Vasili looked over to the tent exclusive for them. Three soldiers are watching over them. He beckoned them to come to assist him in teaching the inexperienced Chosonese.

Five minutes later, the survivors of the Battle of Namdaemun arrived. They are still in their military uniform. Vasili counted them, there are fourteen of them.

Two of the Special Forces of the Ruthenian Army carried the wooden crate. They set it down near their captain.

Vasili offered the Mosin Nagant rifle to the inexperienced farmer who nervously grabbed it from his hand.action

The farmer almost tipped over from the weight of the rifle. Judging from his thin stature, Vasili could imagine that if he fire the rifle, he would probably end up dropping it over the ground.

Before he can give him permission to shoot, Vasili has another rifle and walk over to the middle of the firing range.

“Jang, come over here,” Vasili motioned him over.


Jang quickly jogged over to him. “What is it?”

“I want you to translate everything I’m about to tell you as accurately as possible in Chosonese for these men right there.”

“I’ll do my best,” Jang nodded before taking his place beside Vasili.

Vasili held the Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle up, showing the Chosonese the rifle they are going to wield on the battlefield.“Before we start, I want to introduce myself first,” Vasili said, followed by Jang’s translated words.

“I am Captain Vasili Andrenov of the Ruthenian Army Special Forces. I’m here to give you military training for one week. I’m going to teach you how to move and act like a unit. Now, the men in front are from the Chosonese Imperial Army, which means you already completed your basic military training so this is going to be easy for you guys. But for those who haven’t even seen or held a gun, I want you to listen carefully. Later, you will be armed with this bolt-action rifle, the Mosin Nagant. An internal magazine-fed, shoulder-fired bolt-action rifle. Consider this a gift from the Ruthenian Empire. This rifle is going to be your partner on the battlefield, they will save your life, and your comrades, and liberate your country. So before we start teaching you about military formations, let’s have a test first. Sir, I want you to step forward.”

Vasili beckoned the farmer to step forward. The farmer did as he was told and Vasili and Jang walked behind him.


“Aim, soldier,” Vasili ordered the farmer to train his weapon.

Jang translated the words that came out of Vasili’s mouth and the eyes of the farmer widened. He was not called a farmer or a peasant but rather a soldier who is going to save his country from the Yamato.

Hearing so must’ve lifted his emotion and made him feel confident about himself as he raised the bolt-action rifle and aimed at the straw dummy.

“Now, I want you to shoot that straw dummy in the head,” Vasili instructed.

The farmer pulled the trigger and a loud bang rang across the outpost. He missed the target, causing him to frown with disappointment.

Vasili corrected his posture by making a few adjustments. “Rifle butt, against the shoulder and eye down the sight. Now fire again.”

This time, the farmer hit the straw dummy in the head, piercing a hole in its forehead. The farmer beamed a smile across his face as he couldn’t believe himself, he actually managed to hit the straw dummy. He couldn’t wait to show everyone how awesome his shooting skills are to his friends who were watching him, raising a thumbs up.

He grinned, feeling proud of himself.

“Now, now, don’t get too excited yet,” Vasili said while laughing slightly, then continued, “If you really wanna impress your friends, then you must pass the basic course later.”

Jang translated his words and made the farmer chuckle.

“Okay!” Vasili clapped as he turned to face the Chosonese Imperial Army. “Now, each and one of you, grab one rifle from the crate and once you get one, return back to your positions immediately. Move!”The soldiers of the Imperial Army all rushed to collect and bring back rifles. They checked their new weapon, checked the balance, and shared their findings with their fellow comrades in Chosonese.

Hearing all of them blabbering, Vasili roared. “Shut up you little bastards. Stand up straight or I will personally shit-kick every Far Eastern buttock that appears before my eyes.”

Jang jolted and looked at him dumbfoundedly. That’s a lot of words he doesn’t want to translate.

The Imperial Army falls in immediately. Despite not understanding every word that he said, they understood the message nonetheless.

“Good! Now, each of you, I want you to fire on the stray dummy at my say-so, you understand?”

The soldiers quickly complied as they lined up in front of the dummy. Each of them pointed their guns at the straw dummy. A few of them were trembling from nervousness, but eventually, they calmed down.

“Fire!” Vasili ordered. The weapons fired simultaneously, and the recoil caused by the shots reverberated through the air sending vibrations throughout the camp. Some six bullets pierced the straw dummy while the others didn’t hit the mark.

“Okay, this is going to be a lot of work since you are using a new firearm.”

“Sir!” Someone just hailed him.

Vasili’s gaze flickered to the man who called him. It was the man he sent to pick up the incoming supplies brought by the Bogatyr.

“Hold on for a moment,” Vasili walked away from the shooting range and met his men. “So, where is it?”

His men simply pointed at the treeline where six Special Forces walked out from it carrying wooden crates.

“There’s our new armaments and provisions for our Chosonese friends here.”

“Now that’s great. Let’s arm all of these Orientals…” Vasili said. “Now speaking of Chosonese, where is their leader? Is she still sleeping?”

“Probably, but I don’t think so. After all the shootings that can be heard from all over the forest. I doubt that she won’t wake up from that.”

“I’m going to talk with her later and inform her about the recent developments of the war. For now, get that thing there.”

“Yes sir!” The men performed a salute.
