Chapter 567 Telepathy or Illusions?  

"Don't worry. You will know soon." Jack stated mysteriously. No sooner had he just finished speaking did Sylvia suddenly feel the effects of the serum kicking in.

Suddenly, Sylvia felt that her head had been suddenly been hit by something heavy and hard. For that reason, she felt somehow dizzy while at the same time experiencing a headache.

Other than that, she felt that in her mind, there was something that was trying to activate. It was a process that was filled with pain, something that made her grab her head tightly. It was just that she was trying to make sure that she did not scream due to the pain that she was currently experiencing.

The amount of pain that she was currently undergoing was tremendous. And had it not been for the fact that Sylvia was someone that possessed great will, she would have definitely screamed, asking for it to stop.

Of course, the changes that were happening to her were not only happening in her head, but in other parts of the body as well. It was just that the changes that were occurring to the other parts of the body could be considered negligible.

At this point, inside Sylvia's head, inside of the brain, several inactive cells were activated. And with the activations of these cells, they began acting. At this point, they were being supplied with energy from the serum.


So, they were running at an incredible speed, way beyond the speed at which the other cells in the body were operating. Nevertheless, they were causing the body to have an effect as a whole.

With the activation of this cells, the other cells in the body also began gaining the energy. But of course, the energy that they were gaining was not comparable to the one that the new activated cells were gaining from the serum.

This process went on for about 5 minutes. And during these entire 5 minutes, it was as if Sylvia was experiencing hell for an eternity. Although it was just a short time, but still, just the pain made it to be long enough.

At this point, after about 5 minutes, the pain suddenly began reducing. With the reduction of the pain, Sylvia could finally breath. At the same time, she also began noticing the changes that had occurred in her body.

She realized that currently, she felt that there was some kind of energy inside of her body. But of course, this energy was found closer to her brain, though not inside her brain.

She felt that if she controlled this energy, she was going to be capable of doing anything. Of course, this was just an illusion that was created after gaining an ability so suddenly. "You better try to learn and control yourself. If you let yourself go, then, you are definitely going to cause havoc." At this time, Jack's voice reached her ears.


It was only then that Sylvia finally stopped focusing on the energy that was inside of her. Instead, she looked at Jack with some complicated emotions. She really didn't know what to say to him right now.

Initially, to say the truth, she hated him. After all, he was the one that was involved in the breaking of the personality that she had integrated in the entire Panthers organization's members.

But after interacting with him, she didn't find him as repulsive as before. And after he had helped her, her impression of him had increased. And right now, possessing the special ability that she had gained through the assistance of Jack, she felt gratitude towards him.

So, at this point, she decided that if there was a time that Jack needed assistance from her, as long as she was capable of doing it, she was going to help him with it.

"Thank you." Sylvia stated as she looked at Jack.

Jack was a little surprised after hearing what she had said. After all, he knew that Sylvia was a person that possessed an ego. So, although he was helping her, he had not expected that she was going to tell him thank you.

For that reason, during the time that she needed assistance from him, he had always been asking for payment. In any case, it was just a business transaction. But now, he had to change his impression or Sylvia.

But after thinking about everything for a moment, he realized that perhaps there was something that Sylvia was planning to do. And whatever it was, that was something that was supposed to have been done several years ago.

At the end of the day, Sylvia had made a deal with his mother so that she could activate the crystal for her. Nevertheless, his mother suddenly disappeared for several years, and the crystal had never been activated all these years.

So, that implied that currently, Sylvia was now capable of doing whatever it was that she was planning for several years now. As for what it was, Jack did not want to get much involved into it. To him, as long as he completed part of his task together with the end of the contract that he was supposed to fulfill, he did not really care about what Sylvia decided to do.

But of course, that was on a premise that she did not actively decide to make him an enemy. If she did that, then, he was definitely going to be involved in whatever she was going to do.

"You could thank me better if you gave me some resources that are capable of affecting superhumans you know?" Jack responded after about 2 seconds.

Sylvia could not help but look at Jack speechlessly. She was not the only one considering that even Celine and the rest of the group present were actually surprised by the way that Jack had responded. magic

At the same time in her mind, Celine could not help but think that she really didn't notice that Jack was this much shameless. According to what she understood, Jack had done this for Sylvia because she was going to pay him. So, that thank you was just by the way. Sylvia could have decided not to tell him something like that considering that she was going to pay him for the services anyway. But nevertheless, she was not going to say anything about this matter.

In any case, if Jack got something good, then it was definitely going to make their lives easier. And, if Jack's life was easier, that was something that she really wanted to see.

"Forget it. So, I should be going back. I need to try and train my control over this ability that I have gained. If I try it right now inside here, I don't know if I can really control it." Sylvia stated.

"You can just go ahead. As for me, I still have something to do. In any case, if you have another business transaction, you can just come over and find me. But remember, whatever it is that you want to do, make sure that you do it sooner.

If the time comes for me to leave this place, I will definitely take you with me to make sure that I don't end up failing to fulfill my end of the contract. After all, I don't want to die yet." Jack responded. Immediately after that, he turned his attention and focused on the creation of the communication device.

Sylvia looked at Jack who had completely ignored her presence and could not help but feel dissatisfied. But in any case, she had already gotten used to this side of Jack. So, she didn't say anything and turned around and decided to leave.

Of course, she understood that Jack had his own things to do. It was just that, for her, after the activation of the special ability, she was finally closer to the goal that she was aiming for.

So, she didn't mind what Jack had said. She believed that by the time that Jack wanted to leave this place, she would have definitely completed whatever had brought her here.

After Sylvia left, Celine looked at Jack and asked, "What kind of ability did she gain?" She was not the only one who was curious about the ability that Sylvia had gained.

All along, until now, Celine had not met anybody that possessed a special ability. For that reason, she was quite curious about those that possessed special abilities.

Even for Alicia, Celine had actually never interacted with her. Instead, it was Alicia who had been acting from the shadows all along during the time that she was manipulating and controlling Celine.

So, if it happened that Sylvia actually possessed the same ability as the one that she had, then, she wanted to engage with her, so that she could understand the ability that she possessed better.

At the end of the day, by observing the others was another method of learning. So, although she possessed the 100 times multiplier effect, something that enabled her to learn a hundred times faster, but she believed that if she came to know how others operated the same ability as the one that she was having, then perhaps she would be having another perspective of the control of the ability.

"It's just a mental ability. As for the specifics, I think it is something illusions or telepathy. I'm not sure which amongst the two she possesses." Jack responded.

After hearing Jack's response, Celine could not help but be a little disappointed. After all, if Sylvia possessed an ability that was either telepathy or illusions, then that meant that they were not on the same path.

It might be true that they were both possessing mental abilities, but they belonged to different divisions.

"But you don't really need to worry about that. I can guess what you are thinking about. So, I'll help you with that." Jack stated as he turned his attention from his workbench and looked at Celine.

"You can do that?" Celine asked in surprise.
