Chapter 573 Cell Invogorant Syrup  A/N:

Till Tuesday, there'll only be a single chapter released per day, as I'm held up and the chapters being released were written in advance. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused.


"Whatever. So, I'm going to add another thing. This is only capable of affecting people that are at the first stage of the superhuman level. And, let me tell you something, if you don't agree to this, then we can just give up on this matter." Phoebe stated as she took out a small box.

After opening it, inside of the box, there was a small glass bottle that possessed a small cartridge that was containing a yellow liquid.

After looking at it for a moment, Jack closed the small box. With that, he took out the two communication devices that he was having next to him on the couch that he was sitting on, before handing them over to Phoebe.

With that, the deal could be considered as closed. And, Jack had actually gained a lot. Although it might actually be true that the berserk booster serum had several side effects, that was not something that Jack cared much about.


At the end of the day, the multiplier effect had not been applied yet. Once it was done, he was pretty sure that the side effects would be reduced, right? Although he was not sure, but at least he believed so.

As for the other one that was only capable of affecting stage one superhumans, it was not difficult for him to be able to acquire a high level one after the multiplier effect was applied.

With the deal finally closed, Phoebe decided to talk about another matter. She was curious about Jack. It was just that she did not really know what to say to him. Nevertheless, she thought for a while, and thought about something that they could talk about.

"About the communication device. I really want several of them. I do believe that you are not expecting me to just own this pair, right?" Phoebe asked as she pointed what the box that Jack had given to her.

"I have got no problem if you want more of them. But nevertheless, you will have to pay for each communication device that you'll be taking. And as you can see, I'm giving out as a pair, and not just one of them." Jack stated nonchalantly.

Looking at the nonchalant expression that was on Jack's face, Phoebe could not help but feel a little bit helpless. She herself was not that good when it came to socialization. And right now, she was trying to find a common topic that she could discuss with Jack, but this guy was giving out answers that finalized everything.


"Of course I know that. But what I'm trying to talk about is that, for the next purchase, I hope that you will reduce the price. At the end of the day, we are in a small stronghold, and whatever it is that you are asking for exchange for the communication devices is quite high." Phoebe stated."Well, as I can remember, I don't think I ever stated that it has to be only a single thing that can be exchanged. Although it is true that I stated that it has to be something that can affect a superhuman, but who said that it had to be a high level one?

You can deal with the matter of quality by compensating me with quantity. That will work as well." Jack shrugged his shoulder as he responded.

Phoebe couldn't help but blink her eyes as she looked at Jack. Really, what he had said was true. He had never said that they had to bring high level items in order to exchange for the communication device.

That was something that they had assumed on their own. But right now, after thinking through, it seemed that she was the one who didn't think much about it. It seemed that she was going to be capable of accessing more communication devices.

At the end of the day, when it came to the resources that were capable of affecting superhumans, although they were not that much within this stronghold, but still, each organization possessed a sizable amount.

The reason behind this was simply because if an organization possessed two superhumans, they would not be having much trouble when it came to training. It was just that the level of the resources that they were receiving were quite low.

"Why didn't you specify something like that early?" A little displeased, Phoebe asked with a frown on her face.

"You could have simply asked for clarification from me. But it seems that nobody was interested in something like that." Jack shrugged his shoulder as he responded.

Phoebe could do nothing at this point. At the end of the day, although it was true that Jack had not specified anything, but they themselves had not also taken any interest in questioning if something like that was possible. So, all of them were to blame.

After knowing that there was nothing that they could talk about anymore, Phoebe finally decided to leave. Of course, that did not mean that the interest that she possessed towards Jack had already waned away.

In fact, she was even more curious about him. But, at this point, she realized that there was no information that she could get from Jack, unless she was closer to him.

Nevertheless, it was not as if Jack was the only person that she could get information from. For that reason, this time, after she left this place, she decided that she was going to visit Sylvia.

Although the relationship between the two of them was kind of rigid, but the two of them were not enemies at all. In fact, the relationship between the two of them was way better as compared to the one that the two of them shared with the leaders of the other organizations present within the stronghold.

As soon as Phoebe left, Jack focused on the prompts that had appeared in front of him.

[You have earned a berserk booster serum. Multiplier applied. Would the host like an increase in terms of quality or quantity?]

[You have earned a Cell Invogorant syrup. Multiplier applied. Would the host like an increase in terms of quality or quantity?]After reading the two prompts, Jack did not hesitate to select an increase in terms of quality. Currently, it was not as if he was going to deal with many people. Instead, he wanted to increase the strength of just a few people. So, quality was definitely the best in this situation.

[You have earned a berserk booster serum. Multiplier applied. You receive a booster serum (8 star)]

[You have earned a berserk booster serum. Multiplier applied. You receive a cell upgrade syrup (7 star)]

After reading the information about the two items that he had received, just as he had expected, the booster serum no longer possessed the berserk effect.

The side effects of a person being unconscious for a day or more, and the torment that they were supposed to undergo while experiencing the pain was also removed completely.

As for the second one, cell invigorant syrup, that was something that was used by those that were training. Of course, it had to be super humans because if an ordinary human used it, they would be overwhelmed by the syrup and would end up dead.

During training, after a person took this syrup, the results of their training would be increased. It could be like those illegal drugs that if taken by those bodybuilders, they would be able to gain results faster.

It was just that inside here, there were actually no side effects. That was the reason why the majority of the superhumans were actually using this syrup. It was just that the one that was present within this organization was actually a low level one.

After the upgrade by the system in terms of quality, he had gotten cell upgrade syrup. This was yet another resource that could be found within the stronghold domain. It was just that it was kind of rare considering that the results that came from the cell upgrade syrup were way better as compared to the one that came from the cell invigorant syrup.

Nevertheless, with the upgrade, although it was just a 7 star level syrup, a level below the booster serum, but Jack understood that the results of the two were almost the same. It was just that the booster serum was a little bit better.

The thing that made Jack more excited was the fact that the person that took the syrup and the serum did not need to exercise. Instead, after taking the syrup and the serum, the results would be immediate.magic

Currently, something that could affect a person of Jack's level, who was currently at stage 5 of the superhuman level, was something like the booster serum, and the cell upgrade syrup.

'System, if I give the cell upgrade syrup to Samantha, would she be affected?' Jack asked the system in his mind.

[During the time that you gave the lady named Denali something from the system that was way above her level, did she die?]

'Not really.' Jack responded, not understanding what the system was trying to imply.

[Then you've got your answer. Anything that comes from the system does not affect a person. No matter the level of the item that comes from the system, as long as a person takes it, they would only gain advantages, and not disadvantages.]

Jack was excited after hearing that. Of course, the reason why he had asked a question like that was not because he was dumb, or he had forgotten about what had happened during the time that Denali had taken the pill.

But instead, it was just that for the cell invigorant syrup, that was something that had been specified that if taken by an ordinary human, that ordinary human was bound to die. So, after the upgrade, Jack was hoping that there was no side effect like that.

Since the system had already cleared out his doubts, he did not hesitate to call out for Samantha. At the same time, he prepared a cartridge syringe, before placing the cartridge that contained the cell upgrade syrup.
