Stefan and Wirata walked to Summer's room. The dog popped his head up from the soft blanket that he was sleeping on.


He greeted them. Stefan picked him up. Summer looked drowsy but he licked Stefan's chin to tell him that he was glad to see them back.

"We are back now, my boy. "

The gentle voice said to the little dog as though it understand his words. Summer used his paws to rub his eyes. Wirata smiled at the cute puppy.

"Let him sleep, Stefan. If he could speak, he probably would have sworn at you already. Nobody likes anyone to wake him up in the middle of his sweet dreams like this."

She said with a smile, felt softened toward both the man and the dog.


"He only eats and sleeps nowadays. Fat as a pig, not a dog anymore."

Stefan mumbled and put Summer back on his mattress. The puppy was too sleepy to bother he then tucked his head in the blanket and closed his eyes again.

Stefan wrapped his arm around Wirata's shoulders and walked into his bedroom. They took a shower together as the man hurt his hands so Wirata had to help him.

That night, he cuddled her tight. He wanted to make love to her as his heart wished to but his hands did not agree with him also she did not let him mess about. So he had to surrender to all the reasons and only snuggled his face on her nape while they slept in spoon position.

The next day came.

Wirata had a serious talk with Stefan. She asked him to let her work at the hotel. She felt so useless and wasted to stay doing nothing like this. Every day there was almost nothing to do. At least working at the hotel was considered to be helpful and made her feel that she was not too worthless.


"Why? You don't have to work. I can take care of you. Just looked after the penthouse if you want to work."

He refused. The man did not understand that she needed to feel self-worth to be with him. She was well-educated and capable to work. It was not about money but it was about to be useful.

At first, Stefan disagreed. He wanted to come back home and found her waiting. But Wirata said that working in the hotel was like home. She was still here, in the same building. Only riding the elevator up and down.

"I can help you to do something, please let me. The office is only downstairs. At the moment I can't help but feel as if I am only a piece of furniture in your life."

He made a frowned face when listening to her words. The strong hands pulled her to cuddle tightly on the couch."I don't want you to feel anything like that. I love you and I don't want you to work hard."

Stefan was thinking in case she's pregnant. He did not want her to lift anything.

"Working in the office is not hard work. I can do the job I used to do at the company if you remember."

Wirata said and kissed on his cheek.She had learned now that when Stefan Mackenzie loved a woman, he would do everything to protect and keep her under his wings.magic

Stefan sighed. He knew why she wanted to work. It was because she had got a great mind, nothing else. Even he did not like the idea but Stefan eventually nodded.

"Alright. I will let you try for a few days and see how it goes. If I feel that we lose the time we should spend together. You will have to stop, okay?"

He made a condition for her. Wirata nodded and smiled. She would just agree with whatever he wanted for now so he would let her work.

Stefan called the manager who was responsible for everything in the Grand MC hotel and told him about the situation.

The following day. In the morning before Stefan going to his office, he took Wirata down to the general manager's office.

"Uncle Chase, this is Wirata, my girlfriend. Wirata, this is Chase Ronald. He is the boss here."

Stefan introduced Wirata to a tall gentleman in a dark suit who looked at Wirata with his quiet eyes. He stood up when seeing Stefan and Wirata walked into his big office.

It was the first time for Wirata to come to this floor. She believed Stefan came here often as it was his hotel even he had to go to work at the company on another street not far from here.

Wirata was a bit nervous at first when the man did not smile back. He was in his fifties, looked healthy and in the well-built body with short grey hair.


He greeted and offered his hand to her. Wirata touched and shook hands with him politely.

"Uncle Chase is my father's close friend. And he's my keeper and mentor since I was little."

Stefan added. Chase used to be his father's close bodyguard when he was younger. Now he was responsible for Grand MC as he was the most trusted man and loyal to the Mackenzie family all his life. There was some history between his father, Michael, and Chase, the reason for their bond together.

Stefan took Wirata to sit at the leather sofa. Chase came to sit opposite. He had heard of Stefan's reputation about women.Chase was a little surprised to see that the young man introduced the young lady as his girlfriend. Stefan Mackenzie never mentioned any women to Chase before, never mind bringing one here to introduce to him. So it meant he was serious!

"She wants to work here. She is great in many things and it's your job to find out what they are."

Stefan said with a relaxed posture. His arm was on her shoulders, indicating she belonged to him. It made Chase lit up a light smile. The boy he raised with love and tough training, he always announced clear and loud when something was his.

Chase nodded to Stefan and looked at Wirata.

"When do you want to start?" Chase asked Wirata.Chase has been single all his life and had devoted all his time to the Mackenzie family that he loved and respected. Stefan's father had helped and given an opportunity to a homeless boy like him until he had a comfortable and peaceful life like today. Chase did everything he could to repay Michael and his sons.

"Start today, sir. I am ready." Wirata replied. She smiled modestly to Chase.

"Good." He only said short.

Chase looked at the way Stefan cuddled the young lady close without care anyone and he could tell the young man was so in love head over heels. Chase did not think he would see this as Stefan was tough and did not care about love. He did not trust women with his money. Chase knew Stefan all his life. So he thought this young lady must have something magical in her to hold Stefan's interest and to win his heart like this.

"Can I scold or shout at her when she does things wrong?"

Chase asked Stefan openly to make sure if the man would set any rules up.As Chase knew Stefan well, having nurtured the young man since he was little. If anything belonged to him and he loved very much, then he would not let anyone touch them. Chase was secretly surprised that Stefan let this young lady come to work with him.

"Only a little. Don't be tough on her. She is not as bad as me."

Stefan said and kissed her on the cheeks in front of Chase. That made Chase laughed out loud in admiration and loosened up his distant posture to Wirata.

She let out a sigh of relief and felt less nervous to see the older man laughed with his eyes looked friendly and warm. She smiled at him and tried to warn Stefan to behave himself.

"Got it. So now you can start with me in this room. I am glad to have a beautiful lady in my office for a change."

Chase teased Wirata. And Stefan made a frowned face immediately.

"Hey, she is my woman. I change my mind now. I won't let her work with you."

Stefan said. Wirata widened her eyes as she thought he was serious but Chase laughed out loud again and Stefan grinned. So she knew he was only joking.

"I am willing to learn, sir. Please teach me anything. As I am with Stefan so I can handle anything and can work under pressure very well."

The crystal clear voice said. Chase laughed again to see Stefan made a sullen face to hear her words.

"I like you already. Let's start." Chase announced with a big smile.

"Stefan said that you are good at numbers and accounting. Our account manager has just given maternity leave. Do you want to try this position? "

Chase asked Wirata. She immediately nodded, feeling so glad to work in the field she was good at.


Since then, Wirata started working as the account manager at the hotel. She felt so much better that she was not a useless person. Stefan called her at least three times a day when he was at his office.This was near the end of the year so Stefan had been very busy. Also, the company was preparing to meet the President of Mackenzie Enterprise Group. Michael Mackenzie, who only came to visit the Las Vegas branch a couple of times a year.

Throughout that month, Stefan and Wirata were very happy together. Everything went smoothly as silk. Stefan always made sure he was by her side when he was at home. And the fighting gangster activity seemed not happened at all as far as Wirata had heard.

Stefan talked to John one day. He asked John to sell the pub and stop gambling. He should help Wilaiwan take care of the restaurant instead. John agreed and did as Stefan asked because he was tired and had already learned his lessons.

John considered himself lucky that he had a wife who was ready to give him the opportunity to repent. And the great stepdaughter who helped him with debt.

John knew because Stefan loved Wirata very much so he did not want her to suffer from anything. That was the reason the powerful mafia god gave hands to pull John up from the dark hole to make Wirata happy.

John thought among the misery and the problem, it had brought two people who lived different lives and opposite directions to meet each other and found true love. Now, they had built a very strong bond as time went by.
