Chapter 631 Boss is back !  

The shaman swinged around scar-face's blade and could feel the power of the blade as he mock slashed once , only to kill 20 soldiers ahead with his power.

" Not bad ... Not bad at all ! ". The shaman said as he charged in towards one of the shakuni clones , as he dodged the incoming flame attack.


The shakuni he attacking vaporized to thin air as nothing remained of his body.

" What? " The shaman was shocked to see that the sword passed through shakuni's body as if it was butter as he looked perplexed at what was going on.

Making his way through he killed one doppleganger after another , until 9/10 shakuni had been killed.


" So it's you ! ". The shaman said as it charged towards Furball dressed as shakuni as he swung his sword wildly at the neck of Furball.


Furball instantly changed form as she shrunk back down to her nine tailed fox form , with all 9 of her tails being on display against the demon infront of her.

" A fox? ". The shaman said as it tried to stomp Furball to death , but to his horror just as he raise his feet , Furball changed her size to her real form , as the 50 feet tall majestic nine tailed beast stood out in her full glory!


Breathing a terrifying fire , Furball forced the shaman to retreat 20 meters before he was able to defend against the brunt of the attack.


" What a crafty bi*** ". The shaman complimented Furball as he retorted with a magical attack of his own.

" Come forth Cerberus! ".

The shaman summoned the same purplefog as he summoned Cerberus to fight Furball , and soon the purple mist solidified to form an ugly purple dog!

Furball looked at her opponent and snorted in arrogance as she looked towards the moon above and started to gather the power of the moonlight .

Cerberus charged towards Furball , however it was met with a terrifying moonblast attack!


A rotating beam of moonlight pierced through Cerberus's body as if it was made of paper and went onto attack the shaman who was blasted away after the attack hit it head-on.

" A tier 4 attack? ... Just who are you? ". The shaman found the creature infront of it extremely interesting ,as in his life he had never seen or heard of a fox as powerful as this one that could produce tier 4 attacks.

As far as he knew , species capable of reaching tier 4 and above could not be contracted as pets as they would resist such binding contracts with their life!


( Meanwhile the forum's )

" OMG! Shakuni was a fox all along ! Exposed! ".

" Where is Shakuni? ".

" Huh? I bet all my money on an elite win as soon as shakuni popped back up on the screens , who is this fox? What the hell is going on? ".




" Girls ... I have a same looking golden retriever , the only difference is it's got one tail ... For those who warm my bed , petting the dog is free ".

" Shut up perv ... Shoo ! ".

The entire forums were confused as to what exactly was going on at the moment.


( Back in battle )

" Hahaha , strong very strong .... But not quite as much as me ! ".

The shaman started to chant in ancient language as a magical circle started to form around Furball's feet.

" Chains of hell! ".

Chains with pointy ends shot out of the ground as they tried to pierce into Furball's body , but Furball moved her tails around vehemently as she constricted the chains with her tails and prevented a capture.

" Don't resist you fool , because if i can't make you mine , i will kill you! ".

Holding the sword firmly , the shaman looked into scar-face's memory reserves as he unleashed a tier 4 attack of his own.


The shaman said as he performed a series of sword poses before pulling a strong overhead strike that created a powerful attack headed straight towards Furball.

Millions of girls watching worldwide screamed " NOOOO ". At the top of their lungs at this moment as the pretty kitty cat was about to get hurt.

Countless men cursed the shaman will all their hearts as he attempted to hurt the epitome of cuteness that the giant ball of fur was.

However just as it looked as the attack would hit Furball , an unexpected switch happened , as gone was the fifty foot tall nine tails , and inplace of her was a 6 feet tall man who had his sword pulled back ready to meet the attack head on.


The attack was sent back with triple the speed and damage as the shaman was scared senseless at the sudden turn of events.


A loud explosion was created as the returned move hit the Battlefield and debris and shockwave propagated to all sides.

Although the shaman put up a protective barrier to defend himself , this time the attack actually managed to penetrate his full power defenses as he lost 6% of his HP to the attack.

As he reeled back from the shock , infront of him stood a man oozing with the aura of death as he stared at him coldly with a murderous glare.

Looking at his visage , the shaman felt his blood run cold as goosebumps arose on his skin . This was Shakuni! The real one! There was no doubt about it!

Grim reapor in his right hand , and seige Breaker in his left , wearing the doom armour as the black fumes of death rose around him!

The real Shakuni was here!

" You dare attack MY ..... Furball? ". Rudra said , incomprehensible anger in his voice .

/// All right guys , next GT target is 2400 , we are still a little away from hitting it. So let's get there as soon as possible for a bonus chapter!

Hope you enjoyed this one , please leave a comment below if you did! ///
