1616 Can't Delay it Any Longer.

"I have never seen this symbol before..."

Even Arthur was taken aback...It was understandable as no one truly knew about all of the paragon of sins' symbols.

Nimo merely had a couple of them unlocked while his awakened version had the majority. Even then, Nimo's alter ego never showed all of his symbols and skills for two reasons.

First, Felix had immunities, and second, Lilith had no interest in destroying Felix right from the get-go.

So, she hid quite a lot of her symbols, powers, and techniques, which couldn't even be comprehended!

"Is this symbol better than perfect imitation? I can't imagine having the powers to create perfect clones in hundreds." Candace remarked with a surprised tone.


"It's neither better nor worse, both have their advantages and limitations. Perfect imitation allows me to imitate the complex powers of much stronger targets. But, I can't imitate more than one target at a time and I lose my powers in the meantime. On the other hand, flawless cloning can be used on lesser complex beings and it can't be used on myself."

Felix anwsered calmly while placing another symbol, but this time above the void-lings, cloning them passively too.

"Interesting, it's like two faces of the same coin," Arthur replied with a hint of desire.

Felix could sense that he wanted to possess this symbol badly due to the spiritual connection he had with them.

He wasn't bothered by it as he knew right from the start that Candace, Arthur, and the rest of the void nation chose his side and invested in him for the sake of their power-ups.

All of them were able to use only one Symbol and if it was possible, he had no problem with adding a couple more symbols in their arsenal.


As long as the universe didn't consider him abusing his powers of course.


Soon, Felix left the wrathful creators' district and was guided to the new place, where the councilmen kept the collected void creatures.

After they reached the place, Felix raised his eyebrows slightly after noticing that there were close to a hundred void nation citizens, using powerful sources of life to keep the void creatures floating in a massive circle.

"Five decades ago, our little god's authority was lifted off the void creatures and they went nuts for any source of life to devour," Arthur explained the scene before him. "We had to do this to keep them in place. Otherwise, they would have started with consuming our empire."

"It's good that you have kept things under control."

Felix nodded for a moment and then instantly appeared next to the astronomical blob of void creatures...He gave it a single look and uttered, "Freeze."

The billions of void creatures froze in place almost instantly like knights listening to a royal decree!

Then, Felix snapped his finger and everyone involved was teleported back to the void nation!

Whether it was the councilmen, the void citizens maintaining the void creatures, or the void creatures themselves...Everyone got blinked!

"Good work, you are excused."

Felix gave a slight head nod at the stunned void citizens and teleported them back to the city while he remained with the others near the palace...Then, he turned to his councilmen and told them that he would like a moment of privacy.Arthur and the rest didn't dare voice a single word of complaint or questioning...They bowed for a moment and left him to his devices.

"Are you going to wish for the truth about Nimo?" Candace inquired with a soft tone.

"Yes, I have delayed it enough." Felix nodded.

While he seemed relaxed and calm, in reality, Felix was nowhere that.

He truly feared from the bottom of his heart to hear that Lilith was bullsh*ing him as always. And that Nimo's soul split was also part of her plan to manipulate him or just to f*ck with him.

Doubts swirled in his mind like a tempest, each one a sharp sting of betrayal and uncertainty.

Determined to seek the truth, Felix called upon the Equal Trade Symbol...As he focused his intent, the symbol began to materialize above him.

Felix spoke firmly into the void, 'I wish to know if Lilith has told me the truth about Nimo's story of splitting his soul. Yes or no?'

The words hung in his mind, charged with the weight of his need for clarity.

"So distrustful." Lilith rolled her eyes at his attempt and continued her sunbathing.

Meanwhile, the green fox glowed brighter, its form pulsating as it absorbed the void creatures as a sacrifice.

Moments passed, the tension palpable as Felix awaited the verdict. Then, the Equal Trade Symbol pulsed once and stopped its devouring process, a clear and unmistakable signal for the conclusion of the trade.

The moment that happened, a genuine smile manifested on Felix's face after the universe delivered its response in his mind...Yes.

It was direct and simple, yet the realization washed over Felix like a wave, bringing with it an overwhelming sense of relief.

In that instant, it felt as if the shattered pieces of his heart, fragmented by betrayal and doubt, began to find their way back to their rightful place.

The heaviness that had burdened his soul lifted slightly, replaced by a budding sense of hope and reassurance.

Felix lowered his head, a silent thank you to the Equal Trade Symbol, which began to fade, its purpose fulfilled.

"I knew that little cutie can't be controlled by that witch." Thor smiled.

"Nimo has always gone against the stream and even attempted to revive you. If he was controlled by Lilith, she wouldn't have wasted this much effort."

Lady Sphinx approved, understanding that if Lilith had a vision of the future, then she would have seen that Felix's revival would happen without needing her intervention.

Still, it was never bad to be safe against her.

"Using the universe as a lie detector is something I never thought I would see in my life." Lord Marduk commentated.

"As long as it works, why not?" Elder Kraken chuckled.

"Are you going to revive him now?" Lady Sphinx asked.

"Yes." Felix nodded.

"Let's hope it works."

The tenants knew that Felix was planning to use a portion of his soul to revive Nimo, so he would completely cut off any relationship he had with Lilith.But, none of them knew if it was going to work. After all, he might come back a different entity due to the soul difference.

"All I can do is install all of my memories I had with him in the wish and hope that the real Nimo will come back."

It was uttered that the origin of a personality was memories and Felix hoped that it would be enough to restore Nimo's identity.

With a resolute breath, Felix materialized a new trade and focused on the symbol above him.

He then spoke his wish internally and made sure to put as many details as possible to reduce the failure rate.

The moment he finished, the green fox's eyes locked onto Felix, its gaze piercing into the depths of his soul.

Then, a piece of Felix's soul began to separate from him, a luminescent wisp that contained the very essence of his life force.

It hovered before him, a glowing testament to his willingness to sacrifice for the sake of his friend.

Meanwhile, the symbol began consuming the void creatures like there was no tomorrow.

Millions were gone in seconds and then billions!

The speed was so terrifying, that Felix began to doubt if even those twenty billion void creatures were enough.

So, he swiftly decided to put some extra measures by cloning those void creatures by the millions, using an insane amount of void energy to pull it off!

Fortunately, Felix had already offered the vessel and the memories, leaving the universe with the least possible amount of work.

So, after the symbol consumed fifteen billion void creatures, it closed its blackhole, and accepted the fragment of Felix's soul, disappearing into its glowing form.

In exchange, a new energy began to manifest, a nascent life force that held the promise of Nimo's return.

'Please work...'

Felix watched with a mixture of hope and apprehension as the energy slowly took shape, forming a vessel suitable for Nimo's return.

When the vessel solidified, it turned into a pitch-black cube. Felix felt a deep connection to it, a bond forged by the piece of himself that now resided within.

The Equal Trade Symbol began to fade, its task completed.

Felix swiftly teleported next to the cube and held it gently in his palms, staring at it with a hint of love and reminiscing on the day he first found Nimo.

The only difference was that now, he could feel a being living within from the first touch...

"I guess I have to feed him again to help him hatch." Felix smiled.

"Can you imagine that when he hatches, he emerges as a rat or another animal?" Thor laughed.

"What if he emerged into a human?" Lord Loki remarked while scratching his chin thoughtfully.




Everyone went radio silent and looked at each other, having a deep sense of dread at the thought of it becoming a reality

The cute Nimo, turning into a human? It was a monstrous thought that sent shivers down their spine.

But at the same time, Nimo was created with a part of Felix's soul, so, the possibility wasn't zero...

'Asna will beat the living sh*t out of him if I restored Nimo to her as a human.' Felix sweated a bit.action
