Chapter 735 Tier 5    System Notification: Congratulations player 'Shakuni' for successfully completing the tier 5 promotion test.

  Distributing completion reward -

  All stat points X2

  Physique buff - +2000 points

  Mana buff - +4000 points

  + Immunity from mind control skills below tier 5

  + Immunity from poison skills below tier 5


  + Attacks below tier 3 lose 99% effectiveness


  + Title ( Powerhouse )

  + Unlocked tier 5 special skill ( Aura suppression ) ---------> Detected user already has a special aura skill , upgrading..... Merging ,New skill unlocked ( Death Emperor's Aura Suppression)

  Test evaluation:

  Water - Pass


  Air - Fail

  Fire - Pass

  Earth - Pass

  Space - Pass

  Time - Distinction

  Final evaluation - A+

  Distributing Rewards :

  Please choose amongst any 2 of these 5 skill moves.

  [ Space Buster ] (space) ( Tier 5 ) : A combat support move that enables the player to create a spacial rip that can open a unusual pathway for dealing attack's .

  Open wormholes , spacial tears , unusual attack paths to absolutely obliterate the enemy from angles that they have no estimation off.

  Can also Bypass barriers and protective formations.

  Mana consumption - 15 -500 units per use

  Cooldown time - 5 seconds

  [ Dark Fire blast ] ( fire ) ( tier 5) - Master One of the top 5 flames in the universe that can even melt legendary grade items.

  Blast enemies with this flame to leave not even their ashes behind.

  Note - Nobody under tier 5 can resist this blast if equipped with semi legendary equipment or lower.

  WARNING - If the attack is launched too close to the user , then the user will also feel the heat of the blast.

  Mana consumption - 4500 units per blast

  Cooldown time - 1 hour

  [ Terrain Manipulation] ( Earth ) ( tier5 ) - Perfectly detect and manipulate any terrain you walk on.

  completely rip apart the very surface of the battlefield ur fighting on and manipulate the terrain to your advantage  Can flatten hills , mountains , create water bodies and lava mounds at will .

  Area of effect - 2 square killometers

  Mana consumption -1,000 - 10,000 units

  Cooldown time - none

  [ Oceans reckoning ] ( Water ) - Unleash a powerful tsunami with Maximum wave height of 4 killometers.

  Swipe away any battlefield you walk on and raze cities to the ground.

  Special effects - If ocean is nearby , mana consumption drops by 70% , cooldown time by 99%

  Mana consumption - 8000 units per attack

  Cooldown time - 1 day

  [ Future Sight ] ( Time ) ( tier 5 ) - Look at the sequence of events that are to happen for 5 seconds in the future.

  Mana consumption - 4,000 units per use

  Cooldown time - none

  + Distributing ONE random class specific skill ...

  Skill recieved [ Undead Ruler ]

  [ Undead Ruler] ( Death Knight Only ) ( Semi divine )- Summon a self sustaining army of the dead consisting of

  - 1 million tier 1 bone crawler undead

  - 250,000 tier 2 Horse riding undead

  - 50,000 tier 3 Durahal

  - 20,000 tier 3 undead sorcerer's

  -20,000 tier 3 undead archer's

  -10,000 tier 3 wyvern riders

  - 5 tier 4 elder litches

  - 1 tier 4 undead shaman king

  - 1 tier 4 undead commander.

  Note - The 5 elder litches are the summoners of the army and can replace all tier 1 and 2 units.

  Tier 3 units and above are irreplaceable.


  Rudra was happy to see the mandatory rewards , the stat points he had accumulated after reaching the peak of tier 4 were extremely high. Doubling them was a huge advantage for him as he had essentially doubled his already immense strength at once.

  Throughout his journey till this point in Omega, Rudra had used the golden ratio , the black ratio and countless treasures to buff his stat points well beyond the realm of a common man.

  Lately with him completing the church of death targets , he also recieved +2000 stat points for all stats and now every one of those rewards from the start was doubled!

  The gap created by this one promotion between Rudra and the rest of the player base was unbelievable.

  If Rudra could go toe to toe with a normal tier 5 existance at peak of tier 4 , he was strong enough to contend with peak level tier 5 existances now and the cherry on top was that his constitution improved hence he was gifted with +2000 Physique points and +4000 mana points!

  Then there were the immunities, Rudra was glad to see that mind control and poison skills of even tier 4 would no longer work on him! It was like he had evolved to some higher being and petty tricks would not work on him anymore! It was an amazing feeling.

  The golden invitation was written in gold letters and in bold , however it was a Sigma only thing which piqued Rudra's interest.

  He has recieved an invitation to the universal game Sigma! It was golden and came as a reward so was most likely to be some unbelievable opportunity.action  As for why he got a Sigma reward in Omega, Rudra had no idea , however he was not going to focus on it for long since it did not concern him at the moment.

  Rudra also unlocked a new title [ Powerhouse]

  [ Powerhouse ] ( Legendary ) - You have reached the pinnacle of power on middle earth and ascended to the highest realm possible.

  You are now a continental power that is to be taken seriously wherever you go.

  All nations fear you and all citizens admire you .

  Rudra read the title and was dissapointed that it had no special effects. It was just a showpiece and Rudra had no use for vain titles without purpose.

  Rudra's Death Knight's Aura had somehow been upgraded to Death Emperor's Aura Suppression .

  [ Death Emperor's Aura Suppression] ( Semi- Divine) : ??????

  + All mounts will submit to you

  + All humans under tier 2 can be instantly killed by the dense aura

  + All tier 2 humans can be incapacitated in fear

  + -50% stat debuff to all tier 3 players

  + 12% strength stat debuff all tier 4 players

  + ??????

  + ??????

  Domain range - Depends on user proficiency

  Current range - 200 meters.

  Note - User needs to master the skill first to see more information.

  Rudra was pleasantly surprised to see this skill , it was a very important skill that nullified mob tactics against him.

  He was free from wasting his precious moves on killing cannon fodders if they would die instantly when coming into his aura's domain.

  Tier 1 and 0 would die instantly

  Tier 2 would be frozen on the spot unable to move due to fear

  This meant that the wave tactics would never work in defeating him!

  This was a huge benefit while fighting big wars as everyone under tier 4 was essentially wiped out of competition for him as his passives would basically neutralize them into becoming threat less.

  Rudra was a little dissapointed in the A+ evaluation however he quickly realised that to get a SSS rating one needed to have a distinction in all 6 tests.

  He was far away from that mark and was lucky to pass the comprehension test for water and fire. He would have barely passed the test otherwise , hence he was happy to take what he could get from the rewards.

  This time around he got no choice as to what class specific skill he could chose , however he was extremely happy with the Undead Ruler skill as well. It was extremely similar to the skill that Hades uses however it is a slightly inferior version of that skill considering tier 3 units were able to respawn in that particular skill move.

  The good news however was that with him ascending to tier 5 , the skill death legion also recieved and upgrade!

  [ Death legion ] - Choice between summoning 100,000 tier 3 undead mages or 10 tier 4 undead mana dragons.

  It was the peak of the skill move and it was undoubtedly a much stronger skill than before!

  Although Rudra had no idea what undead mana dragons were , he was sure that 100,000 tier 3 undead mages could absolutely wreak havoc on any battlefield they were summoned on.

  He needed to summon the dragons once to understand what their exact strength was , however considering that every tier 4 force was a huge asset to a war effort, Rudra knew that it must be a good deal .

  Now the only question that remained was what to choose from the 5 skill moves he was presented with.

  Rudra noticed that he got a choice from one skill move from every test that he passed . He recieved no wind related skills but a choice from the other 5 elements.

  Every skill had its merits and demerits and with him gunning for a war , it could well be the trump card that he got under his sleeve to decide the outcome of some important battle.

  Hence he needed to choose very carefully now.

  /// Guys you know the drill by now , you have 24 hours to reply as to what skill he should pick and why , so time to go to the comments section and bash the comments down there.

  I would appreciate maximum participation for this as this is going to probably the last skill choosing for a long time as our hero is nowhere near a next tier promotion anytime soon.

  Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter although it's a very technical one. Do let me know if you have any doubts regarding this too in the comments ///
