1640 The Gathering of The Hunters. I

As the aftermath of the battle settled, Hephaestus descended from the sky, landing next to Apollo with an expression seething with fury.

In a sudden burst of anger, Hephaestus turned towards Apollo, his hand tightening on his divine hammer, which was returning to its metallic luster after he deactivated the radiant divinity lockdown.

He had already lost more than 95% of the divinity stored in his hammer and he didn't want to lose the remaining 5%.

"You let him escape!" he roared, his voice echoing with the force of a volcanic eruption.

He lunged at Apollo, intending to unleash his frustration on the god of light and darkness, having no intentions of blaming his own failure.

But Apollo, ever graceful and composed, effortlessly evaded Hephaestus's assault with a fluid, dance-like movement.


He looked at Hephaestus with a thrilled expression, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Come now, Hephaestus, no need for such hostility," Apollo chided gently, his voice a soothing melody in contrast to Hephaestus's thunderous anger.

With a mischievous smile, Apollo held up his divine lyre, still resonating with the last notes of the music he had played during the battle.

"Tell me, what did you think of my performance? I must say, I believe it was one of my best scores yet. The intensity, the drama – Ahhh!!! I feel like I am about to reach an artistic orgasm!"

"It was quite the spectacle, don't you agree?" He asked, his cheeks flushed red and his demeanor unbothered by the tension in the air.

"You...You...You useless lunatic, why are you even here..."


Hephaestus felt like a waterflow of helplessness washed over him after realizing that he was dealing with the sickest and most eccentric unigin in the realm.historical

Even when Felix was at his most vulnerable and a single decision from him would have either promoted him or Hephaestus to an upper celestial, he gave up on it for the sake of finishing his score...

"You have some explaining to do for the three rulers." Hephaestus sneered coldly, "I dare you to bring up your score to them."

Without bothering to waste his time on Apollo or go on a wild search for Felix, Hephaestus packed up and swiftly flew back at his top speed toward his territory.

Failing to capture Felix stung him like hell and made him sick in his stomach, but if he lost his territory also? He would truly be left with no tears to cry.

Fortunately for him, Posedian and the others had no clue that he was bold enough to leave his territory unprotected and camp out the gate...Hephaestus was smart enough to not leave marks or trails of his plan.

Even the prepared stars were created in his territory on the low and he moved them the moment Felix entered the eternal kingdom.

Since all unigins possessed equal spiritual pressure, they could not spy on each other from a distance.So, no one bothered to make a move on his territory and focused on coming to the gate.

Rumble!!! Rumble!!!

Suddenly, with a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder, Zeus manifested before Hephaestus, halting him in his tracks.

Zeus, with a commanding presence and an air of authority, looked intently at Hephaestus.

"Was it you who battled the human?" He inquired, his deep voice resonating with the power that befits his status. His eyes, sharp and piercing, sought to gauge the truth of the recent events.

Hephaestus, still seething with frustration and not in the mood for conversation, barely glanced at Zeus.

"Ask him."

He gesticulated with an irritating look at Apollo and then continued on his path, brushing past the thunder sovereign.


Zeus left him be after noticing that he didn't own Asna's core. Then, he turned his attention to Apollo.

Descending gracefully to meet him, Zeus sought insight into the events that had unfolded.

"Brother Zeus, if only your territory was a bit closer, you wouldn't have missed such theatrical drama...Ahhh, I feel goosebumps at the thought of it."

"Do tell." Zeus requested calmly, his arm resting on his lightning-

shaped golden weapon.lights

Apollo, with his usual flair and eloquence, commenced to narrate the tale without an ounce of hesitation.

He described the clash of titans, the music that echoed the intensity of their battle, and the dramatic escape of Felix.

Apollo's recounting was vivid and detailed, painting a picture of the epic confrontation with his words.

Zeus listened intently, his expression a mix of intrigue and contemplation.

He knew that it wouldn't be easy to take down Felix with Lilith's irritating powers even if he was the worst utilizer of sins laws. But still, to hear that Hephaestus had faltered after such a considerable amount of preparation, surprised him a bit.

As Apollo concluded his narrative, Zeus was left to ponder the ramifications of what had transpired.

"As expected, he is still greatly inexperienced, otherwise, Hephaestus would be the one seeking a way to escape." Zeus murmured calmly as he rubbed his grayed-out thick beard, "This is the best chance to deal with him and retrieve Asna's core...But.""I know what you are thinking. If only there was a way to keep my territory protected while I seek him out." Apollo chuckled as he floated around Zeus on his darkness cloud.

Zeus didn't respond, but his silence was confirmation of itself.

Apollo was right.

It would have been much easier to hunt down Felix across the entire landscape of the eternal kingdom if they trusted their peers to not conquer their territories while they were away.

Since the eternal kingdom spanned for infinity, Felix could literally be billions of light years away.

None of them was dumb to go through the trouble of hunting down Felix while leaving their territories for grabs.

"Even if the three rulers and the celestial council make a statement to keep our territories conquest free during the hunt, I doubt anyone will respect the decision," Apollo said while fine-tuning his latest score.

"I know, I won't." Zeus concurred composedly.

It wasn't like the unigins hadn't thought about making a temporary truce until the hunt ended...But, none of them trusted each other in the slightest and treated their words as empty as the void.

While primogenitors cared about their reputation and honor, forcing them to maintain their word and promises, the unigins reached the final state of not giving a f*ck.

They listen to no one against their will and would not let something as 'honor' or 'word' affect their decisions.

Even the three rulers could not order them around...Especially, now more than ever due to the lack of celestial energy, which affected the three rulers' authority immensely.

After all, they could not afford to banish another unigin outside of the eternal kingdom. It wasn't like they couldn't, but if they proceeded for it, it would set their plan god knows how many more eons.

The unigins knew this more than anyone else.

Still, since they also sought to get their freedom or fulfill their curiosity of knowing what was on the other side, they were playing ball with the three rulers and the eternal kingdom's rules.

Feeding them their collected celestial energy for a percentage of their divinities...Win, win for both parties.

This was also one of the reasons why the three rulers hadn't taken all the celestial energy for themselves, knowing that not a single unigin would watch them act this brazenly without repercussions, even if the unigins couldn't even absorb celestial energy without it turned into a divinity first.

An alliance of unigins wasn't to be underestimated in the slightest and the three rulers knew better.

After some time, the rest of the unigins commenced appearing one by one near Apollo and Zeus.

Artemis appeared first, materializing in a shimmer of olive leaves and wisdom...Her green robes were adorned with golden wheat sheaves, her expression serene yet powerful, like nature itself.

Next came Poseidon, emerging from a swirl of seafoam and oceanic might...His towering presence was marked by deep blue robes that flowed like the tides, and his divine trident, a symbol of his dominion over the seas, glinted with the mysteries of the deep.

Following him was Demeter, manifesting her beautiful curvy form from the dirt on the ground, radiating with the essence of the toughness of earth.

Aeolus, the master of winds, drifted in on a gentle zephyr...His form was ethereal, almost translucent, with a long coat that fluttered in unseen breezes, and his eyes sparkled with the playfulness of the changing winds.

Lastly, Athena stepped into the scene, materializing with the beauty and the grace of diamonds...Her attire was a blend of silvers and gold, and she carried a crystalized bow on her back without a single arrow in sight.

As these unigins grouped up with Zeus and Apollo, their collective presence appended a new dimension to the gathering.

Each deity's distinct appearance and aura contributed to the diversity and strength of this divine assembly.

"As expected, it was that stubborn bastard who was fighting the human," Poseidon uttered coldly the moment he noticed his rival's absence.
