Chapter 649 An interesting Chat    The entry to inner city was restricted for opening day due to the security concerns of the guests attending.

  Although the event was a restricted one , thousands of Elite guild members still surrounded the structure in the inner city as they being elite members were allowed to roam as they please.

  Moments before the grand opening , Rudra waited for the two guests of honor to show up , as Emperor Cervantez was the first one to arrive.

  Being the emperor of this kingdom his standing was higher than even Rudra . Hence he stayed in the inner city in a guest room in the royal palace as Rudra hosted his stay.

  Accompanied by Patricia and his royal guard he arrived the location in grand fashion , as every Elite soldier on guard bowed when he passed by.

  Cervantez did not need any cool effects like Rudra to flex his charm , as his tier 5 power level and decades of being a ruler made his very natural being filled with exuberance and grandiose with a noble aura.

  As Rudra Bowed and welcomed him he nodded to acknowledge his greeting and then proceeded to scan the power levels of everyone present in the vicinity.


  His eyes cold and his face expressionless it was hard to discern what he was feeling at the moment.

  Soon after Cervantez's entry , the pope walked down the church of light from just beside the church of death as he was escorted by the paladins and the Cardinals of the church as he stepped inside a customary golden carriage that carried him 5 feet before he dismounted and walked inside the gates of the church of death.

  Unlike Cervantez he had a bright smile on his face and a divine radiance surrounding him that made him look like a likeable old man.

  However just like Cervantez the power he wielded was there for everyone to feel , even tier 3 soldiers sweated infront of the pressure his smiling face exuded.

  As Rudra Bowed to the pope he blessed him by saying ' May beniogre be with you ' , and patted him on his head.

  The pope then proceeded to give a friendly nod to Cervantez who pointed at the entrance of the church of death and said " After you ".


  The accompanying guards and paladins stopped there as Rudra , the pope and Cervantez were the only ones who moved forward with only one media coverage man , dewdiepie allowed to follow to film the event.

  Rudra had thought long and hard about the opening ceremony and he did not feel that ribbon cutting was any good as it was a tradition of the modern earth and not of the people of Omega , as he felt like he needed to do something more authentic.

  Walking inside , Cervantez and the pope marvelled at the architecture of the church and looked towards the massive statue of Hades which gave them both a fear debuff that came as a shock to the duo.  ' You have looked into the eyes of the god of death , your fear or mortality reduces all stats by 2% '.

  For tier 5 existances like them who had not known the meaning of the word fear for many decades now , this was a new feeling as the two of them quickly realised that Hades was not someone to mess with if just his statue could put them into a state of fear.

  Looking towards Rudra with complex emotions now , the pope said " A wonderfully constructed church .... Worthy of serving a true righteous god ".

  Rudra smiled at the compliment as he said " Amen ".

  The trio walked to the very foot of the statue as Rudra unsheated the blade of sacrifice for the first time , the crystal clear blade shined with brilliance as it was exposed to the air.

  In the ancient times the grim reaper was the ceremonial sword that was used to make sacrifices to the god of death , hence Rudra needed to craft a new one for the resurrection.

  Wanting to make the blade iconic and super unique , Rudra decided that the blade be crafted from a rhodium crystal that was clear in color and forged by mixing with the corrosive black crystal and the mysterious blue crystal that they got from the ancient lands under lava to make a completely unique blade.

  The blade was forged by the dwarven king himself and was his finest creation yet. A transparent glass like looking blade that was extremely thin and sharp.

  Practically weightless ,it glowed neon blue in darkness and turned black when exposed to light.

  A miraculous and mystical blade , perfect for making an iconic ceremonial blade for the god of death.

  Going first , Rudra slit the palm of his hand with the ceremonial blade and let the blood drip onto a plate .

  Cervantez and the pope looked at what Rudra was doing curiously as everything was carefully being livestreamed by dewdiepie.

  When enough blood had dripped , Rudra put the palms of both his hands on the blood plate as he let the blood soak all over his palms before walking upto the foot of the statue and grabbing the feet of the god of death with his bloody palms as he said " O Hades , the god of death , accept my boiling blood as sacrifice and help me rid my country from death and disease ".

  At this moment Rudra carefully activated his aura of death , as his body emitted large amounts of black fumes as when he stood back up , he looked like a changed man who was immensely more powerful as if blessed by the god of death.

  Rudra knew that it was Petty tricks , but for the billions watching worldwide , the visual effects sent their anticipation to worship through the roof as they could not wait to try it themselves.

  After Rudra did it , he brought out a new clean plate and waited for the pope and emperor Cervantez to follow.

  Rudra knew that slaughter of animals on the opening day of the church was bad PR and killing infront of the pope of the church of life wasn't exactly a genius idea , hence he came up with this absurd ceremony to keep all parties happy.

  Being a warrior , Cervantez did not hesitate to cut his own palm and found out that the ceremonial blade was extremely Sharp and clean as Rudra's blood had dripped right off it without even leaving a single drop on its surface.  Impressed he asked Rudra " What's the name of this blade ? ".

  " Death bringer ".

  " A fine blade ".

  Repeating what Rudra did , emperor Cervantez also put his palms on the feet of the god of death , as his eyes widened in shock again after he recieved a blessing.

  ' Blessed by the god of death , strength increases by 1 permanently '.

  Although Cervantez said nothing , the way he looked at Hades and Rudra changed drastically as Rudra understood that something must have happened.

  When the pope's turn came he was a bit more reserved than the other two as he did not like the idea of intentional self harm. However not to be bad sport he still slit a single finger of his before touching Hades's feet

  Even he was blessed by the god of death and a half forced smile came to his face as for a moment he let his real emotions about the ordeal slip.

  Rudra was quick to catch his forced smile as he realised that he would need to have a talk with the pope soon , but before he could say anything much , an ancient voice boomed in the room as Hades himself said

  " You are born from dust and you will return to dust , beniogre and me are the two sides of the same coin , send her my regards !!!! ".


  ( Meanwhile Dronacharya )

  Dronacharya had made his way to the dark faction territory now , as he chased the myth about the demons diary.

  He knew that if Rudra and the blood merchants were after the same item , it must be something special which could become his key to connecting with Lucifer , as his findings took him to the forest of the undead which was the den for most NPC necromancers in the game , sprawled over by spooky trees , ghosts and undeads all around .

  Dronacharya wanted to find a particular necromancer who specialised in summoning demons , as he sneakily made his way past undead without being detected.

  Dronacharya was an excellent player when push came to shove , his gaming skills were actually top notch however the only reason why he couldn't shine was because of his mindset and attitude.

  His crab like mentality made him think that dethroning a star was the only way to stardom , whereas he did not beleive in building himself from the ground up.

  That was one of the reasons why he hated Rudra so much , as the guy came from nothing and skyrocketed to becoming the king that he was today.

  Cursing Shakuni dronacharya resolved his mind to take everything he posessed one day ... His kingdom , his money , his guild and even his beautiful elven fiance !

  Looking at the necromancers cave that he wanted to find , dronacharya laughed as he said

  " kekekeke shakuni .... Im coming for you ".
