1704 The Great Chase!

Apollo, his face a mask of sheer terror, darted through the void at a hundred times the speed of light with Felix limp in his arms. Felix, barely hanging on to consciousness, noticed the panic etched deep in Apollo's usually playful features.

"Why..." Felix's voice was a raspy whisper, trailing off as he struggled to form a coherent question.

"Just hang on, superstar," Apollo urged, his voice trembling as he glanced back, ensuring they weren't being followed by Uranus. "I've got you, but we need to move fast."

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Felix attempted to nod, his mind foggy, feeling the last strands of his strength slipping away.

He wanted to ask more, to understand why Apollo, of all beings, had intervened. But the effort was too much...His eyelids grew unbearably heavy, the darkness of unconsciousness creeping in at the edges of his vision.

"Don't try to talk," Apollo said, his voice calming. "Save your strength. I promise I'll explain everything later. Just...just try to rest now."


He knew that Felix had a deep mistrust of unigins or anyone, to be honest, after what Lilith had done to him.

Therefore, his panic was not entirely due to upsetting Uranus, but also due to the fear that Felix might commit soul implosion or something similar.

Fortunately, Apollo's words did comfort some of Felix's misgivings.

As his voice faded into the background, Felix felt a strange sense of peace. His body, ravaged by battle and pushed beyond limits, could no longer sustain his will to stay awake.

With a final effort, he tried to muster gratitude, a silent thank you to the deity risking everything for him, but even that was too much.

His consciousness drifted away, surrendering to the deep, engulfing silence, as Apollo continued their flight through the void, away from the imminent threat of Uranus's wrath...


If he possessed his sanity and a bit of strength, he wouldn't have trusted his limp body to Apollo not in a million years.

Even when logic dictated that Apollo would never do all of this just to bring him back to the three rulers. After all, Felix's fate could be said to have been sealed the moment he fell into the hands of Uranus.

Even his last attempt at killing himself wasn't guaranteed to work as there was no way Uranus would be stupid enough to not have prepared to counter it.

With the kind of laws under his control, there were quite many ways to stop a core's implosion or at least mitigate it.'Good work, Apollo, you have stopped him from doing something drastic and unnecessary. Now, bring the child and Asna's core home and you will be heavily rewarded.'

Suddenly, the first ruler's ominous calm voice resounded in Apollo's mind.

He felt shivers coursing down his spine immediately as he felt like the first ruler was giving him one final chance to redeem himself by acting dumb.

All he had to do was bring back Felix, and his traitorous attempt would be erased from their minds...At least, this was what he read from the ruler's statement.


Just as he was about to reply, the darkside Apollo took control, causing Apollo's expression to turn cold.

'Retain your meaningless rewards. My ambitions soar beyond what you can comprehend.' He replied without an ounce of respect.

'So, it was you behind this, figures.' The third ruler Amun-Ra uttered with an icy tone.

'Apollo, we know what you desire, we always knew.' The second ruler enticed, her voice as soft as a marshmallow, 'How about this? After we leave to the other side, we will give you our blessings to carry on with your plans interrupted.'

'You think I am as dumb as him?' Apollo's darkside sneered, unbothered by his right eyelids twitching, 'There is no way the great rulers would give up on the universe's control and domination even if you gain access to the other side.'




The three rulers remained silent, unable to retort.

He was correct in his assumption as the three rulers had no clue what was on the other side. Thus, even if they gained access to it, they would make sure to stay connected to the universe in case the other side wasn't as promising as they had anticipated.

'Is this your final choice? Are you genuinely going to make enemies of us? Think ca...'

'Kekekeke! If you knew about my goal, you would understand I was always destined to go against you.' Apollo's darkside gave out a horrifying laugh that would put children out instantly.

'We deeply hope you won't regret your choice.' With one last ominous remark, the three rulers dropped the matter.

Never in their endless existence had they imagined a day where they would find themselves pleading with another.

Should he choose defiance and betrayal, then so be it. He would merely become a speck of dust to be brushed off their path.

After the communications were cut off, Apollo's cold face became pale all of a sudden like he had just witnessed his death prematurely.

"We are so f*cked...f*cked, I tell you." He murmured with a dazed expression, resembling a soulless doll.

'Cease your complaints,' Apollo's darker aspect remarked coolly. 'We embody both light and shadow. Without our presence, neither life nor death would hold meaning; we are the foundation upon which existence is built. As for the rulers and the higher unigins? They'd be lost without our guidance, unable to discern their way.'

'All I know is that you will be the death of us.' Apollo let out a long exhale in resignation, understanding that what's done is done.

They have burnt all bridges with the eternal kingdom and this left him with one path, whether he loved it or not.

'Let's get our superstar to safety.' He narrowed his eyes in focus as he sped up toward a void portal in the distance.

He knew that as long as he remained in the emptiness realm, there was a big chance of getting caught by Uranus.

That's because, in this domain of nothingness, where the rules of reality were thin, all unigins shared a near-equal velocity, their powers allowing them to traverse the vastness at staggering speeds.

As expected,Uranus managed to keep pace with Apollo's urgent flight through the endless expanse of the void realm.

"APPPOOOLLLO!!! I SWEAR ON THE UNIVERSE'S LOST SOUL I WILL RUIN YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP!" He shouted with bloodshot eyes while using his vibrational control to send his voice booming across the void realm.

Alas, he knew deep down that by the time his voice reached Apollo, he would already be sipping tea somewhere in the universe.

He was acutely aware of the precarious balance of this chase; the void realm leveled their playing field, but beyond its borders, Apollo's mastery over light could grant him an unmatchable escape velocity.

As they raced across the void, the gap between them remained frustratingly consistent, neither gaining nor losing ground.

Uranus pushed himself, his presence slicing through the emptiness like a ship through cosmic seas, yet Apollo's silhouette remained just out of reach, a beacon of desperation flickering in the darkness.

The moment came when Apollo neared a emptiness portal, the threshold between the dark expanse and the wider universe beyond.

Uranus sensed the impending shift, a critical juncture where the chase could slip from his grasp...His determination never wavered, even as he braced for the inevitable.

As Apollo pierced the veil of the emptiness realm, he turned into a flash of light and his speed transcended the imaginable, becoming a mere streak of brilliance that vanished into the vastness of space!

Uranus, reaching the edge of the emptiness realm, could only watch as Apollo's light faded into the distance, the gap between them widening into an insurmountable chasm.

'I ain't letting you go!'
