"I... I like another woman. Her name is Shen Qi, her sister Shen Yin Yin originally wanted to marry you. "As a result, on the day of our wedding, she took the place of your younger sister and married. I took your place and married her, and it was a coincidence ??" He Yi Ning's voice gradually grew firmer: "Later on, I realized that this woman really met the criteria that I wanted. I don't know why, but when I saw her, I felt a kind of inextricably bound familiarity."

He Yi Qi also did not expect such a thing to happen. He calmed down and said: "But, that girl has already flown over. Yi Ning, why don't you meet him first? If you don't want to have any regrets in your life. "

He Yi Ning laughed helplessly: "That's the only way."

During di

er, He Yi Ning did not bicker with Shen Qi as usual. Instead, he just sat there silently, thinking about something.

The ominous premonition from the bottom of Shen Qi's heart was growing stronger.

Shen Qi sat there quietly, not caring about anything.


Was it because he had already hated her?

Or could it be that he just treated himself as a pet, a pet that was occasionally used to make fun of him?

A pet?

Just like the two volcano rabbits he had raised?

Yeah, he always likes to call himself a rabbit.

It seemed that it really was a pet.


As a pet, you should have the self-awareness of a pet, right?

It was the self-awareness of a pet to not smell and not ask.

Ever since he was young, he had relied on his self-awareness to survive in the Shen family.

Now, he had to be more self-aware and not be a nuisance.

After all, he had only said that he liked her, and he had never told her that he loved her.

There was a difference between liking and loving.

As Shen Qi continued to let her imagination run wild, the mood of the seated He Yi Ning became complicated.

Looking at the quiet Shen Qi, He Yi Ning's heart was in extreme pain.

He admitted that he had been tempted.

He wanted this woman, and he wanted her for his entire life.

However, that magnificent dream of his childhood had also been his weakness.

That year, the little girl was five years old and he was eight years old.

That day, he was thrown deep into the mountains for survival training. As he was dying of hunger, the little angel descended from the sky and gave him her food and water.

Seeing him injured, the little angel clumsily covered his entire body with her Band-Aid.

When he woke up, the first thing he saw was the little angel's pure smile.

"Little big brother, you're finally awake. Are you hungry? I still have some bread. " The little angel's clear voice was like the sound of nature. "You've already slept for a long time. Why are you sleeping here?"

"Little thing, why are you here?" he asked with a smile, not confessing his identity.

"Because my family lives here." The little angel obediently sat down beside him. She raised her head and said with a smile, "Daddy brought me here for a vacation. Look, my home is on the mountain."

His eyes flickered. He had already left the restricted area.

"Who is your father?" Anyone who could live here was no ordinary person.

"Everyone calls me Daddy Boss Lin." The little angel's eyebrows curved into a smile as she answered, "Am I going to be Boss Lin from now on?"

When he heard such cute words, he could not help but laugh out loud. "I will."

"Oh, then why did you come here, my little big brother? Is this also a vacation? " the little angel asked, tilting her head.

"I'll tell you later." He couldn't help but raise his hand to touch the little angel's head. What a soft touch, what an exquisite little child.

"Then, goodbye little big brother, I'll bring you something to eat next time." The little angel got up from the ground and waved goodbye to him. "Little brother, be careful!"

He chuckled. "Alright, I'll wait for you here."

He Yi Ning could actually have left, because he had already passed the test.

However, he refused to meet his bodyguard and inexplicably wanted to see that little angel again.

He had been waiting for the little angel for a whole day.

This time, not only did the little angel bring food and water, she also brought more Band-Aid.

He Yi Ning watched Little Tian use his chubby little hands to cover Little Tian up his entire body awkwardly. He did not stop her laughable actions and instead felt that she was very cute.

"Little big brother, I want the Band-Aid from my auntie. Auntie said that as long as you stick the Band-Aid on, it won't hurt." The little angel said with a smile: "I'll bring you more Band-Aid tomorrow!"

So, she treated the Band-Aid as a panacea.

Such a cute little thing.

"Come, tell your big brother. What's your name?" He Yi Ning pinched the little angel's cheek and asked intimately.

"My name is Lin Qi ??" Before the little angel could finish her sentence, an anxious shout came from afar, "Miss, where are you?!"

The little angel's expression changed. She immediately put her finger to her mouth and said, "Shh! Don't speak! It's auntie who's looking for me! I'll tell you the next time I come. "

With that, the little angel ran off.

When He Yi Ning saw the little angel once again, she sat on the ground and cried for a very, very long time.

He looked at her in surprise and the little angel hugged him. She cried so hard, "Little big brother, my dad went to the sky. He doesn't want me anymore, does he?"

He Yi Ning's heart inexplicably hurt.

He very seriously held the little angel's face and replied, "How could that be? The person your father loves the most is you! "You see, didn't he send me to you to love you in his place?"

"Really? Will you love me, little brother? " the little angel asked.

"Yes!" "Hey, that's good. Little thing should grow up faster so that you can marry Big Brother when you grow up, okay?" He Yi Ning smiled as he coaxed her, "Brother, you must be very handsome when you grow up. Brother doesn't want anyone else, just you okay?"

"Big brother is already very handsome." The little angel smiled through her tears: "Then big brother won't lie to me! When I grow up, you come marry me! "

"Alright." He Yi Ning smiled lightly: "Come, stop crying. Your father is in the sky and he doesn't like to see you cry. "

Little Angel suddenly tiptoed and lightly kissed He Yi Ning on the cheek: "Seal, do not regret it."

He Yi Ning could not help but laugh.

When he left, the little angel waved at him. "Little big brother, when we meet next time, I'll tell you my name!"

Unfortunately, the little angel never appeared again.

He Yi Ning had been waiting in that spot for an entire month, but the little angel hadn't come back yet.

After He Yi Ning left the place, he went everywhere to ask for the local rich guy with the surname Lin, but there was no news at all.

From this, it could be seen that this rich man surnamed Lin was not a local at all and was only here for a vacation.

Recollecting his thoughts, He Yi Ning realized that Shen Qi had eaten very little today, as if he had a heavy load on his mind.

He Yi Ning was just about to ask, when Shen Qi took the initiative to stand up and said: "I'm already full. I'll go back to my study and continue my studies. "

After saying that, Shen Qi did not wait for He Yi Ning's reply and ran off in a panic.

Shen Qi admitted that she was a coward.

But she had no choice but to submit.

She was really too afraid of being abandoned.

Ever since she was young, she had always been abandoned.

Dad's death, brother's isolation, mother's abandonment.

Even her first love, who had grown up with her, was separated by heaven.

To be abandoned by the person you love the most, that kind of pain, deep to the bone marrow, pain is indescribable.

This pain of being abandoned, had already become the forbidden grounds Shen Qi didn't dare to touch the most.

She really didn't want to be abandoned again.

If he was destined to continue to be abandoned, then just let him escape first.

Just as He Yi Ning was about to chase after and ask Shen Qi, the butler walked in from outside with large strides and whispered into He Yi Ning's body: "Young Master, a girl that claims to be Lin Xi has arrived. She said he's looking for someone."

Shen Qi, who had only walked a few steps forward, was completely shaken.

The uneasy feeling in her heart once again engulfed her entire body.

The sense of foreboding grew stronger.

She clearly remembered that Feng Man Lun had told her before that he had always been looking for a playmate that he could play with as a child.

Feng Man Lun also said that the girl was someone He Yi Ning had loved for more than ten years.

Then this Lin Xi ??

Shen Qi suddenly did not dare to think further.

In that moment, Shen Qi suddenly hated herself for thinking so clearly.

Maybe not?

But in the next second, He Yi Ning's answer completely shattered his hopes.

"Ask her to come in and wait for me in the living room." He Yi Ning calmly replied.

Shen Qi gently closed her eyes.

The dull pain in his heart spread throughout his entire body.

Was this girl found by He Yi Ning?

Otherwise, why would he let a girl wait for him in the living room?

Did he not stop looking for that girl?

Then, what did he count as?

So what if he said he liked her?

Shen Qi, oh Shen Qi, what should you do?

If he lost his heart, would he be able to find it again?

Shen Qi quickened her pace, and almost fled in a sorry state.

She suddenly wanted to be an ostrich and hide herself well. Perhaps this way, she wouldn't have to touch the frightening reality and perhaps she wouldn't be injured.

He Yi Ning looked at Shen Qi's fleeing figure with sunken phoenix eyes.

At this moment, his mind was in a mess.

He thought that he had already forgotten the things that happened in the past, but following Lin Xi's arrival, He Yi Ning suddenly realised that that memory had always been in his heart, and it had never been forgotten.

Little Angel was the only brilliance in He Yi Ning's entire dark childhood.

The time he spent in contact with the little angel was the most brilliant period of his training.

It was deeply ingrained in his heart, and he would never forget it.

He Yi Ning turned and walked towards the living room.

He wanted to see if the woman his brother had found was his little angel.

The moment He Yi Ning entered the guest hall, before he could enter, he saw a petite figure flying over, hugging his waist, and calling out sweetly, "Big Brother, I've finally found you."

He Yi Ning's body stiffened.

His first thought was not to embrace his opponent in surprise, but to throw him out!

He Yi Ning suppressed his disgust and pulled the girl away.

The young girl had a very beautiful face, a perfect figure, and a delicate face.

"You are Lin Xi?" He Yi Ning pressed down her phoenix eyes, the anger could not be seen in the depths of her eyes.

Lin Xi looked at He Yi Ning with an expression full of admiration: "After so many years of not seeing each other, has Big Brother already forgotten about me?"

He Yi Ning did not speak.

Lin Xi continued: "But I have never forgotten my brother. I'm sorry, but I really didn't leave without saying goodbye on purpose, but for a reason. Is my promise to take care of me for the rest of my life still valid? "

Shen Qi, who was bringing tea over from outside, happened to hear this sentence.
