1628 Breakthrough To The Origin Realm/The Ascension. II

The paragon's core seemed to work in harmony with the emerging mutations, bending and shaping them to align with the powers of the Paragon of Sins.

As the assimilation reached its zenith, a breathtaking spectacle began to unfold.

From Felix's back, seven magnificent and massive tails emerged, each one a marvel of creation!


This time, Felix felt the pain hit the very essence of his soul, making him grunt out loud.

These were not ordinary tails but majestic draconian appendages, each head adorned with a Sin symbol on its forehead, an emblem of the power it represented!


The faces of the tails bore a resemblance to the animals associated with each sin, from the serpentine visage of envy to the lion-like majesty of pride!

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Whoosh!!...

They moved with a life of their own as they slid through the air freely until they reached the ceiling.

Without an ounce of resistance, the seven dragoniod heads smashed through the ceiling and continued growing until everyone in the void nation was able to see them.

The moment everyone's attention was affixed to them, the seven dragons released a thunderous primal roar...It sounded so deep and shook the very foundations of the void nation!

Citizens far and wide clutched their ears in agony, the roar piercing their minds and souls, compelling them to kneel in involuntary reverence and awe!


The sky itself seemed to tremble at the presence of these magnificent creatures, each head arching back and releasing a roar that was both a challenge to the cosmos and a defiant claim of their newfound place in the universe!

"How heavenly...Each of those tails feels like they possess the strength to rule the universe..."

"Seven Headed Dragoniod Hydra...This is...This is beyond a mutation..."

"It's expected." Lady Sphinx remarked with a solemn tone, "The origin realm signified the birth of a new race with the origin being a human. In Felix's case, it seems like his dragon's DNA, and seven hearts mutation were powerful enough to get involved heavily in shaping his evolution."

Both the runic heart and devourer's heart hadn't made an appearance since they weren't as genetically dominating as the dragon's heart and Elder Kraken's mutation.

As for Lord Loki and the rest of the primogenitors' bloodlines? Some made it and some didn't.

Jurmigander's and Thor's serpentine bodies were taken and used to make the dragons' long bodies, making them resemble eastern dragons.

The scales must be related to Lord Loki's and Carbuncle due to their eathreal appearance and reflective crystallized nature.

Lord Shiva's infamous crack mutation didn't make it as neither Felix nor the dragons possessed them...Nothing was taken off Lady Sphinx or Lord Khoas as well, at least appearance-wise.

As for Felix? His body hadn'tgone through any other drastic changes besides the tattoo on his chest.

They were replaced by a new set of grand, intricate designs that adorned his arms and chest.

These new tattoos were symbolic representations of the seven sins, each exquisitely detailed and imbued with a sense of depth and movement that made them seem almost alive!

On his right arm, Wrath was depicted as a fierce dragon, its scales crackling with lightning. Envy curled like a fluid serpent on his left arm, its skin a tapestry of shifting water patterns.

Sloth was represented on his upper right chest by a thick bear, its form exuding an overbearing aura.Pride dominated the center of his chest, a majestic, roaring lion surrounded by a tumultuous storm, symbolizing its powerful and destructive nature.

Lust, depicted on his lower left chest, was an enchanting goat, its form wrapped in ethereal, illusory veils.

Greed was shown on his right forearm as a glittering, covetous fox...Last but not least, Gluttony, on his left forearm, appeared as a ravenous boar, its maw wide in insatiable hunger.

Each tattoo was a masterpiece, a fusion of celestial art and power that marked Felix's body as a canvas of his newfound dominion over these primordial forces!

Besides those tattoos, Felix's humane body remained free of any kind of mutation...No skin color change, no extra limbs, no scales, no extra eyes, nothing. Just a pure human body resembling any unawakened person.

Just as the ascension was coming to an end as no other mutations manifested and the paragon's core was 99% assimilated into Felix, an extraordinary and somewhat dreadful phenomenon unfolded.

Cling! Cling! Cling!...

From the vast, star-studded expanse of the heavens, celestial golden chains, shimmering with an otherworldly light, descended from the cosmos, reaching down toward Felix and his magnificent seven dragon tails out of nowhere!

The chains moved with a clear purpose as if guided by the will of the universe!

They were majestic and awe-inspiring, yet there was an undeniable force within them, a power that even beings of Felix's stature could not defy.

As the chains approached, the dragon tails, sensing a challenge to their newfound freedom, began to thrash and roar in defiance!

Lightning crackled, water swirled, and poison seethed in resistance, but the celestial chains were unyielding.

With a precision that belied their size, the chains ensnared each tail, wrapping around them in an intricate pattern of containment!

"It's the universe's shackles. It sure doesn't mess around."

Thor uttered with a stern tone as he watched the tails fight back with all their might, their elemental powers lashing out in a desperate bid for freedom.


Felix himself, feeling the encroachment of these heavenly bindings, exerted his formidable strength against them, his body surging with the raw energy of the sins and the elements.

Even when he knew what was about to come, his will was still incapable of accepting getting shackled by anything.lights

Alas...Despite their resistance, the chains held firm, their grip tightening as they bound Felix and his draconic extensions.

In the end,as suddenly as they had appeared, the chains dissolved into golden motes of light, disappearing back into the heavens, leaving Felix and the tails free once again.

However, the message was clear and irrevocable.

Despite his ascension and immense power, Felix was now part of the cosmic order, bound by the laws and will of the universe.

If he dared abuse his powers, the same chains would befall him and this time, the experience wouldn't be just uncomfortable, but an agonizing hell!

While Felix was still feeling dread at the notion of his every action being judged and sanctioned by the universe, another person was on cloud nine.

"Those pesky shackles have been gotten off me at last, what a hassle."

In Asna's core, Lilith could be seen sitting on her throne as she watched the fading celestial golden chains with a faint cold smirk.

They turned into golden mots and faded out of existence, freeing her at last of her duties as the guardian of the void and seven sins.

As Lord Hades said, there couldn't be two guardians of the same laws under the universe's payroll.What did this mean to Lilith? Would she lose her powers and gifts too? Or she wouldn't be affected in the slightest...Only she knows.

Back to Felix...

After the shackles disappeared, the rise was marked as finished and Felix had become the new Paragon of Sins and Guardian of The Seven Desires and Void Laws!

For such a historical and defining moment in the annals of the cosmos, the universe itself seemed to accredit his ascension.

Across the myriad dimensions, from the ethereal planes of the spirit domain to the mysterious depths of the shadow realm, from the majestic expanse of the eternal kingdom to the enigmatic quantum realm, and even within the sprawling void realm and the virtual landscapes of the UVR, a singular, thunderous clap resounded.


The sound was immense, reverberating through every corner of existence, bypassing the barriers between realms and dimensions!!

On the mortal planes, the clap's impact was more pronounced. People from all walks of life, engaged in their daily routines, were startled as the sound filled their ears.

In cities and villages alike, the clap caused momentary chaos. Vehicles screeched to a halt, pedestrians stumbled, and everyday activities were thrown into disarray.

Some accidents occurred, minor yet jarring, as the inhabitants of these realms processed the unexpected and overwhelming phenomenon.

Selphie, Olivia, Bodidi, Malak, Zosia, and the rest of Felix's close ones all figured that the clap was related to him as he was the sole person spamming them nonstop like he had them on command.

All they could do was pray for his well-being and wish him good luck in his future endeavors.

Meanwhile, in the spirit realm, ethereal creatures paused, their forms rippling with the shockwave of the sound.

Noah even paused his journey midway and glanced behind his back with a look of pride on his face...Then, he turned around and carried on with his search without saying much.

As for Carbuncle? He was caught tending his garden with his wife by the thunderclap, making him glance upward with a wide grin.

"Give them hell, little one."

"Honey? What was that?"

"Don't worry about it." Carbuncle chuckled, "It was nothing but the announcement of one birth and the death of many."

Meanwhile, Lord Hades' expression was as unmoving as ever...He poured himself a cup of tea in his throne chamber and took a small sip as he gazed into the sky as well.

'It's about to get hectic up there.'

Just like he had anticipated it, the unigin dwelling in the eternal kingdom had their usual poise disrupted by the sheer force of the clap.

High above in his palace of thunder and lightning, Ruler Zeus paused in his celestial duties.

His eyes, usually crackling with electric energy, turned contemplatively towards the distant horizon of the universe...A sense of anticipation, a rare feeling for a being as ancient and powerful as he, settled over him.

In another corner of the city light and darkness, Apollo ceased his harmonious strumming on a lyre made of starlight...His face, usually alight with the joy of creation and beauty, was now marked by cheerfulness and eagerness.

He gazed upwards, his golden eyes reflecting the vastness of space.

Elsewhere, Eris, the unigin of Chaos and Order, stood surrounded by her ethereal library, the knowledge of ages swirling around her.

She looked up from her ancient texts, her penetrating gaze piercing through the veils of reality, sensing the shift that was taking place...But soon, she gazed down, unbothered.

Hephaestus, Demeter, Artemis, Poseidon, and more such powerful god-like creatures had their unique reaction to the thunderous clap.

From their various domains, they each felt the ripple of change emanating from the rise of a new power in the cosmos.

Then, as if connected by an invisible thread of understanding, they all spoke in unison, their voices a chorus that transcended the boundaries of their realm.

"He is coming..."

They uttered, their words echoing through the infinite divine expanse of the Eternal Kingdom.

This phrase, simple yet laden with meaning, marked the beginning of the end...
