Chapter 639 Ending the war , Shakuni style  

Rudra was pinned badly by the merchants , it seemed like this time around , he was done for .

Not only was he in a weakened state , but his only working limbs were all tied up at the moment as he was a sitting duck for the three tier 4 attacks that were headed his way.

As the world watched with bated breaths , Rudra thought to himself ' Time to end this ... ' as he prepared to display a glimpse of his true strength to the world.

There was a reason he was lying docile for the fight in the last few minutes and fighting in a way that he could barely defend himself without taking much damage.

While it was true that he was doing it to bait the enemies , it was not actually the whole picture.

Yes , he was injured and yes he was trying his best just to not get chopped by the four blood merchant generals , but his main purpose was to await the cooldown of the strongest move in his arsenal.


The moment the cooldown on Death Knight's Focus ended , Rudra immediately activated that move as the flow of time suddenly dilated around him.

Initially , the only ability that he felt was downgraded after him evolving to the death knight class was the knights suppression , as death knights focus did not seem to be an equally impressive move on paper.

However from the moment Rudra had used it once in trying to escape from Scar-Face's ultimate move , he realised the true power of that move and how broken its ability actually was.

While using the knights suppression he could only suppress one opponent at most and only after managing to land multiple consequetive strikes , it was not the same for death knights focus.

As the flow of time slowed around him , Rudra realised that he could easily evade the enemy attacks and land an counter-attack , all in the blink of an eye without the opponent even realising what had happened.

The speed of fights at tier 4 and above was already greatly exaggerated , but if somehow in such high speed fights where every participant had the ability to decapitate the other with one move , a broken move like time dilation existed ... It was the ultimate advantage.


He had learnt in physics textbooks in school's that Fore = Mass * Acceleration , however in a time dilation where his own acceleration was significantly higher than his surroundings , Rudra's force of attack was technically four times of his actual strength.

It was only when he practically understood this particular phenomenon , did he realise the true worth of the move he had in his arsenal.

Perfect for exactly these kinds of fights where one was facing multiple high level opponents , Rudra was now planning to use the move to its fullest potential.

Breaking his legs free out of the shadow trap first , Rudra produced a power that was way beyond the realms of what a tier 4 player could produce as his force created a massive hole in the earth itself , as the entire block of land detatched from its surroundings first and Rudra's leg snapped out of the bind later.

Rudra could see the absolute horror in the eyes of the general who was keeping him at bay , as Rudra could perfectly the tensing of his muscles and the direction of his vision , as he could read his opponents thoughts and movements like an open book.

Smiling cruelly at him Rudra increased the pressure on his sword , as his sudden burst of strength made his enemy's knees buckle all of a sudden as with a loud CRACK! , His right knew was planted into the ground.

In the split second that his eyes wandered to look at the status of the three attacks supposed to land on Rudra any second now , The general lost sight of Rudra ..... Unfortunately for him though it was the last time that he would ever see the man as he felt a sharp kick at his back as he was sent flying towards where Rudra was initially standing.

What happened next shocked the entire world , as 100,000 javellins started to pierce the body of the bloodmerchant general mid air first , as the death slash and thunder slash hit him half a second later.

Defenseless against the move with his back exposed , the general died a horrifying death as his neck and waist were sliced clean by the moves of his own teammates while his body overall was full of holes.

The three generals left shouted at once " NOOOOO " , But it was too late as their colleague had already been dispatched to the afterlife , but before they could even express their rage and dissatisfaction at shakuni over this unfortunate result , they felt chills run down their spines as they felt the incredible power of a tier 5 attack in preperation.

Covered in a whirlpool of mana and bright light , shakuni was lifted into the air as he had his palms open and facing towards the sky.

A spear made of light soon manifested itself above his arm as Shakuni looked like an absolute incarnate of archangel Michael at this moment as with his crown and his regal aura he made even the strongest merchant soldiers lose their grips over their swords.

The power that shakuni eminated at this moment was unreal ... And the moment when he finally opened his eyes that were filled with white light , everyone looking at the scene under tier 3 went on their knees because of the pressure he created.

Elite and merchant alike , hundereds of thousands were on their knees as they gaped in shock and horror at the man who was floating in the air above covered in a divine aura.

The three alive merchant generals felt their necks were in extreme danger and hence they started to scramble and run . However Rudra was patient with his shot .

" Holy Lance ".

When Rudra finally picked his trajectory he shot out the move with his full power , and under the effect of knight's focus the moment the Lance left his hands it suddenly sped up exponentially , piercing two tier 4 generals who were scrambling for their lives.

Rudra had chosen his trajectory beautifully , as although the two merchant generals were 20 meters apart he still managed to throw it at an inclination that pierced both of their hearts before passing through a legion of merchant soldiers clean.

Only when the bodies started to hit the floor , did the true devastation of the move that Rudra unleashed was realised .

In a straight line , over 20,000 soldiers had fallen dead as Rudra's move left a single open line of dead bodies within hundereds of thousands of the merchants legions , as the remaining soldiers who saw their brethren die in a fraction of a breaths time were now not breathing at all as they looked at the terrifying leader of the opposition.

tier 4 generals dead in under 5 minutes ... Shakuni was on a killing spree and the merchants were finally made aware of the true battle strength of Shakuni.

While some trembled , some pissed themselves , while some were left gawking , everyone on the merchant camp had the exact same idea at this moment , which was the one word ' Flee '.


( Meanwhile on the forums )

" He did it again ... ".

" WHAT EVEN WAS THAT MOVE....??????? ".

" Im losing my mind guys .... One moment he is the emmisary of death riding bone dragon's while at the other he's an angel using divine power.


"This is it guys , this is the day i officially give up on ever becoming the best player in the world. With shakuni out there can we even have such dreams ? ".

" With shakuni in the elite camp ....i don't think they will ever lose a war ".

" Hahaha , i told you guys since the start , he's invincible .... INVINCIBLE ".

" I have been observing Shakuni since he bursted onto the scene all those years ago , and i have seen him accomplish the impossible time and time again.

I am not a man who says big words lightly but , i feel like

You do it once , it's fluke

You do it twice , its epic

You do it thrice , it's excellent fortune

You do it four times , it's talent

You do it five times , it's a habit

But when u manage to create miracles against all odds and defy your fate EVERY SINGLE TIME ..... You're the GOAT! ".


" AMEN ".

" AMEN ".







" AMEN ".


( Back at the battlefield )

The moment the divine strength left his body , he immediately started to feel the backlash as his already weak and broken body finally started to give into mother nature.

Still under the effect of knight's focus , Rudra could feel every single cell of his body hurt and it was excruciating.

His brain was screaming at him to stop the pain and just kill himself , however as he looked into the eyes of the enemy he saw the desired fear that he wanted to stir inside them and he knew at that very moment that he needed to hang on just a little more.

" JUST A LITTLE MORE DAMNIT .... DON'T CRUMPLE .... ". The Rudra of his past life screamed at him , as he reminded his current self that coming so far he could not fall here.

Hence even though every bone and muscle in his body refused to move a single inch , Rudra forced his legs to stand up one more time as his muscles started to violently vibrate due to over-exetrion.

Looking at the last blood merchant general who was terrified beyond beleif , Rudra smiled like a maniac as he said " Come ".
