I am The Ruler.

"We have been puppets in a grand design for eons, and they chose silence over truth! Despicable! Absolutely despicable!" The rest of the primogenitors shared the same sentiment and no one could blame them for having an outrage.

To find out that their most respected peers have been covering the truth for eons, watching them suffer and lose their mental battles, watching them commit suicide, watching them waste their lives away with no purpose, and yet, saying nothing against it.

It was unimaginable and Felix remained silent at their tirades.

"We had to conceal the truth and you know why we did it deep down." Lord Marduk defended their decision.

"Most of you were acting like savages in the primogenitors' era, fighting over the smallest things, destroying planets, and killing billions of lives for the fun of it.

You were monsters and most of your descendants worshiped you out of fear more than respect and reverence." Lord Quetzalcoatl shook his head, "Imagine if we came along and told you that your entire existence was for entertainment? I had no doubts that most of you would erase your empires and bring the universe back to its dreadful silence...Tell me I am wrong." When it was put like this, the primogenitors noticed that he was correct...Right now, they were pretty chill and peaceful, but in their era, they were a walking menace, believing that the universe was their playground.


In addition, there were way more primogenitors active at that time, so it would have been nearly impossible for the elemental lords to maintain order.

"Still, that doesn't give you the right to conceal the truth," Kumiho uttered coldly.

"Also, you could have told us after we settled down, you could have told us during the pact, where we were on the verge of committing a collective suicidal." Erebus supported with the same tone, "You had plenty of chances and you decided not to fill us in.

That's all there is to it." "I am starting to think that Loki hasn't made a surprising 'breakthrough' and created his illusion domain right when we were about to kill ourselves." Jorōgumo sneered, "You must have realized that you messed up big time and tried to fix it by giving us another alternative." "..." "..." "..." The elemental lords remained silent.

'Is that really what happened?' Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise after realizing that Jorōgumo had hit the bullseye.

No one responded to him, which was enough for an answer.


"If you want an apology, then you will get one." Lord Marduk uttered calmly, "But if you think I have regretted my decision, then, you, are gravely mistaken.

I did what I thought was right at that time and that's all to it.

It wasn't personal." "It was personal to us." "We don't want your apology." This didn't pacify the primogenitors' anger even a little...It just got them more irritated at Lord Marduk's nonchalant attitude after screwing them up big time.

"This isn't over." After realizing that he wouldn't gain anything from continuing this maddening discussion, Cherufe was the first to attempt to leave the assembly.

However, it wasn't going to be that easy.

"Elder Cherufe, I know you are angry and upset, but I am certain that you won't vent your anger on the alliance's citizens or its property...Am I right?" Felix remarked calmly.

Cherufe halted in his place, feeling Felix's subtle killing intent coursing down his spine.

He slowly turned around and asked with a frigid tone and magma pouring down his eyes, "Is that a threat?" "Most definitely," Felix confirmed without an ounce of hesitation.

Felix would never abuse his strength on someone who hadn't harmed him or touched upon his interest...However, if the primogenitors decided to act out on his citizens, then he would gladly accept their purities.

"So, that's how it is, huh?" "Yes, I am not in the mood to play games." Felix pressed coldly as his spiritual pressure went wild around him, "The universe is under my rulership from today onward whether you accept it or not.

So, if any one of you dared to demonstrate your muscles on mortals like in the old days, you will find me demonstrating my own." "..." "..." "..." Most of the primogenitors went silent at his straightforward arrogant attitude...Signs of displeasure and anger were written on their faces, but none of them dared to disagree or call him out for it.

They understood more than anyone that strength was the only thing that mattered.

At the moment, Felix's strength wasn't just ahead of them by a significant t distance, but he also had multiple elemental lords and primogenitors on his side.

It wasn't farfetched to call him the ruler of the universe unless a unigin decided to vie for the throne.

'The kid sure has grown to be a big boy.

I don't think it's proper to call him little one anymore.' Thor chuckled, seemingly pleased at the situation.

'If he wants to command the primogenitors, then he has to cast the little kid image away and show them that he is the boss.' J?rmungandr said.

Even though Felix's strength was above the primogenitors, it didn't make him automatically their leader.

They had big pride and they had never bowed their heads to anyone in their lives, which meant it wouldn't be easy for Felix to gain their utmost respect through conventional methods.

Cherufe, Siren, Erebus, Achlys, Kumiho, and Jorōgumo demonstrated this by walking away without saying another word to either Felix or the elemental lords.

However, when they turned around and noticed that only six of them left, chills coursed down their spine.

Elder Aspidochelone, Lady Pheonix, Cyclope, Lady Yggdrasil, Lord Dune, Lord Loki, Lord Osiris, Lord Quetzalcoatl, Lord Marduk, Lord Khaos, Fenrir, Lady Sphinx, Saurous, Wendigo, and let's not mention the dead primogenitors in Felix's consciousness space.

All of them were on his side either as allies, masters, or unbothered by the exposure of the fact like Lord Osiris, Lord Dune, or Lady Phoenix.

Without Felix knowing, he had already won over the majority of the primogenitors during his journey and accepted him as their own.

This made those six understand that they were outsiders and if they ever had a thought of going against Felix's rules and harming the mortals, it wouldn't end well for them.

"You guys..." Kumiho's expression turned slightly ugly.

"It is what it is," Fenrir uttered expressionlessly.

"Humph!" In the end, Kumiho and her little group engaged to their departure, not wanting to lose face by turning around and joining the other side.

"Are you sure about letting them go without telling them about the elemental techniques and the monolith?" Thor asked.

"Yes, let them brood over it." Felix replied calmly, "When they get the news, they will come back running." Felix had no intentions of begging anyone to join his side...He wasn't lacking in having reliable people around him.

"Elemental techniques? Monolith? What are you on about?" Lady Yggdrasil inquired with an intrigued tone.

Lord Marduk beamed the massive monolith outside and said calmly, "With Lady Sphinx's magnificent collection and mine, we were able to connect the monolith whole at last." When the primogenitors saw it, even Lord Osiris' deadpan expression was moved.

"The inscriptions...They are different!" Cyclope exclaimed in disbelief.

"They aren't different, they are correct." Felixwent on and narrated the whole situation to them, making them understand that the collected monolith was a lexicon guide and that Lord Marduk was able to extract multiple elemental techniques through it.

He also told them that anyone willing to join their side against the eternal kingdom would be bestowed upon newer elemental techniques.

Additionally, based on their performance and activeness in the cause, they would be getting more and more.

"Sounds too tiresome." Lady Phoenix yawned lazily while leaving the gathering, "I don't need them or care about those beings...I will be going back to sleep." "..." Felix's eyelids twitched, already expecting this reaction from her.

'No one is like her.' Thor chuckled, 'She woke up, found out about her purpose, learned about the existence of new elemental techniques, and still prioritized her sleep.

I sometimes doubt how can such a furious raging element be wielded by the laziest primo in the universe.'
