Chapter 628 The man , the myth , the legend  

" HAHAHAHA , I KILLED SHAKUNI ". Scar-Face screamed at the top of his lungs as he rejoiced at the achievement .

In his entire life he had never felt such pressure from such a weaker opponent , as had he not defeated shakuni when he did , he would have recieved a psychological trauma that would last him his entire life.

" Bannerman , go run throughout the city , announce the death of shakuni , and break the morale of the elite bastards. Let them know that their leader has fallen by my hands ". Scar-face said in glee as he felt proud for using such a dirty trick to stir chaos.

The bannermen instantly obeyed their leader and spread out throughout the city , announcing the message that shakuni of the elites was dead!

However not even 2 minutes after the bannermen left , a series of loud murmurs and cheers went up from the elite camp .

Scar-face who was still recouperating from his injuries felt surprised at this noise of joy , as he cleaned his ears to make sure that he wasn't mistaking screams of anguish as joy.


But he wasn't , the elites were celebrating as if archangel Michael himself had descended to help them .

" What happened , why are those bunch so noisy again? ". Scar-face asked with an annoyed voice to one of his subordinates , but that man just would not answer.

" S-s-s-s ". The soldier stuttered as his skin turned white as if he had seen a ghost.

" S-s-s what? Has the cat got your tongue? ". Scar-face yelled at him , angry at the lack of backbone that the soldier was showing .

" SHAKUNI! ". The soldier said , as instantly goosebumps arose on Scar-Face's skin as his brain instantly rejected the notion that it was even remotely possible.

However as the crowd parted and the familiar sight of a man wearing regal black robes and doom armour came in view , scar-face felt the fear of God put inside him for the first time in his life.


Shakuni was alive!


( A few moments ago )

Rudra looked towards the massive dragon that was inbound his way and he knew at that very moment that he had f'd up.

His first instinct was to use blink , but the move was still on cooldown and he could not evade the incoming strike.

To make the matters even worse , the stupid three headed dog bit down on him at that very moment , and he needed to use both his swords to defend against him , in order to not get eaten whole by the giant dog.

But while he was successful in not becoming dog treat , the same could not be said about defending against the dragon.

' Dragon Emperor Destruction ' was the ultimate move of Scar-Face and it had tier 5 capabilities.

Although not a peak tier 5 attack like Rudra's holy Lance , the move contained enough power to tear a city in half and one-shot any tier 4 player regardless of their class.

It was a move that came with a toll on Scar-Face's body , as while he was not completely incapacitated like Rudra was when he used holy Lance at tier 3. It was still very taxing on his body to use the move as it completely depleted his stamina and put a lot of strain on his muscles.

Hence when the formidable attack hit Rudra squarely and without Rudra even able to pull out his sword to defend against it . Most assumed that Rudra was dead .

The initial shock of getting hit by the attack was high , as every inch of Rudra's body felt it it was pierced my a pricking needle as he was blasted away with the energy attack as his HP depleted rapidly.

Everything looked yellow to Rudra for a bit , as he was compley surrounded by energy that was destructive in nature and corroding his very fabric of being.

' Is this how it ends? ' , thought Rudra however the reincarnator inside him refused to accept this fate as failure was not an option.

He had gotten wayy to far in his dream to become the strongest guild master to falter now. He had to find a way ! He needed to survive this blast somehow!

Rudra's mind started to work at full capacity as he used the entirety of his knowledge of the game Omega to find a way out of this situation.

Firstly he broke down the problem into bits and thought about how to solve the individual problems.

Rudra's HP was at a critical dark orange and depleting fast , while he could not move a muscle of his body due to the attack being too Powerful for him to mobilize at all.

This meant that he could not drink an HP potion , which meant that he needed an alternative to restore strength.

Using [ Solar Restore ] , Rudra used the last bit of charge left in his sun god's bracelet as he converted solar energy into HP , as he recovered 50% of his lost HP overall.

The doom armour was now soaked in his own blood also started to convert blood into HP , slowly adding a passive regenerationethod for him as Rudra also used the move darkness absorb randomly towards the ground below in hopes of it hitting an unfortunate soldier beneath , which luckily for him did!

Adding another bit of HP to his health bar.

Recovering back to a dark green color , Rudra managed a moments breathing room as although he was still loosing a lot of HP and fast , he had a few seconds now before he ran out completely.

The second priority now was to somehow mount a defense against the attack , but with him unable to move even an inch of his muscles , it was proving to be a rather difficult task .

Rudra knew that if he could just bring out his death knights shield out , he could easily block 70% of the incoming damage , but the question was how?

Choosing to use Knight's Focus , Rudra slowed down the flow of time itself as inside his altered time flow he was finally able to move inside the confines of the energy blast that he was trapped in.

Pulling out a shield he balled up into a small cannonball as he hid behind his shield as he was blasted through various buildings one after another.

Pack! Pack! Pack ! BAM! Back!

Rudra crashed through uncountable buildings as his back felt incredibly sore after hitting brick after brick after brick , until he was eventually blasted all the way across 3 sectors under a collapsed building.

Surviving with only 7% of his HP bar left , with a critical condition of several broken bones and bleed damage . Rudra was alive but just barely ....

" Aghhhh my hand ! " Rudra groaned in pain as he looked at his left hand that usually held seige Breaker that was shattered to pieces in the several collisions that he suffered , whereas his spine felt like a lump of jelly instead of solid bones.

Since time dilation was still in effect Rudra felt all the pain in even exaggerated proportions as it felt as if he had used the holy Lance all over again.

With the priority being to live , Rudra somehow managed to pop open a MAX HP potion with one hand as he gulped it down in one go .

Rudra's HP rose steadily , however even though the max HP was restored , it did not change the fact that he had several broken bones and his condition was far from his peak skills.

Him surviving the blast was a miracle in itself , as his ancient grade shield was reduced to a piece of junk with a giant hole and his doom armour has a visible crater inside of it.

He was bleeding profusely and had broken through as many bones as buildings and was still buried under a pile of rubble.

Although he had pulled off a miracle , was he of any use in his broke state?

If Rudra were an ordinary man he would have been gripped in anguish and despair .

But while Rudra was an ordinary man ... Shakuni most certainly wasn't.

A smile curled up on Shakuni's lips as he said " Thankgod my greatest asset is my mind and not my body ..... Furball come ! ".

A very intelligent and elegant fox with a brilliant golden red coat of fur appeared beside Rudra , as it licked it's masters wounds and snuggled around his chest.

" Good girl .... Good girl , hahaha ". Rudra laughed as he felt ticklish , but even the laughter felt like a pain to him.

Coughing blood , he said " Listen to me carefully girl , it all depends on you now.... ".

/// I'm very happy to announce that this book has been selected as the reader's choice book of the year for 2021-2022 and it's one of the most proud moments of my life.

But it's not a win for me , its a win for all of us , because it's because of you guys that I have recieved this honor as the book is as much urs as it is mine!

It has been an incredible journey over the past year and to celebrate we revert back to the original cover that I started the book with back in 2021 .

Hope you like the vintage looks ! ///
