Chapter 987 Opened Eyes  

Marcus Brutus, the 7th Hero of Nature revealed the grave sin he committed in the past just to past the trial set by the God of Nature for him inside Babylon to enter the God's Altar.

And the way he achieved that even left Kahn perplexed. "God of Nature was furious with me after seeing how I handled things.

He said that I did not deserve to be a chosen Hero and he could never trust the fate of the world with someone like me who would even sacrifice his closest people, who fought with me even at death's door; instead of fighting against the chains of fate." said Brutus and revealed the consequences of his choices.

"That day… historical

God of Nature cursed me and the remaining of my party members to be stuck here inside Babylon. And the only way to leave would be to kill another Hero or Heroine of Nature and offer their core as the sacrifice at God's Altar to leave Babylon." revealed Brutus helplessly, his face still carrying the shame of his past decisions.

"It was God of Nature's divine punishment for me committing that grave crime." he spoke solemnly.


Soon, his gaze turned to Kahn.

"Tell me something, Hero of Darkness.

If I'm not wrong, you could have killed me already since this is but an illusion and my real body is outside." he iterated in a calm yet curious tone.

"So why go so far as to show me the memories of Ceasar when all you need now is to swing your palm to cut off my neck?" he asked with no fear.

Kahn nodded at this query by the Necromancer Hero.

This was the truth. Because Kahn and Maximus had already dismantled both of 7th Hero's divine abilities, his means to access world energy and also his core by severing his connection to his powers.


At this moment, he was practically at their mercy and could be killed swiftly. Yet, for some reason, Kahn used Lucid Reality on him, reenacted the memories of the assassination of Julius Ceasar, and was still conversing with Brutus.

"You are correct. I could have killed you minutes ago.

But I created this illusion because I wanted to talk to you since we're both from the Earth, albeit from different eras of human civilization." stated Kahn in a calm yet disappointed tone.

"But after hearing you and knowing the reason… I think you should give up now." he spoke in an estranged voice.

"On earth, your name is a reminder of the epitome of betrayal by a friend.

In Vantrea, people who are alive now don't even know or remember your name.

And even now, you used your dead allies to fight against us by using your Necromancy divine ability." he declared his views unapologetically. "Tell me something… Do you still believe that you deserve another chance in life?

What will change even if you somehow managed to kill us all and left Babylon?" asked Kahn without a shred of sympathy on his face.

"There is no one waiting for you outside. Everyone who knew you is already dead, including your party members. There is no home left for you in Vantrea." said Kahn in an adamant tone. "And even if you tried to replace Maximus as the Hero of Nature to the outside world…

You will either be captured and enslaved by the current Beast Empire which hates humans and even treats Maximus as a mere pawn, or you will be targeted by other empires for your divine key since it is not awakened just like me." spoke Kahn in an authoritative tone.

"What?! How did you know that my divine key is no longer awakened?!" asked Marcus Brutus in disbelief.

To his befuddled query, Kahn replied calmly.

"Because I have killed and absorbed the Hero of Fire's divine key, Flamescion.

And since it was already awakened, now I also control his divine weapon, Amaterasu." explained Kahn.

"A divine key's main use is to bind the Hero and the Divine Weapon. The awakening process just activates that connection between the Hero and the Divine Weapon.

And if I'm not wrong, without the Awakening process, no hero can use their own divine weapon and their divine key can be absorbed by other Heroes as well even if they lose access to that hero's Divine Weapon in the process. Afterward, all they have to do is enter that Hero's designated peninsula and the God's Altar meant for them to Limit Break by 2 to 3 stages." revealed Kahn.

This revelation was something the divine weapon, Amaterasu had told Kahn on the day he acknowledged and decided to impart the soul technique after taking Kahn as his new master.

All Brutus could do was nod in agreement since he too knew of this as a former Hero.

"Since Maximus has the divine weapon now, means your divine key is no longer awakened. Hence, you are also a prey for the other empires just like me.

But compared to me, who has 3 divine abilities and a fully mastered divine weapon…

Do you think you will survive?" asked Kahn in a pragmatic tone.



Brutus was suddenly hit with a sense of realization as he closed his eyes and contemplated for a few minutes.

"You're correct. I neither have a home to go to and neither do I have a purpose left in this world.

I would be hunted down just like you and won't be able to protect myself.

The only fate that awaits me is being enslaved and killed, a similar fate that I once ran away from on Earth before I committed suicide rather than suffer humiliation.

I am a man who deserves neither Redemption nor Retribution." spoke Brutus in a contemplative voice.

A couple of minutes later, he opened his eyes and looked at Kahn with eyes full of sorrow.

"People say that everyone deserves a second chance.

But I have squandered that chance of mine and chose to be the same person again. I… I do not deserve any more chances to change my life. I might end up committing even graver sins that I already have." stated Brutus as his entire countenance turned into that of a defeated man. "Thank you for making me realize what I need to do instead of holding onto my delusional perception of reality.

As much as I would love to talk to you about the evolution of us humans on earth and what happened in the future…" said Brutus as he looked at Kahn yearningly.

"I see no point in me carrying on further."

Kahn nodded in response without showing any semblance of empathy. People like Marcus Brutus were the kind who always thought that they were born for higher purpose and did the right thing for the greater good… but in reality, they were just delusional people who could not see past their own lack of character and integrity as human beings.

Forget being a hero, people like Marcus Brutus were delusional righteous leaders who often got innocents involved in conflicts that ended in genocide instead of leading their cause to achieve victory.

They were right only in their heads but in truth, they were something that a leader or a king should never be.

At least, Marcus Brutus could realize his flaws and admit his wrongdoings after his defeat.

Instead of living as a delusional moron, he acknowledged his failures.

"I will give you a reward for opening my eyes at last.

I hope you never have to repeat my mistakes and maybe you succeed in this war against the Demon God.

Farewell to you… Hero of Darkness." said Marcus Brutus as he spoke his last words.


Brutus took out a dagger from his waistband and plunged it into his own heart, killing himself by suicide just like his first life on earth.


A blinding white light spread in the illusion world and Kahn quickly squinted his eyes.


Kahn suddenly opened his eyes in Babylon as the illusion crumbled.

And in front of Kahn, was the scene of Brutus ripping out his own heart and raising it upwards in a particular direction.



Maximus, Borat and Conan were left speechless as Brutus' heart turned to sand and now, the core of this Saint was revealed to them.

A glowing purple core rose in the air and a few intangible threads spread from it, quickly launching and connecting themselves to Kahn's chest.

[What the he…] thought Kahn as he too was quickly taken aback.

But before Kahn could even react…

[Congratulations to the host!] suddenly, the system notified in Kahn's mind out of nowhere as it completed the remaining part of the announcement…

[The host has been gifted an unawakened Divine Key of a Peak 6th-stage Saint!]
