1681 The DreamRealm!

At the moment of the infernal setting off in the unigins' territories, Zeus and Poseidon could be seen having ugly expressions as they gazed at Felix's back.

"You....What have you done!" Poseidon yelled at Felix with bloodshot eyes, feeling like his hard work in doubling his territory was going to waste.

"What I should have done long ago," Felix remarked nonchalantly, unbothered by their killing intent.

"This isn't over! You hear me!"

Just as they prepared to disengage, driven by a growing sense of urgency toward the inferno consuming their realms, the Equal Trade Symbol flared to life with a quiet intensity.

Unseen by them but potent in its influence, it enveloped Zeus and Poseidon in its enigmatic glow!


"You dare..."

In the blink of an eye, before their intentions could manifest into action, the symbol activated its power.

The dimension around them dissolved into a stream of light, and they found themselves standing within a domain where the boundaries of reality blurred into the surreal.

"Is this..."

"The DreamRealm."

Zeus continued with a deep frown as he observed the land steeped in weirdness, randomness, and unbridled fantasy.


Here, the impossible became possible, and the imaginable took form, creating a landscape that defied logic and reason.

Towering mountains abruptly gave way to vast oceans suspended in the sky, while forests of luminous trees sang with the voices of forgotten legends.

Castles made of whispers float atop clouds of vibrant hues, and creatures of myth roamed freely, embodying the essence of dreams and nightmares alike.

In this realm, time and space were twisted and folded in whimsical patterns, where a step forward might transport one across worlds or into the heart of a dream yet untold!

"Welcome to my DreamRealm."

Abruptly, Felix manifested in front of them while standing above a marshmallow cloud and carrying Hephaestus's divine hammer on his shoulder.

"You are truly courting death." Zeus uttered coldly, "You have burned most of the released celestial energy in the kingdom and still dare to trot around instead of running away.""If you think the three rulers are going to show you mercy to save up on celestial energy, you are out of your mind." Poseidon remarked while pointing his trident toward Felix, "You are a walking corpse."

"Maybe," Felix replied with an unfazed look, "Maybe this might be the last for me, but at the moment, I think you should be worrying over yourselves."

Zeus and Poseidon glanced at each other for a moment...They saw the tint of dread hidden in their eyes as they knew that their current situation was indeed not favorable.

While they had never entered Lilith's DreamRealm, which was many ranks higher than the Dreamworld, they understood that it acted more or less the same as being in a domain.

In other words, they were currently in Felix's domain and this enabled him to utilize territorial pressure on them!

However, this didn't frighten them to the point of falling on their knees and begging Felix for mercy.

They still had a massive quantity of divinities after just getting bestowed upon.

"Boy, you think we don't know about the strengths and weaknesses of the DreamRealm Sin-Symbolic Technique?" Zeus sneered.

"DreamRealm is a powerful domain that can exist in the matter universe, but we know that it requires a massive quantity of dreams to sustain its existence and powers." Poseidon remarked, "Even if you put your void citizens into slumber and used their dreams as its fuel, it is still not enough to let you have that much of god's control."

Indeed, the Dreamrealm was a domain where the rules of reality bowed to the whims of its creator, but that's only if he could afford the price of his wishes.

This technique was one of Lilith's masterpieces and it was created out of the combination of four symbols, The Dreamworld symbol(Sloth), The Hunger symbol(Gluttony), God's Complex(Pride), and last but not least, The Equal Trade Symbol(Greed).

Each of those symbols served a massive role in creating the realm.

The dreamworld was the foundation.

The hunger symbol acted as the devourer of the dreams and transformed them into fuel to sustain their existence.

God's Complex allowed Felix to turn into a godly being in a limited capacity depending on his own belief in his inner god.

The Equal Trade symbol was transformed into a wishing device that Felix used to pay for the dreams of the realm's inhabitants.

In other words, as long as people were entering his realm through their dreams, he could wish for anything inside his realm as long as the effects remained in the realm.

Right now, all the void citizens besides Candace were put into a deep slumber and could be said to exist in the dream realm through their dreams...However, they had no idea about this and believed to be dreaming as normal.

The only way to truly enter the Dreamrealm and walk upon the dreams of others was if Felix allowed them to."How about you test it out?" Felix said with a faint mocking smile.

Poseidon and Zeus didn't like Felix's smug look and it made their hearts skip a beat.

'He is bluffing...'

'He shouldn't have enough dreams to remove the exis...'

Zeus and Poseidon were abruptly halted mid-thought. Their faces twisted with a blend of terror, astonishment, and uncertainty as they realized that their divinities had suddenly ceased to function!

No matter how much they called on them and which type they chose, they all ignored their calls!magic


"Impossible...The number of dreams required to eliminate divinities from your domain is unattainable, not just in a century but even in millions of years!!"

"You're right." Felix showed a sinister smile as he applauded his hands. "That's why I brought those with me."

Upon clapping, the pink clouds parted to reveal distant, astronomical jelly-like cubes with millions of ruined planets within them.

The moment Zeus and Poseidon saw them, it finally clicked in their minds.

"The Dreamers...You utilized the consumed dreams of the mortals." Zeus murmured, realizing that those Dreamers must have consumed trillions of dreams in their eternal journey!

After all, they had existed ever since the Primogenitors Era, and god knows how many civilizations had fallen under their slumbering spell.

While there were no more people inside them since Felix had freed everyone who got devoured many years ago, the absorbed dreams were still there!

This gave him a massive amount of fuel to power his Dreamrealm in addition to fulfilling some of his wishes.

The biggest wish he made was the removal of divinities and celestial flames from his realm, which would make it impossible for even the three rulers to utilize them in his realm!

If it was up to him, he would have removed even the water and lighting laws, turning those two unigins into helpless victims.

But, he knew that he could not waste whatever was left of his dreams if he wanted the rest of his plan to work.

This Dreamrealm wasn't considered a masterpiece for no reason. It acted in the same manner as one of Eris' realities, where she had complete control over it.

This was what Eris meant when she said he needed to ask Lilith about dealing with divinities and celestial flames, as she understood Lilith was capable of bypassing them too.

"You sure have planned this to perfection, I give you that." Zeus stated with a cold tone while transforming his spear into a beacon of electricity, "But, this means you also can't rely on your celestial flames."

The Dreamrealm's wishes related to the environment and everyone was under its effects even Felix...This also applied to Eris' realities as the moment she removed the concept of pain for the citizens, she also could no longer feel it.

"I know." Still, Felix was unfazed by this.

He engulfed his divine hammer in purplish flames while his other hand carried a sword made out of concentrated void energy.

Then, he commented coldly, "The only difference between us is that I don't need celestial powers to beat the living sh*t of you."
