atomic world seemed to collapse in on itself.

It was as if a storm had been unleashed within the mixture, causing turmoil at the atomic level.

Felix watched in dismay at the falling apart mixture, destroying it before the dark reaction could even make a move.

After the mixture collapsed, he pulled back with a solemn look.

"Looks like this isn't going to be easy." He said.

"It's expected.

The electromagnetic field needs to be powerful enough to manipulate the neutrons of the molecules but gentle enough not to disrupt the charged electrons and protons unless you intended to do so." "I guess I have to tune it down." Felix nodded in understanding.

Without further ado, Felix began a new pursuit to perfect the electromagnetic field within the potion's mixture.

Night after night, he tirelessly ran experiments, adjusting the field's intensity with meticulous precision.

Felix could feel the molecules in the mixture responding to the electromagnetic forces he exerted, their behavior changing with each adjustment.

One trial after another passed by, and Felix noted the subtle shifts in the mixture's behavior.

Sometimes, the molecules reacted too violently, causing the entire concoction to destabilize.

Other times, the field was too weak to influence the neutrons effectively.

But Felix was undeterred.

He analyzed the data meticulously, fine- tuning his approach with each iteration.

And then, after countless trials, it happened.

Felix executed the experiment, and the electromagnetic field fell within the perfect range! The neutrons of the molecules responded, breaking apart and merging seamlessly, while the protons and electrons remained undisturbed unless he chose otherwise.

Still, Felix wasn't planning to celebrate yet as this merely gave him the precise control he needed to manipulate the molecules during the potion concoction.

Now, he had to manually break apart those molecules and let them merge in less than a minute, which was a hundred times more daunting task than this.

"Wish me luck." Felix took a deep breath and then zoomed in on the potion's mixture until he joined its atomic world.

Next, he manifested the same electromagnetic field, but this time, it seemed less intense and the molecules remained unaffected by it.

'Let's start small.' Felix bit his lower lip in concentration as he focused on a bundle of colored molecules mashed against each other.

Since the concoction process already automatically broke apart molecules and merged them to create new ones, Felix didn't need to manually oversee each molecule.

The only thing he needed to do was accelerate the process of breaking the molecules, using a process called electrolysis.

In electrolysis, an electric current (which created an electromagnetic field), was used to drive a chemical reaction, such as the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen gases.

But in this case, it would be used to split other elements in the mixture and let them merge naturally.

This was exactly what Felix did to the small bundle of molecules.

He sent an electrical current through the molecules, which forced their bond to break apart due to the disturbance caused by the charged proton and electron.

After the bonds were shattered, the chemical mixture did its thing and erected a chemical reaction, causing those broken molecules to bond into different shapes.

What Felix did was happening across the entire atomic world, the only difference was that he made it a couple of seconds faster! 'hehehehe, will you look at me now, influencing direct chemical reactions.

I sure have come a long way.' Felix grinned in delight at the sight of his efforts paying off at last.

Sure he simply helped a few molecules from probably a hundred decillions or even more, but understood that with practice, repetition, and hard work, he would absolutely turn this manual work into an automatic one.

"You only have a minute, so, you must be quick, efficient, and most importantly precise." Lady Sphinx smiled, "But if you pulled it off, I will tell you this, you will never struggle with another potion in your life." "That's exactly what I want." Felix smirked, "I may need to find another method to deal with the undesirable reaction in crossbreeding, but at least in potions, I can say to have finally mastered the field." It wasn't farfetched to call him a master potioneer in every sense after concocting a rank-six potion, which honestly speaking would shock the entire witch empire.

A mortal surpassed and still perfected the technique faster than them even when they had millions of years as a headstart!
