After spending time with his sisters, Alexander heads straight to his office.

Life in the Winter Palace was fairly simple if he were to ask. The daily routines were almost monotonous: wake up, work, family time, and sleep. Speaking of family, Anya is being homeschooled by the royal tutor hired by the Imperial Family whereas Sophie is going to attend a fundraising campaign attended by a plethora of elites who wish to donate their riches to the development of the Ruthenian Empire’s infrastructure.

It was a noble job and her leaving in St. Petersburg made Alexander sad as he would miss her.

Well, she’ll return by tomorrow anyway so he tries to push those thoughts from his mind.

He opens the door, entering the big spacious office. He looks at all his paperwork scattered on top of his desk, waiting to be looked upon by him.

He sighed heavily, reminiscing about the past when he was swamped with work. Being a CEO may have its benefits, but the workload is nothing compared to the stress that comes along the line.

Sighing once more, Alexander began organizing his documents while muttering something to himself under his breath. It wasn’t until a few seconds passed did he realize someone had entered his office.


“Your Majesty…,” he trailed off the moment his eyes saw the Emperor was busy organizing his papers. “Not a good time?”

“No, no,” Alexander answered quickly. He leaned his butt on the desk behind him as he folded his arms. “Sevastian? I didn’t expect you to come so early. What can I do for you? Another war report perhaps?”

“Well, something came up that requires your immediate attention,” Sevastian ambled towards Alexander as he rummaged through his bag. “It’s about the bombing operation you authorized to neutralize Busan Port,” he finally got the paper he was looking for and immediately handed it to Alexander.

Alexander raised an eyebrow at it before opening and reading the document. Reading a portion of it, he scoffed. “The Yamato Empire is lodging a diplomatic protest for the bombing of the port that took the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians? The Yamato looks to be at the ends of their ropes. Now they are pulling in foreign nations to gain support? What a joke.” He tossed the papers aside and then proceeded to lean on his desk again. He stared blankly at the window behind him.

“I know, right?” Sevastian agreed, also looking out of the window. “You needn’t worry, Your Majesty. This matter will go smoothly. Just as we expected, the Yamato Empire is going to use the bombing of Busan to condemn us.”“Well it’s not like they care about it anyway,” Alexander scoffed softly. “The way our forces fight in Choson is revolutionizing welfare as we speak. They will need information about our weapons to build countermeasures. Which is going to happen sooner or later…”

“I’m sorry Your Majesty, I can’t seem to follow,” Sevastian chuckled lightly as Alexander paused to glance at him and roll his eyes.


“That’s because I got carried away,” Alexander muttered. “Well, the point being is this war is of utmost importance to them. This war gives them an opportunity to learn more about our arsenal. That diplomatic protest is just a formality, no one actually cared about the lives lost in Busan. Just have Sergei deal with it, I’ve already informed him about the possibility of Yamato filing a complaint.”

Alexander, with his eyes still fixed on the window, notices Sophie walking over to the car door. Before getting inside, Sophie looked at the window where Alexander was staring at. She smiled and waved to her husband.

Alexander waved back, sending a flying kiss in her direction which earned him a giggle. After exchanging a small wave and romantic gesture, Sophie slipped into the vehicle.

“Her Majesty is heading to Moksva right?” Sevastian asked, catching Alex’s attention as he turned his head slightly.

Alex hummed affirmatively. “Yes, she’s the host after all. Anyways, is there something noteworthy

coming up today?”

Sevastian nodded his head. “There are two, Your Majesty, the Ruthenian Armed Forces will start their offensive at midnight. Since the Hanseong Army of the Yamato Empire has entered north, it’s time to encircle and squeeze them in place. The Navy has already positioned along the coast of the northern part of Choson to bring in a naval bombardment. The Righteous Army in the south will take weeks before they are ready for combat that will take the capital of the Choson Empire. By two or three weeks, we will have total control of the peninsula.”

“That’s good to know and what’s the other one?” Alexander asked.

“Well, this one came out all of a sudden. The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Chile along with the Minister of National Defense wish to see you, Your Majesty.”

“A Chilean Foreign Minister?” Alexander tilted his head to the side. “Do we have diplomatic relations with that country? Because I’m sure I haven’t read the name of their country in the list.”

“That’s true, Your Majesty, we haven’t formally set up diplomatic ties with the Republic of Chile, but it looks like it’ll be on the main agenda for today. They are waiting for you in the Mikhailovsky Palace and also, Your Majesty, establishing diplomatic relations is just one of their goals.”

“What’s the other?” Alexander inquired further.

Sevastian took a deep breath before continuing on, “I’ve made a small research about their country and I found out that the Empire of Brazil, Republic of Argentina, and the Republic of Chile are engaged in a naval arms race to assert dominance over the region. Their main suppliers were the Britannia Empire and the United States.”

“So, are you telling me that the Chilean government wants to buy a warship from us?” Alexander asked rhetorically, “I’ve never heard about this nation. Are they rich?”“They are one of the wealthiest countries in South America, so yeah,” Sevastian admitted. “I believe they were charmed by our ships.”

Alexander chuckled lightly, shaking his head slightly. “Diana is going to hate me for stealing their customer. Well, since they are the ones who approach us then let’s meet them. It’ll be rude to decline them without giving them a chance.

“I’ve already prepared the talking points. The name of the Foreign Minister is Emilio Bello Codecido and for the Minister of National Defense Pedro Opazo Letelier.”

“The name sounded Spanish,” Alexander commented. “We haven’t formally established relations with South American nations aside from Brazil right?”

“That seems to be the case, Your Majesty,” Sevastian confirmed.

“Then let’s make some friends in the South.”


In the Mikhailovsky Palace.

“Foreign Minister, welcome to the Ruthenia Empire. I didn’t expect you would visit us at a time like this,” Alexander said in Spanish as he shook the hand of the Foreign Minister of Chile.

“I apologize for doing so, Your Majesty. We understand the current situation of your Great Empire during our journey. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emilio Bello Codecido, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Chile and this is Pedro Opazo Letelier, Minister of National Defense.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet both of you,” Alexander shook their hands before offering them to take a seat.

“Do you want tea or coffee?” Alexander offered as he took his seat.

“We’re okay, Your Majesty, we appreciate the offer.”

“Okay then,” Alexander sighed and began. “So, Mister Emilio, why are you here?” Alexander started, still speaking in Spanish, one of the languages he was good at. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Actually, sir, I’ve been tasked by our president to visit the Ruthenia Empire to establish diplomatic relations with your country.”

“That’s good to hear. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to establish relationships with the countries in South America. It’s an honor that you wish to make friends with us. I will have my Foreign Minister prepare the necessary arrangements.”

“We are glad to hear that, Your Majesty,” Emilio bowed politely.

“Would that be all?” Alexander continued. “I’m sure you are aware of the current state of the Ruthenia Empire with the Yamato Empire. So my time here is limited. If there is something you would like to discuss, say it now.”

“I see that Your Majesty has already seen through our intentions,” Emilio sighed deeply while he ran a hand through his dark, thick hair. “In that case Your Majesty, if I may be frank, the Republic of Chile wishes to buy warships from you to secure our national interest in our region.”
