1622 Creating The Ultimate Cultivation System! III

When Felix glanced at Noah and saw him giving him a questioning look, clearly asking him if he should take a hike too, Felix shook his head.

"I said your condition makes the situation challenging, not impossible...The same applied to Olivia."

Felix would never shy from a challenge, especially when the success rate was correlated to the rest of the humans.

In other words, if he succeeded in giving his friends the ability to create cores, it would be ten times easier to do the same for children, whose genetics were still pure.

Alas, Felix's confidence in his genetic manipulation ended up falling to the bottom of the barrel after he spent the next twenty hours in a never-ending series of failures...

'The hell...I can understand Noah's being too difficult to integrate, but even Olivia? I have tried everything I have learned.' Felix frowned, 'Is it because they are origin bloodliners? Or is it simply impossible to make such a genetic modification without a core organ from the desired race? What am I missing?'


Felix recalled that Lady Sphinx was planning to integrate a Pandion's heart within him to ensure the genetics' integration for the long run...It was the safest option and also the easiest.

But, Felix didn't want to use such a method since he needed the entire cultivation system to work on humans for the next generations to come.

With another unnatural heart involved, it would take humans millions of years if not more to evolve into possessing two hearts for the sake of the cultivation system.

As for Noah and Olivia? It wasn't even an option anymore to surgically add a different heart or another organ.

After becoming origin bloodliners, their bodies were considered near the perfect genetic state and any additional body part would be rejected brutally.

'It must be the origin realm.'


He considered this part to have a big chance of messing with his plans, but he didn't think it would be this bad.

'I guess there is no other option left but to rely on the power of sins.'

Felix decided to take a shortcut, knowing that it might take him years of research if not more if he stayed stubborn about this.

After all, he would need to run hundreds to thousands of experiments to land at the exact perfect condition for the integration.

While it sounded fun, Felix wasn't in the mood to waste time on this when he had bigger problems awaiting him.

So, without hesitation, Felix called upon the Equal Trade symbol, causing Selphie and the others to raise their eyebrows in surprise at the emerging fox symbol above Felix.He spoke his wish into the void of his consciousness, 'I crave a new version of the Pandion's genetic sequence responsible over their neutral core. It should be fully compatible with human physiology.'

This was one of Felix's ace cards in case he failed to integrate the pandion's genetics.

Instead of integrating both races, it was best to wish for an alternative genetic sequence that was befitting of humans, but possessed the same powers as the pandion's core!

The only reason he hadn't done this from the start was the price required.

'As expected, the universe understands the immense value of the wish and made sure to rob me clean.' Felix's eyelids twitched as he sensed the rapid disappearance of the void creatures from a distance.

Close to five billion of them were gone and the symbol didn't seem close to stopping. Just as Felix was about to bolster the number of void creatures to be safe, the transaction was completed at last, leaving him with barely a couple billion void creatures.

But it was worth it!

'This is it.'

A new sequence materialized before Felix, a strand of genetic code that shimmered with an otherworldly light.

It was similar to the original Pandion sequence but subtly altered, refined through the greed of sin's power into something new, something uniquely human.

Felix reached out, his hand passing through the holographic representation as he downloaded the data into his lab's systems.

"This should work, hopefully," Felix said as he cloned the new DNA sequence with his envy laws and left the rest of the work to the machines.

Felix watched intently, his eyes fixed on the monitors that displayed the intricate dance of genetic integration.lights

The clones, still and soulless, were unaware of the profound changes taking place within them.

As the minutes passed, the atmosphere in the lab was one of tense anticipation. Felix monitored every fluctuation, every reaction.

The data began to come in, and slowly, a picture emerged...The sequence was holding; the modifications were taking root without the immediate rejection or complications that had plagued the previous attempt!

The best part? It was working for both Noah and Olivia!

"The integration has succeeded." Felix shared calmly, "The clones should now possess the ability to create their core by absorbing neutral energy."

"Wait? Just like that?" Selphie was startled."Didn't you just say a second ago that it's extremely difficult to achieve it? How could our clones haven't received any mutations or such?" Olivia remarked.

Even Noah gave Felix a questioning look.

"Don't bother with the details."

Felix waved his hand carelessly, having no plans to go into detail about his sins' powers...They already dreaded him enough.

"Your clones haven't received mutations since I have created a new genetic sequence that's more geared for humans and almost unrelated to pandions." Felix anwsered this question though.

"What does that mean?" Olivia was still confused.

'It means humans can have the same powers as pandions without sharing any of their genetic code..." Selphie explained with an astonished look, knowing full well that was something impossible for mortals to achieve.

Even nature couldn't do the same without millions of years of having humans born in the right conditions to evolve in that manner...

It was yet another unexplainable miracle.

"Let's run some tests."

Not wanting to dive into his subject any deeper, Felix brought out the clones from the pods and cleaned them with a snap of a finger.

Then, he ordered them to follow him outside.

Everyone left the laboratory and Felix created a new illusionary area, which was rich with neutral energy and had an accelerated time difference.

Then, he ordered them to start absorbing neutral energy and form their core, following the known steps belonging to the Pandions.

Since no one could copy them, the Pandions' had no fear of sharing their cultivation steps in the open.

"The first step is Core Budding...It can be created only in areas with a high density of neutral energy." Felix shared as he watched a faint glow begin to emanate from the abdomen of each clone.

It was a soft light, yet it held within it the promise of untold power.

The neutral energy, drawn from the surrounding space, was being absorbed into their bodies and funneled toward the point where their new cores were beginning to form.

Noah, Olivia, and Selphie watched withbated breath, their eyes moving between the two clones.

Since time was accelerated, the glow within their clones grew stronger by the second while in reality, the creation of the cores was a delicate process, a balance of absorption, conversion, and containment.

If one was too hasty, he would end up failing and restarting all over again.

As the seconds passed, the glow from their abdomens stabilized, the light dimming to a gentle shimmer.

The core creation was complete!

"First step completed, now to the serious stuff." Felix didn't even smile at this unprecedented achievement, knowing that the true difficulty lay in making the core respond to the elemental affinities!

Something that even Pandions were incapable of doing due to their inability to feel elemental energies!
