All Out! I The moment he finished his sentence, Felix glanced at the surface of the ocean above and his pupils couldn't help but thin at the sight of the six other forms of Nimo surrounding him from all directions.

Each one received the same triple boost in strength, which meant, Felix wasn't going to be dealing with just one Nimo with above ten million BF, but seven of them! Yet this wasn't even the worst-case scenario...

'The symbols, so many...' Each form had three symbols activated above their head, some that Felix had recognized and some he had never seen before.

"I told you, your boy is in big trouble." The paragon Lilith was the only one laughing inside the dead-silent expanse of Felix's consciousness.

Everyone else was watching with a hint of despair in their eyes, having no clue if it would be even possible for Felix to buy enough time for the last 30%...


"It seems like you have forgotten about me." Foremother Siamese uttered coldly as she joined the fray.


Recognizing the need for an intervention, she tapped into her deep reservoir of elemental energies.

With a focused intensity, Foremother Siamese's body started to shimmer and then, in a spectacular display of power, split into six distinct forms! Each form was a perfect replica of the original, yet each was surrounded by a unique and vivid aura.

The first form was encased in an aura that seemed to warp and bend the light around it.

The second form was enveloped in a pulsating, rhythmic aura...Waves of energy rippled outwards from her, distorting the air and causing the ocean to tremble.

'Vibration element.' Felix recognized the aura immediately as he could never forget his time with the vibration element in the spirit realm.

Yet, the vibration element wasn't even the strangest aura of the bunch! One form glowed with a sinister, greenish hue.


Another one was a chaotic swirling, ever-changing aura, an amalgam of colors and shapes that defied logic and reason.

The fifth form crackled with a fiery, electric energy, and had swirling currents of superheated plasma, radiating intense heat and light! The last form was shrouded in a mystical, ethereal light, representing the element of aether, a rare and powerful energy that transcended the physical realm! "Space, Vibration, Choas, Radiation, Plasma, and Aether!" Thor exclaimed, "I never thought I would see most of the lost elements in play together!" As the consciousness of an entire galaxy, all elements and laws of the universe were under her control inside her territory! Even the elements, which had never seen the day of the light in action due to their primogenitors' disappearance, were under her rulership! 'Felix, I will buy you some time.' As she said this, Foremother Siamese's forms launched themselves at Nimo's forms! Just as Nimo's forms were about to clash with her forms, the chaos utilizer raised her hands, channeling the raw, untamed energy of chaos...With a focused intent, it unleashed the Chaos Warp ability, a power that bent the very fabric of reality itself!! Each pair of forms ended up getting enveloped in a vortex of chaotic energy.

The air around them was distorted and shimmered.

With a sudden, disorienting lurch, each pair was pulled into a different reality – a separate dimension within the intricate maze of a million layers of dimensions that she had created before! Even when Nimo's alter ego had space element immunity, he couldn't resist the chaos' teleportation ability since it bent reality to achieve its target instead of using spatial particles! In these new, isolated realities, each pair was seen standing in front of each other with cold expressions.

The separation was jarring for the sin forms, each now forced to confront its elemental adversary...To make matters worse, they found themselves in a dimension uniquely tailored to empower Foremother Siamese's elements while weakening theirs! The Vibration form battled in a dimension where the very ground and air pulsate with constant, disorienting tremors.

The Radiation form was in a realm filled with a glowing, toxic fog that dulled senses and sapped strength.

The Plasma form engaged in a fiery, storm-ridden world where plasma bolts rained from the sky.

The Aether form confronted its foe in a surreal, dreamlike landscape where the laws of physics seem twisted and fluid.

The Space form grappled in a dimension of warped gravity and spatial anomalies! Still, Nimo's alter ego was more irritated by this than scared.

"Useless efforts." He sneered while canceling his wrath symbol responsible for his forms, causing them to disappear from the prepared dimensions.

He instantly used it again...This resulted in their creation right next to him, voiding all of Foremother Siamese's efforts without wasting a single wish in the process! But neither Foremother Siamese nor Felix were put in despair by this...Foremother Siamese brought back her forms into the battle just as easily and sent them against his forms again, attempting to use the same strategy! This made Nimo's alter ego understand that those two main purposes were to waste his time and eventually cause his core to be devoured.

So, he no longer cared about saving his energy or worrying about what would happen to him if he didn't have the price to pay for his wishes.

He looked at them dead in the eyes and wished out loud with the most sinister tone any of them had heard before.

"I wish to be invincible from all effects and damages in this battle." The water stilled for a moment as the weight of his words settled over the battlefield...The implications of such a wish were immense, promising to tilt the balance of the fight dramatically and instantly! Felix, upon hearing the wish, felt a surge of frustration mixed with despair...He always knew that there was the possibility of Nimo's alter ego, voicing such an overbearing wish.

After all, Felix's immunity simply worked on wishes related to the core and himself.

Nimo could easily desire for anything as long as those two conditions were respected.

"You actually went for it...Aren't you worried about the consequences?" Felix asked, trying his best to buy time.

Too bad, his attempt was ignored as Nimo's alter ego straight out punched him in the face under his other forms activating their sins symbols! Supreme Symbol, Clash of Prides Symbol, Hunger Symbol, Origin Symbol, Dreamworld Symbol, Perfect Imitation Symbol, Temptation Symbol, and the list goes on and on! As these symbols activated, the battlefield became a landscape of chaos and despair! All other six forms turned into humanoid forms and lunged at Felix simultaneously, converging on him in a relentless assault! BOOOM!! BOOOM!!! BOOOM!!!...

Felix, usually a beacon of strength and strategy, found himself getting demolished under their supreme strength! Each of Nimo's shapes brought its unique brand of devastation! The Pride form struck with overwhelming confidence and power, each blow more forceful than the last.

The Sloth form ensnared Felix in tendrils of lethargy, slowing his movements and reactions.

Envy mirrored Felix's fighting style, turning it against him in a cruel twist of fate.

Lust bombarded him with waves of emotional turmoil, using threats and tempting promises mixed in with his attacks.

Gluttony attempted to drain his energy with each contact, using the power of a symbol called Drain Touch.

Felix tried to defend himself, countering with all the skill and power at his disposal.

But for every move he made, the sin shapes had a counter, their combined assault leaving him no room to breathe or plan! His body bore the brunt of their relentless attacks, each hit taking its toll, pushing him to his limits! Meanwhile, Foremother Siamese watched with growing desperation as her attempts to aid Felix proved futile.

Her elemental shapes lashed out with their respective powers, trying to shield Felix, attack the sin forms, or at least create some opening for Felix to recover.

But after Nimo's alter ego wished for invincibility, her once formidable elemental abilities now glanced off harmlessly, unable to make any meaningful impact.

The sight of her powers, which could once bend the forces of nature to her will, being rendered so ineffective was a bitter pill to swallow.

Foremother Siamese's frustration and concern mounted with each passing moment.

She moved with frantic energy, trying strategy after strategy, but nothing seemed to work as Nimo's alter ego's shapes completely dismissed her existence! In the end, she channeled all of her powers into either healing Felix or shielding him, wanting to help mitigate some of the damage just by a little.

Nimo's alter ego wasn't having it any better as he was wakened at last to the harsh reality.

'My sins' effects aren't working on him? How, does he possess sins' immunities? Is that why my wishes haven't worked before?!' Even though Nimo's alter ego was slaughtering Felix, treating him like a soulless doll, he started to get agitated and angered after realizing that most of his sins' effects were failing! His drain touch didn't absorb anything, his lust's temptation mist and control made him seem like a rambling madman, The clash of prides failed to accept Felix as a target, his envy's second symbol, a perfect imitation, failed to copy Felix's abilities and powers, Dreamworld's symbol failed to put Felix into slumber, and the list goes on! 90% of symbols targeting Felix directly turned out to be utterly useless and merely there to waste Nimo's alter ego's energy.

Nimo's alter ego was fighting with purely 10% of his symbols, which were affecting him personally, like the Supreme Symbol, Hunger Symbol, and Rampage Symbol! "You must have used that little runt to desire for them.

No wonder I feel his presence on the brink of disappearance.

After I am through with you, I will make sure to teach him a grave lesson for all the bullshit he put me through because of you!"
