There was a creak of over-stressed wood as Halgrave shifted, leaning back and letting the tiny silver fork he’d been holding clatter to the now-empty plate on his desk. It was before dawn, but in Xiugaaraa, that hardly mattered. The office he’d rented in the Guild was lit by gaudy fire, always, presently reflecting crimson off his blue-and-gold-enameled armor. Even with access to the system, the constant light made it very easy to lose track of time.

With a deep sigh, he ran a hand through his close-cropped hair and glanced at the intelligence brief on his desk.

Lightbreaker and imperial forces sighted in northern DKE, reported to have attacked North Harbor.

Significant damage.

Citizens Tem, Yelfenn, and Elfield have retreated to defend their cities.

Ellis razed in the battle between Citizens Ellis, Rumdell, Bluecrest, Berryfed, Jarro, and the imperial army under Dominus Alarus.

Citizens forced to withdraw.


Inbound transit from the Ellis teleport node has been blocked in neighboring cities.

Fel Sadanis, Southguard, Warmak, Rumdell, and Shinevale remain under imperial control.

The assault to retake Shinevale by Citizens Shinevale, Bluecrest, Kepar, and Davlake was repulsed.

Multiple reports indicate that imperial supply lines are being harassed by a gold-level Force Mage near Southguard.

Identity unconfirmed and motivations unknown.

Suspected to be the ex-Guilder Lavarro, wanted for the devastation of Westbridge.


Guild branches in Falking, Lenleah, Halfstone, and Downharrow remain open.

Branch leaders report a marked increase in quest availability and quality related to the ongoing conflict.

Members are reminded that the Empire of Adamant represents a gold-rank threat.
