Chapter 76   - Brush with Death

The shining mana signature was closing in at a speed that defied common sense. There was no time to organize or focus on his intentions.

All the flowing Water mana inside his being burst out. It wasn’t a spell, just a tide of energy with barely any direction.

A wall of water condensed around him, starting to fall apart as it was created. The beast swooping down hesitated for the briefest time but continued its attack. Kai could feel the ripple spreading through the water shield, slowing the attack an instant more. His sword was in position.

Impact. Even with Empower boosting his body, he was slowly getting overwhelmed. He was back in the storm, his body tossed around by forces much greater than him. His left hand joined the hilt to avoid his own sword slamming into his head. Pushing even more mana into his arms, he reached a stalemate. The bones in his wrist felt about to crack. He held on.

An instant stretched to an eternity. Finally, the pressure suddenly lightened and disappeared. The dark brown form flew past him.


His back was drenched in sweat, his body groaning in pain for abusing Empower. Adrenaline started pumping in his veins, and any thought apart from survival was put aside.

I need to keep my eyes on the threat.

The mana signature was almost out of his range. He turned around. Large wings, curved beak, sharp talons. He only managed a peek at the biggest bird of prey he had ever seen before it disappeared into the green canopies. He had no idea what species it was—maybe an eagle judging from the size. What was sure was that it was preparing for another attack.

He gulped down the healing potion he kept in his pocket for emergencies. It was his greatest success, peak red-tier, achieved through a series of lucky coincidences. The effects began spreading through his body. His mind raced, fast, clear, focused. He had to analyze, the situation if he wanted to get out of this alive.

Running wasn’t an option, it would only make him an easier target. He was deep into the Veeryd jungle and too slow and exhausted to reach anywhere safe.

Fighting? His elemental reserves of Nature and Water were gone, and he certainly didn’t have time to refill them. His right hand wasn’t moving properly. Something must have broken or at least cracked. The potion might help, but it needed time to heal that kind of injury. Hopefully, his bones were aligned, or it might create more problems down the line. That wasn’t something he could worry about right now.


I can maybe parry another attack, but this isn't a battle I can win.

He knew too little about his opponent. How many more swoops could it do? Kai had no idea, but it was likely a number bigger than one or two. If he got a lucky hit, there might be a chance. Was it worth betting his life on that?

The longer he stalled, the more time the healing potion had to do its job. Kai positioned his back to the tree where the overgrown rodent had made its den. His senses and sword were ready. The carcass of his first opponent a meter from him. Was it all a coincidence?

No. The damn bird waited for us to battle each other and swooped in to reap the rewards.

Was that why the rodent had been hiding in a hole? It knew it was being hunted. It could also explain why the beast went berserk when he forced it out of its hiding.

I should have realized it sooner. Dam— Where the fuck is Elijah!? Did he leave me here to die?

That didn’t make sense. Their relationship might be ‘complicated’, but he was sure Elijah didn’t want him dead.

He’s probably enjoying the show hidden in the shadows of some tree.

Did he send me here knowing there were two beasts?

Now, that was far more likely. It sounded exactly like something the man would do. There probably was some dumb lesson he wanted to teach him. Kai would bet his right arm a long lecture was waiting for him, if he survived this encounter.

If he lowered his sword and gave up, Elijah would certainly help him. Had he not done enough already? He defeated a beast and survived the ambush of a second one. He wa—

An ear-piercing screech. The bird had lost its patience. Kai wasn’t caught off guard this time. Mana Sense was thrown like a net in front of him. The presence was coming from his right. Empower surged through his body. His blade covered his vital points ready to intercept. He braced for impact.

It was like trying to parry a cannonball with his blade. The world slowed down and darkened. Two massive wings covered most of the light. The yellow eyes of the predator crossed his. A crown of feathers atop its head. He could feel its smug confidence, but the ruffled currents in its mana vein spoke of anger and irritation.

Talons met steel. Kai knew he wasn’t going to be the one to emerge victorious. The razor-sharp talons brimmed with blinding mana, having no problem meeting his blade head-on.

The attack seemed slightly weaker. He twisted his blade to deflect it. He used his left hand to bear the brunt of the attack, but he couldn’t afford to spare any effort. The feeble healing of the potion was quickly undone. Something in his right hand shattered. The pain shot up his arm, but he gritted his teeth and held on.

Thank the spirits, the force of the charge was depleted. Kai could see the uncertainty in the eagle’s eyes. Up close, he noticed a streak of crimson marring the dark brown plumage. He must have injured it in the first swoop.

It was the perfect moment for a follow-up attack, but his arms refused to move. The stupid bird looked unwilling to engage in close combat, quickly creating distance when its attack failed.

He had lost his chance.

It took a few seconds before his limbs listened to commands again. It hurt, but it wasn’t the agony he expected. There were more healing potions in his satchel, but what for? His excessive use of Empower was drying up his unattuned reserve. The skill was the only thing that kept him on his feet. As soon as he ran out, he was dead.

The next attack would push him below the safety threshold and that was counting on his arms not failing him. The eagle might be hurt, but it looked closer to a graze than a fatal wound. It didn’t look like the paralytic poison was having much of an effect.

Fuck! I should have used all the poisons I brought.

If he kept going, the only result would be wounding himself further. Unless the eagle decided to impale itself on his sword, he didn’t see any chance of victory.

If only I had time to heal and replenish my mana.

His eyes fell on the dead rodent resting a meter from him. An idea forming in his head. Kai stepped over the carcass, dramatically screaming at the sky and waving his sword with his right hand.

This is stupid, but it’s the best I’ve got.

“Fine. You win! Take it and leave!”

Giving the green canopies one last hateful look, Kai jumped into the rodent’s burrow. He landed with his back on a root.

Fuck me! **** ** ******

Biting his cheek, he made his way deeper in. Dozens of roots poked out at weird angles blocking his way. Some were marked with traces of blood.

Right, my spell. This must be karma.

The den wasn’t deep. Luckily his body wasn’t big either. Huddling amidst the gnarly roots, he kept his blade pointed toward the exit. The entrance was within arm’s length. Gathering his Earth mana, Kai compacted the ground to make more space and shrink the entrance.

That will have to do.

If he couldn’t fight and he couldn’t run, the only option was to hide. The eagle had looked unwilling to engage in close combat in the open. The chances it would come in such a close space were none.

A series of angry screeches resounded from outside. Kai got himself more comfortable, leisurely going through the potions he had remaining in his satchel. He drank a couple and prepared to wait.

The stupid bird sounded more and more furious. “Be silent birdy. I’m trying to rest here.”

The eagle might not understand his words, but it seemed it got his mocking tone. The swooshing of the wind confirmed the beast had decided to land. The shining mana form of the bird was stomping on the ground a few meters from the tree.

As the adrenaline started to leave his body, the pain began to make itself known. He was glad there wasn’t enough light to look at the state of his right hand. From how much it hurt, it couldn’t be any good.

Dora is going to scold me again.

His left hand fiddled with an empty vial, Kai wondered what were the chances his plan would work. Not high, maybe one out of five or six? When the bargaining chip was half a silver mesar and not his life, taking a bet didn’t seem as bad.

Elijah should be proud I didn’t give up.

A minute later, the shrill cries of the beast started to calm down.

Maybe one in four?

As he had hoped, the eagle wasn’t willing to wait idly by. With a bloody awakened carcass, it was only a question of time before another predator came to scavenge. Adding that it was wounded, the bird decided to cut its losses and secure the prize. A gust reached his hiding place as the beast lifted the dead rodent in the air.

One in three.

Kai was quite sure the beast was gone. He focused on his mana recovery. Nature and Earth looked particularly plentiful, even if the density was lower than at the estate.

Why take a risk when it wasn’t necessary? His position was extremely uncomfortable, with many roots digging into his body and piercing pain when he moved his right hand.

Damn, the indomitable hero bullshit. I should have brewed a painkiller. This sucks.

Little by little, focusing on his breathing, Kai managed to enter Meditation. The elemental motes around him became more distinct and the agony in his hand easier to ignore.

“Come out, Kai. The bad bird is gone.” Elijah called.

Damn, butler.

Despite his choice of words, his tone didn’t contain the usual mocking note.

His body was sore and numb due to his awkward position. He could slowly crawl out of the hole covered in dirt, or… His mana was around 90% full, with an abundance of Earth and Nature. The roots twisted out of the way, moments later a wave of dirt exploded from the hole, enlarging the entrance to a more comfortable size.

With a weak burst of Empower to wake his limbs, Kai marched outside with all the dignity he could muster.

“Did you call for me?”

Elijah looked at him unimpressed. To Kai’s great disappointment, not a speck of dirt marred the butler’s clothes.

“Was that necessary?” He asked flatly.

“Was it necessary to pit me against a far stronger beast on my first outing?” Kai glared. That had been damn scary.

The butler seemed about to say something. His mouth opened, no words came out.

“I didn’t think you would try to fight it.”

A vein popped on Kai’s head. “Did you expect me to watch as it tore me apart?”

“Actually, I expected you to freeze or not react in time. Then I would intervene, cut the bird in half, and explain what you did wrong.” Elijah calmly explained.

Kai was speechless.

“You surpassed my expectations, brat. You did well.”

Silence stretched as Kai’s brain tried to find an appropriate response. He had not expected this level of bluntness and honesty.

What is this warm feeling in my chest? Begone! Go back to the shadows from whence you came!

“Anyway, what grade was that stupid bird and where did it go?”

Elijah smiled. “Why? Do you want to fight it again?”

“No, but if it drops dead from the poison I poured on the rodent carcass, I can pluck its feathers and make a pillow.”

The butler gave him a long look. Kai could see him as he put together the events. “Is that why you walked to the corpse before hiding?”

“Were you not watching while I was fighting for my life?”

“I had my eyes on the threats. I was keeping track of the bird and getting rid of another beast that was attracted by the ruckus.”

I guess that makes sense.

“So, can you go look if it died? It couldn’t have gotten far injured while carrying a carcass. I’m sure my amazing teacher will easily find it.” Kai looked at the butler expectantly.

Yes, I’m sending you off on a fetch quest, I think I deserve at least that much. Go fetch my prize!

After a brief standoff, Elijah caved in. “Sure, I know in which direction it took off. But first, let me take a look at your hand before the healing potion can do more damage.”

If it sounded like he had any say in the matter, he did not. The butler grabbed his right hand before he had time to react. Kai felt foreign mana pushing in his hand.

Oh, shi—

A series of cracking sounds filled the forest followed by a shrill cry. Somehow it hurt worse than when he broke it. When the butler let go of his hand, Kai almost fell to the ground. His eyes got moist with tears.

“Wait here, dear disciple, and try not to get eaten if possible. I’ll be back in a moment.”

By the time the pain waned enough to let him form conscious thought, he was left alone. His hand was swollen red, but all the bones looked to be in the right place.

Kai was too exhausted to even feel angry at this point. He leaned against a tree and waited. As promised, it didn’t take long.

“Seems like your plan worked.” Elijah reappeared carrying a large—and very much dead—bird. With its wings closed it looked relatively smaller, standing up, it would have been almost as tall as him.

Kai stared at it in disbelief. His plan had actually worked. He noticed the blinking notification at the corner of his vision.


New Feat: Brush with Death – Look death in the eyes and survive relying on your own forces. You are awarded: +1 Favor!

I’ll take the consolation prize.

“What grade was the eagle, master?”

“High red.”

I guess you can only get that lucky in one day. It probably would not have died if it had reached Orange.

He had gained a feat he wasn’t even aware of. And the hunting achievement was still there waiting for him. There was just one last thing he was curious about.


Life Experience: 511 XP

Not too shabby.
