Chapter 112: Warm Family Song Ci did not know what Lu Gan was thinking. So, she smiled at Lu Suo and said, “Sure.”

Lu Suo was thrilled.

“Mom, I need help taking a bath.”

Song Ci bent down and carried Lu Suo.

“No problem.”

Then, she said to Lu Gan, “I’m going to bathe the kids.”

Lu Gan nodded helplessly.


Once Lu Suo and Song Yujin had taken their showers, Song Ci brought them into Lu Gan’s room.

Lu Suo said to Song Yujin, “Next time, we should bathe together. That way, mom wouldn’t need to go back and forth.”

Song Ci did not have any objections and Song Yujin nodded his head indifferently.


Song Ci smiled.

Lu Suo made himself comfortable before asking Song Ci to continue telling her story from the previous night.



Song Ci’s tone was gentle when she told the story. By the time she was done, Lu Suo had almost fallen asleep.

Song Ci asked, “So, what did we learn from this story?”

Lu Suo’s eyes immediately widened. He had a confused expression on his face.

Song Yujin answered calmly, “A person’s strength is limited. Sometimes, we need to work together to overcome problems.”

Song Ci nodded.

“What else?”

Lu Suo had no answer. He stared at Song Yujin. The latter said helplessly, “We have to be grateful to those who took care of us, like the Calabash babies’ grandfather.”

Song Ci nodded.

“What else?”

Lu Suo could not believe his ears. What else? He was utterly shocked!

Song Ci smiled and patted Lu Suo’s head. She was trying to guide him.

“We must love and look out for our family members. The snake spirit almost won because the youngest sibling was disobedient. Don’t be like him, okay? If you have any problems, just tell us.”

This way, Song Ci could keep an eye on Lu Suo while he was young. Song Yujin could help her too!

Lu Gan chimed in, “She’s right. Look at Yujin. He’s so sensible and loves reading. On the other hand, you only play with your tablet every day.”

Lu Suo could not believe his ears! Song Yujin had also lectured him before about not reading much. He tried to defend himself and said, “I’ve read so many books already!”

Then, he looked at Song Yujin and continued, “Really! I’ve read tons of books!”

Song Yujin did not say anything.

Lu Suo was angry because Song Yujin did not seem to believe him.

“Whenever I have finished reading a book, I’ll put it on your desk!”

After that, Lu Suo turned to Lu Gan and said, “I want a study room too!”

Lu Gan tilted his head.

“Little Suo, do you know the definition of wastage?”

Lu Suo had no idea.

Lu Gan gave a direct answer, “A study room for you is a wastage of resources!”


At the moment, Lu Suo looked like a little puffer fish. Song Ci could not help but smile. She carried him and said, “Tomorrow, I’ll make a study room for you. It’ll be the biggest one you’ve ever seen!”

Lu Suo immediately nodded! He was finally satisfied. Subsequently, he leaned into Song Ci’s arms and was ready to sleep.

Lu Gan kissed the little boy’s face. He was just teasing him earlier.

With just a little coaxing, Lu Suo was no longer angry at Lu Gan and gave him a goodnight kiss.

“Goodnight, daddy.”


Lu Suo looked at Song Ci.

“Goodnight, mommy.”


Song Ci smiled.

“Give your mommy a goodnight kiss too.”

Lu Suo leaned over to kiss Song Ci’s face.

Subconsciously, Song Ci looked at Lu Gan. The latter silently mouthed, “Do you want to come over?”


Song Ci mouthed back.

When the two children fell asleep, Song Ci went over to Lu Gan’s side and settled in his arms.

It was a really intimate sight.
