*I found him!* Hiromi called out sounding delighted as I quickly accessed her data ping and the screens that surrounded me all shifted into one.

*Damn no wonder we didn’t see him. He hadn’t gone home the day before.* Malcolm muttered, and I nodded. Time stamp was from a whole day before the heist.

That made things complicated.

*Did we find out when he got back from the heist?*

*I don’t think he did.* Ichi offered *I’ve checked from when we lost track of him to practically now, and I never see him there. Is the address something outdated?* Ichi asks something that had been shot around to the group a few times at this point.

*Maybe. Alright. I’ll back trace him. Malcolm, you're with me on that path. Ichi keep searching for me. Hiromi, back up Ichi. Let’s find this bastard.*

I heard affirmatives and we all got back to it.


Okay he left a full day before all of this had happened. Let’s find where he went. It ended up being something obvious.. It was something we probably should have considered. He went to work.

He showed up on the cameras to Akari’s little shop about five minutes after leaving and then Malcolm and I both followed the timestamp up until he got back in his car and left.

He went the other way down the street from where he had come.

The same direction he had showed up during the heist.

Malcolm and I followed, and this time it was easy. We already had the camera records since he was going down the same path he had taken coming to the heist.

And where he had gone after.


This time when he reached the points he had disappeared before we got him this time he wasn’t being careful.

We had actually had the camera records we needed the whole time. Just not the right time.

See before he had disappeared on a rather long length of street that led into an industrial area. A long area with no cameras to track.

We hadn’t known if it was just a drop off, or something else, but now we knew it wasn’t just the dropoff.

*He parked on the side of the street.*

*I guess he was hungry.* Malcolm offered and I couldn’t help but scoff. The man had parked on the side of the street instead of… In the parking garage for that building? Because he wanted to stop and get some food.

He was on camera and we were able to watch him enter the building.

*Information on that building?*

*I’m looking right now. City records has it-” Hiromi started, but was cut off.

*It’s a Sixth St. Base.* Ichi cut in. *The gang tags are kind of a giveaway.* He offered and I looked at the camera still and had to nod. Yeah that was 6th St. Gang tags.

I hadn’t noticed them, because I didn’t think of the graffiti in the city as anything but an eye sore for the most part.

*Okay. I think we have what we need. Hiromi. Are you ready?*

*You bet! Fujimura won’t know what hit him!*

*Then I’ll make the call to Jun. Let’s get out of here.*


We were back at the apartment. I had called Jun ahead to make sure he was still home, and he was. Akari wasn’t though. She had gone home, but at my request would meet us all at the apartment.

But it wasn’t just Akari that I had asked Jun to call in.

As the four of us all formed up on the apartment door I looked to Hiromi who was practically bouncing at what she was plotting. She threw me a nod, and I returned it. Opening the door to see the three Tyger Claws all waiting around the couch.

Fujimura looked annoyed, but we would see if he kept that attitude when we got started.

Luckily I wasn’t the one responsible for talking this time. Hiromi sauntered in every ounce of Corpo training on full display as she walked right up to the three and took a seat directly opposite of Fujimura.

Just to be a little shit. I took a seat on her right, exactly where Jun was sitting for Fujimura. Ichi and Malcolm both took seats to her left.

“Thank you for coming. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?” Hiromi offered and Fujimura’s eyebrow flickered up before stilling.

This wasn’t what he expected at all.

“Not long.”

“Excellent. We don’t like causing any difficulty for our customers after all.” Hiromi said, and then she reached out to her jacket pocket and pulled out something that she hadn’t told me about.

She stood and with two hands offered a small business card that she had pulled out.

Fujimura gave it a look before taking it.

“Section 9. Asset Retrieval. Intelligence gathering. Wetworks.” Fujimura read off the card and I had a moment where everything spun a bit.

Because that was fucking cool!

Hiromi!? You made business cards!? That’s so fucking preem!

“We heard about your missing shipment, and decided as a symbol of a potentially profitable relationship we would begin an investigation. We have discovered not only who stole from you, but where they took your shipment. Although we can’t confirm that the shipment wasn’t moved from that location. That would of course require another investigation if that is the case.”

I could see Akari perk up as the knowledge hit that her fuck up had been basically taken care of. Jun was looking at the business card and shooting me looks but I just kept my face calm and collected.

Even if I really wanted to cheer and hug Hiromi! She was so cool! Like a little corpo!

Just you know on my side.

“Interesting. I assume you have the evidence?”

“Of course. Before I hand it over we should of course talk about payment. Section 9, is a premier investigative team. As far as I am aware your own team was unable to complete the investigation despite being given days. We’ve only begun our investigation this morning and completed it.” Hiromi said with a smile that reminded me of a shark.

“Payment…” Fujimura spoke the word calmly and seemed to consider things.

“You will find our fees well worth the reliable and quick service.” Hiromi added throwing out probably the most generic corpo line I’ve ever heard.

Fujimura looked to Jun then Akari. “I assume your investigation has led to a dead end?”

“Yes Fujimura-Sama. We weren’t able to narrow anything down.” Jun added, but then he looked to us. “But I also didn’t realize my sister was going to try and extort us for petty cash.” He said looking irritated at me, but I quirked an eyebrow, daring him to keep complaining. But Hiromi beat me to it.

“Oh don’t be silly Jun. There is nothing petty about our fee.” Hiromi added with a brilliant smile that had me smirking along with her. “The information and location are here.” She said, pulling a shard out of her neck.

On the drive over she had been hard at work putting together a report on what we had found. Apparently it was something she had learned how to do in class and had figured being professional about this would increase repeat business.

Or at least that is what she said, and I had agreed with her, because Hiromi had been cackling like a madwoman the whole drive over.

“How much.” Fujimura finally answered. Seeming to realize he was going to need the information to find his drugs.

“Oh. We will give you a discount for first time customers. Two-hundred thousand.”

Jun’s jaw dropped, and Fujimura’s eyebrow rose up.

“This fee also doesn’t cover a guarantee of the shipment still being at the location. This is where they moved the assets after theft. Unless of course you desire us to take part in the recovery of your goods. That will be additional fees.” Hiromi offered with a bright smile.


I was pacing a bit back and forth.

“Motoko relax.”

“I’m just… I should have gone with just in case you know?” What if someone shot Jun!?

“Fujimura didn’t pay us. So we didn’t go.” Hiromi said, drawing my attention to how she was now fully reclined on my couch, an energy drink in her hand that she was sipping on all the while a smirk never left her face.

Hiromi had in a short time made more money for Section 9, than anything we had done since the yacht heist.

Two hundred grand split four ways was still a nice chunk of change.

Fifty thousand eddies had already been added to my bank account. Ichi and Malcolm had disappeared soon after Fujimura had taken Jun and Akari to go claim their drugs back.

But the boys had said they would be back. They were grabbing food and drinks for a party.

Hiromi continued to look like the cat that caught the canary, but I was just nervous. I knew Jun would be okay… He was strong and stuff. Had a cool name and everything but like…

There might be a netrunner there! What if they hacked my himbo brother and made his chrome shut down. Or just overheated him to death!?

“Relax Motoko.” Hiromi called out again as I had resumed pacing but in the end she was right. I had agreed not to go with them because Fujimura refused to pay us any further.

He had in the end paid for the information of course. Looking like he was annoyed with the whole situation, but in the end money had changed hands. He got his information, reviewed it and agreed it was actionable.

“You were pretty cool Hiromi.” I said suddenly causing Hiromi to almost choke on her drink.


“The way you totally controlled the conversation. I wanted to scream when you pulled out the business card, you know? When did you even make that?”

“Oh that old thing? I made it after we were doing the Yacht Heist. While I was selling the chrome, I realized I needed to stop looking like some weird teenager off the street. I needed to be a young corporate woman on the job and people will take me more seriously. So I had a couple made.” Hiromi said lackadaisically, trying to play it off.

“It was pretty cool. I think it worked on Fujimura.”

“Yeah his face was great!”

The door opened and Ichi and Malcolm came in bags on their arms. “Time to party!” Malcolm called out whooping as he toddled over and dropped the bags onto the table.

“Oh! Yes! I’m hungry! Gimme!” Hiromi demanded and Malcolm quickly grabbed a white to go box and offered it up to her.

“Yes oh Corpo overlord! Please accept this humble offering!”

“Hahaha! That’s right! Worship me!” She laughed as she took her food and quickly dug in.


“Huh? Oh yeah. I’m okay Ichi, just nervous for Jun. It’s dumb. I know he goes off on his own all the time, but like… This time because I set it up I’m nervous.” Ichi nodded as he passed a box to me as well.

“Eat. Enjoy our success Jun has his team with him. They’ll be fine.”

I nodded as I settled onto the couch to eat. Nothing else to do I guess…

Maybe just one more glance at my message app on my agent to make sure he hasn’t called for help?

“So what are you guys doing with your payday this time?” Malcolm asked, his mouth full of noodles. “I mean. I can definitely afford my car now! I’ll uh… Make sure to use a more reliable trader and everything this time. Yes Hiromi I will bring you with me when I buy it. Please don’t glare at me like that.”

“Good! Of course we will back you up on your purchase. That kind of eddies changing hands require a good bit of muscle… And common sense.” She added.

“I’m saving it all this time.” Ichi added. “I want to make sure I won’t run into a problem with rent again for a long time.”

“That’s really smart.” I said to Ichi who smiled while Hiromi scowled.

“No it isn’t! Putting money into an account and not using it is the worst thing ever! You have to invest! Get some chrome or something! Maybe upgrade your truck! Money sitting in an account isn’t doing anything for you to make more money!”

“Still going to save it.” Ichi said, shrugging at Hiromi’s rant.

“Ugh! This is why I’m the financial manager.” She said pointing at all of us and lingering on me with narrowed eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that! I’m going to be spending all of it on working on some tech and stuff. Probably won’t get any chrome with it, but that’s on the table too.” I said slurping up a bit of noodles after.

“Hmm. Acceptable!”

“Glad to satisfy you oh overlord.” I mocked, using the boys' joke from before.

“Damn right!”


Long after the food was eaten and our little party had broken up into most of us just hanging out watching terrible TV.

It was really bad and I feared Malcolms taste.

“Why are we watching this again?”

“Because I’m too full to want to get up and it’s on.” Ichi added.

“It’s a good show!” Malcolm argued and Hiromi made a little humming noise in agreement, her eyes never leaving the rather…

“This is awful.” I grumbled, but didn’t turn it off. I was full of noodles and didn’t want to get up either.

Then the door opened.

“Jun!” I called out, sitting up instantly and seeing him enter. Akari right behind him, but no Fujimura in sight.

He walked over and ruffled my hair. Despite the fact he smelled like he had gotten into a fight.

“Well!?” I demanded and he huffed a laugh.

“No worries little killer! Your info was spot on. Found most of the drugs at that site. They had been selling some of it, but we got most of it back. Cleared out the 6th St. punks that thought they could move in on our turf, and Fujimura pulled Haruka off the streets.” Akari added the last bit with a sinister happiness at the thought.

Well it was sort of his fault. Who was stupid enough to try and steal that much money from his own gang?

“So Fujimura was happy then?” Hiromi asked, sitting up straight as well, and Jun looked a little hesitant to answer but his shoulders slumped.

“Oh he wasn’t happy. The cost of the info wasn’t exactly cheap.” Jun said, eyeing up both Hiromi and I. In response we both just smiled innocently. Which earned a roll of his eyes. “But we recovered a lot of the shipment. And Fujimura was… Accepting of the costs.”

“He was grumbling about your little corpo friend the whole time!” Akari added giggling as she flipped forward to land on the couch. The woman's energy seemed to have returned now that she wasn’t on the hook for losing the shipment. “Apparently he wasn’t happy that you’re going off on your own.”

I just shrugged. “At least I’m still willing to work with him and the TC. I could have just left entirely.”

“Aww. You wouldn’t do that little killer! You fit in with us too well!” Akari offered, even as her leg arced up, and I was forced to roll off the couch to dodge her poking feet.

“Akari. If you poke a hole in my new couch. You are paying for it.” Jun called out from the kitchen.

Ah of course Jun was celebrating as well. The burrito disappeared as he started biting into it.

“You ruin all my fun!”

“I literally joined up with this to save your ass.” Jun replied instantly and Akari actually stilled and nodded, without her usual manic energy.

“Thanks Jun.” She said to my surprise.

And Juns.

“Yeah… yeah sure anytime Akari.”

“Good I’ll hold you to that!” She chirped out all craziness back on full display.

“I take it all back.”

“Too late!”


With Jun back home I was able to better relax. We had done it. Section 9 had done something pretty cool.

We had successfully completed a deal with one of the major gangs in Night City.

Sure we had easy access through Fujimura, but it was still something to be proud of.

Hiromi had even offered our services in the future to Fujimura for work. It was possible Fujimura might take us up on that.

The team eventually left that night. Everyone was tired since we had worked through the whole day tracking down Haruka and the call of their bed was too much to resist.

Yet, I just felt amped up.

I wandered into my room ignoring Jun and Akari still hanging out on the couch watching TV together.

Akari was definitely being flirty, but Jun just looked happy that the stress of finding the thief was off his shoulders.

I walked over to my desk. Looking over all the junk I had.

Okay. Time to do some work. I pulled out my belt, grabbed my Lexington and holster and put it on the desk.

I knew exactly what my next little project was going to be.

I grabbed my 3D printer and fed it a bit of metal.

Just needed a bit of measuring.

I finished that and quickly sketched out the device I needed on the CAD program, and started the printer.

That started, I went over to my toolbox and grabbed some bits and bobs. Screws mostly.

Pulling the Silencer up I checked it again remembering I was going to need some testing to make sure this version of the silencer would hold up.

But I would do that after.

The Printer stopped running pretty soon after, and I pulled out the metal device.

With a few deft movements. I drilled it into my holster. Then I slipped in the silencer. I locked into place, and I practiced pulling it from the little holder that was now attached to the Lexington holster.

I had considered building or buying a new holster so I could keep the silencer attached, but that wasn’t really needed. Most of the time if I was going to be worried about stealth, I would have the advantage anyways. So I would just draw my Lexington, attach the silencer and be good to go.

I smiled as I checked my alerts.

*100 Tech XP Gained*

That was my secondary reward for finishing something new.

I grabbed my tools. Okay. I needed another Silencer for my rifle. Maybe put together an optic for it as well? That could be fun to play with.

Regardless it meant I had projects to mess with.
