A Mock Battle.

II "Do better." Yet, the paragon merely slapped the spinning axe away like it was a mere toy, not leaving behind a single scratch on her smooth Lavender skin.

"Switch." Unfazed, Felix snapped his finger, and his body swapped with the spinning axe, bringing him closer to the paragon.

'Minimized void domain bullet.' Not giving her time to react, Felix pointed his finger in her direction like a pistol and manifested a tiny pitch-black sphere, resembling a bullet out of the abyss! Then, he fired it out at the lion's symbol, wanting to destroy it and weaken the paragon through the backlash! "Not bad, but not enough." Even though the distance between them was extremely close and Felix's ambush was near perfect, the paragon still managed to easily evade the void domain bullet.

Not giving up, Felix expanded the bullet explosively from behind her, causing the real void domain to emerge and devour anything in its path! "Using my law against me, how funny." The paragon chuckled as she extended her finger at the expanding void domain.

The instant it touched her, the void domain deflated akin to a party balloon and returned to its small size again.

"Here, take it back." The paragon flicked it with her finger, causing the void domain bullet to disappear out of existence and when it emerged again, it was embedded in Felix's palm! He had the palm close to his face and it was twitching from the bullet's released kinetic energy after it failed to penetrate his skin.


Felix ignored the pain in his palm and canceled the minimized void domain...He had a bad grimace on his face as he eyed the paragon.

'As expected, void domain is utterly useless against her.' Felix used the void domain to target the symbol and also to test if his control over the void domain would top her control.

Alas, as the unigin of void laws as well, it was a mere fantasy.

Now, that he had gotten his confirmation, he had no more plans of utilizing it against Nimo's alter ego.

"Time is ticking, I am already 10% stronger." The paragon uttered as she touched her wrist, not bothering to move from her place.

Not responding with words, Felix used his new external neutral energy technique to harness the energy surrounding the paragon! "Destruction blades!" Felix swiftly converted it into an array of destruction swords and blades! These crimson ethereal blades, shimmering with a menacing aura, surged towards the lion pride symbol, intent on cutting it down and halting the paragon's increasing power! The paragon, however, was not caught off guard.


With a fluid motion, she summoned void energy, shaping it into swords that mirrored Felix's.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!! The two sets of swords clashed in mid-air, engaging in a fierce battle of their own.

The sounds of their collision resonated through the room, a symphony of destruction and void energies! 'Not enough!' Amidst this swordfight, Felix shifted tactics...He materialized agadite nuke bullets, loading them into a sniper rifle enhanced by hundreds of electrical rings! The rifle, crackling with energy, became an extension of his will as he fired the bullets toward the paragon and the symbol with deadly precision! The paragon countered with astonishing agility as she manifested hands made of crimson evil energy.

Then, she intercepted the bullets one by one.

Each bullet that made contact with the crimson hands ended up devoured and converted into a corrupted version of itself! 'Explode!' Felix attempted to detonate the bullets externally...Alas, to his surprise, he found that he had also lost command over them post- corruption! The bullets, now tainted with the Paragon's energy, fell under her influence! 'Damn it, it's like fighting against a much more powerful mirror of me.' Felix was left vexed.

Who could blame him? He couldn't utilize illusion elements, poison, void domain, or evil energy, and most of his simple abilities, like the bullets, would get corrupted and fall under her control.

He had so many powers, but against the paragon, she negated most of them, leaving him feeling naked.

The worst part? She was using a single sin law and he had immunity against it! He couldn't even imagine how the battle would be if she didn't cripple herself! 'I can't give up so easily, I have one final move and if it succeeds, then this battle won't be a total disaster.' Felix decided to shift tactics, choosing to engage the Paragon of Sins in close combat.

He gripped his battleaxe tightly, its edge gleaming with a deadly light...The air around him crackled with anticipation as he readied himself for the confrontation.

With a focused intensity, Felix activated his Wisdom Eye and the final level of Truth Vision! His irises turned pitch-black while his pupils gleamed with golden light, hiding more than five reversed triangles inside.

With Felix's current powerful mental energy, he was already capable of reaching the fifth level of his truth vision and keeping it active for as long as he desired! With the truth vision merged with the wisdom vision, his eyes and mind were now in a single frequency.

The eyes allowed him to perceive flaws, openings, and intricacies in the Paragon's combat style, in addition to analyzing and predicting each move she made, turning the battle into a high-stakes chess game of attack and counterattack!! "You want to play up close? Why not." Recognizing Felix's change in strategy, the paragon responded with a display of her formidable power.

She conjured an incarnation of herself, a formidable entity manifested from a swirling mixture of void and evil energy! This spectral doppelganger mirrored her appearance and movements, and in its hands, it wielded a battleaxe similar to Felix's, a dark counterpart to his weapon! Felix wasn't amused at her attempt to fight him with his weapon.

He gave her a cold look and then in a split second, he disappeared and emerged right in front of her face! As he swung his battleaxe with great fervor, the incarnation clashed against him in a downpour of sparks and energy! Felix, with his enhanced vision, moved with precision and agility, each strike and parry calculated to exploit the openings he perceived.

Yet still, the paragon was able to keep up against him, matching blow for blow, and turning her incrantion into a deadly dancer! BOOOOOM!! BOOOOMM!! CRASH!!! The sound of metal against spectral force filled the area and their shockwaves were disastrous enough, mountains leveled, rivers flooded, and forests uphealed!! They were fighting hundreds of kilometers away from the surface, yet, nothing below was able to survive! Meanwhile, Felix maneuvered with a warrior's grace, his battleaxe an extension of his will.

Even when the incarnation was keeping it toe to toe, he didn't have a single thought of despair.

He was instead focusing on analyzing the incarnation's movement and attacks until his mind was starting to visualize a visual future picture of their battle, allowing Felix to predict ten moves if not more! 'She will block, strike with a right, evade to the left, block with both weapons and lastly, counterattack with a kick.' The incarnation moved exactly like the scenario going in his mind, giving Felix more confidence in his battle.

However, he soon realized that if he kept fighting carefully like this, his future predictions would be useless since the paragon's incarnation would be able to overwhelm him with a single attack! The Pride Symbol was like a clock ticking above his head each second, giving him less and less leeway to fight freely.

'I have to commit, now or never!'
