Chapter 120

Yu Na pursed her lips and said, "Several times, I've been startled by your voice."

At this time, Lin Shuan didn't stand up for her husband at all. Instead, she teased him together with Yu Na.

The two big, tall, handsome men sat beside them. Though they were tall and sturdy, with slender statures, their hearts were as soft as glass.

"In short, neither of you should tease the other. You're two of a kind," Lin Shuan said.




At the same time, in the small room at the library, Qiao Rui was vexed.

He had put his phone to the side. Every now and then he would glance at it.

Finally, after ten minutes, the phone screen lit up.

- Xu Yi had messaged back.

Qiao Rui tossed his pen aside excitedly and picked up his phone to look at her reply.

The next second, his heart sank to the bottom.


Fifteen minutes ago, Qiao Rui had messaged Xu Yi: "I'm at the library. Do you want to come out and study?"

Xu Yi replied: "My mom won't let me go out [Sad emoji]"

Qiao Rui: "[Sad emoji]"

Xu Yi: "Is there a problem you don't understand?"

Qiao Rui: "No"

Qiao Rui: "I just want to see you"

She didn't reply for a long time after that.

Qiao Rui anxiously sent another message: "After all, you're a qualified study buddy."

After he sent the reply, he let out a long sigh.

Was he too direct, and scared her? Or maybe...she didn't like him?


If the principal hadn't caught them, he and Xu Yi would definitely be doing homework together in the library now.

After a while, Xu Yi finally replied: "If I'm not there, you won't study?"

Xu Yi: "Silly"

With just the one word "silly", Qiao Rui felt uneasy.

Xu Yi sent another message: "I just went to take a shower!"

Qiao Rui: "You're not going out, why are you showering in the middle of the day?"

Xu Yi: "Didn't you want to see me?"

Qiao Rui's heart thumped heavily.

He replied: "?"

Xu Yi: "My mom is still at work. I can sneak out for a bit. Put together all the problems you don't understand, and I'll explain them to you later."

Qiao Rui: "Are you sure?"

Xu Yi: "Mm-hmm"

Qiao Rui replied: "Then can I come pick you up? I'm at the library near your place." Xu Yi: "Okay~~ Message me when you get here."

Qiao Rui hurriedly packed up his things and set off for Xu Yi's home. It was only a ten minute walk from the library to her place.

Xu Yi lived in an old residential district, a six-story building. Her home was on the first floor.

When Qiao Rui arrived downstairs at her building, he happened to notice a folding ladder there.

The folding ladder was covered in a fair amount of dust, looking like it hadn't been used in a long time.

Qiao Rui had a flash of inspiration, thinking to himself, what luck!

Because he was standing right below Xu Yi's bedroom window.

He moved the folding ladder in that direction, then unfolded it. He had assumed it was broken, but surprisingly it worked quite well.

When the ladder was opened up, Qiao Rui climbed up to Xu Yi's bedroom window in just a few steps.

Her bedroom windowsill was very wide, with some potted plants on top. The curtains were tightly drawn.

Qiao Rui knocked on the window.

Inside her bedroom, upon hearing this bizarre knocking sound, Xu Yi's heart suddenly sped up.

She timidly asked: "Who...who is it?"

The person outside intentionally distorted their voice, saying "Reading the water meter."

Even with the changed voice, she could tell who it was.

Xu Yi hurried to the window and pulled back the curtain. She saw Qiao Rui standing on the folding ladder, utterly unconcerned, even posing narcissistically for her, saying "Ms. Xu, reading the water meter."

Xu Yi was both shocked and delighted, saying: "...Are you crazy? Get down, that's too dangerous!"

Qiao Rui: "Surprised?"

She didn't say anything, but the corners of her lips turned up.

Qiao Rui leaned his elbows on the windowsill. "This ladder is perfectly tailored for me. Hey, your bedroom windowsill is really clean."

"I wipe it every day."

Qiao Rui looked into Xu Yi's room. It was simple and modest, with wooden furnishings suiting the style of the old residential area.

But her room was extremely tidy and clean. Every reflective surface shone bright without a single fingerprint.

Combined with their usual interactions, she seemed to be a girl who lived a very orderly life.

On the other hand, Qiao Rui's room was messy from his habit of tossing things around everywhere, which he called "having a lived-in feel".

Seeing him look around, Xu Yi felt a little embarrassed. She knew Qiao Rui came from a wealthy family, especially now that his cousin was taking care of him. They were a type she didn't often come in contact with.

She scratched her head awkwardly. "Is my room very shabby?"

Qiao Rui scoffed. "Don't put on airs. If my room was half as neat as yours, my brother would laugh himself awake from dreams."

Xu Yi said: "Hurry and get down. I'll come downstairs now."

Luckily her home was on the first floor. Otherwise with how reckless Qiao Rui was being, he'd probably scare Xu Yi into having a heart attack.

The library only allowed studying, not discussing problems.

So they went to a cafe together.

Qiao Rui brought out all the problems he didn't understand, and Xu Yi took out her workbook and pen from her bag, preparing to study.

Before starting to study, she first explained all the problems Qiao Rui was stuck on.


In just a few words, Xu Yi clearly explained the math problems that had troubled Qiao Rui all afternoon.

"Teacher Xu is great, huh!" Xu Yi only bragged like this in front of him. At other times, even with her parents, she rarely spoke.

Just then, Xu Yi's mother suddenly sent her a message.

[Dad and I both have to work overtime tonight. Eat dinner yourself tonight and go to bed early. Don't wait up for us.]

Xu Yi's lip corners curled up as she replied: [Okay Mom]

As Qiao Rui was working on problems, seeing her expression, he couldn't help asking: "Some good news?" "My mom's working overtime. We can study a while longer today."


They studied at the cafe for a long time.

Finally, Xu Yi stretched and yawned. "I'm exhausted... Are you done writing?"

"Just about."

After Qiao Rui finished the problems, Xu Yi checked them for him, pointing out a few mistakes and explaining them. When she was done, Xu Yi smiled with satisfaction. "Not bad, not bad. It's still early. Is there anything you want to do?"

"Let's go to the shopping center. There's an arcade there. Have you ever been?"

Xu Yi shook her head. "I've never been to an arcade."

"Want to go play? Then I'll treat Teacher Xu to a meal?"


Qiao Rui hailed a taxi, and they quizzed each other on English vocabulary in the car. After reviewing words, they moved on to reciting Classical Chinese.

Not a moment was wasted.


At this time, inside the shopping center's arcade.

In front of the claw machine, two pairs of sweethearts eyed the prizes longingly.

Xiao Chen held the control stick, aimed, and pressed the button—



The doll he had grabbed dropped back down.

Xiao Chen: "..."

Yu Na's hands were empty.

She glanced at Lin Shuan beside her, who was laden with cute stuffed animals that Han Chengxun had won for her. Though they were both claw machine novices, Lin Shuan was holding a pile of adorable plushies, all won by Han Chengxun.

Han Chengxun looked on with the air of an amused spectator. He patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder. "Didn't the almanac say today was inauspicious for you to go out?"

Xiao Chen felt aggrieved but had nowhere to vent it. Embarrassing himself at the haunted house was one thing, but he was never usually so incompetent at the claw machines.

He didn't know what had gotten into him today.

And it happened in front of his girlfriend no less, without a single moment of glory.

His wallet was itching to be emptied.

Xiao Chen put his arm around Yu Na's shoulders. "Come on, I'll take you shopping and buy whatever you want."

Luckily he had money. At times like this, money was his only confidence.

They left the arcade one after the other. But before leaving, Xiao Chen happened to glance over and see a familiar-looking young man playing a racing game, with a girl standing beside him.

The ball of irritation stewing inside him seemed to have found an outlet.

Xiao Chen held Yu Na's hand and casually walked over there.

Lin Shuan and Han Chengxun also followed along in puzzlement.

"Awesome!" When the game ended, Qiao Rui bragged to Xu Yi.

Seeing the two people clearly, Yu Na was shocked.

The corners of Xiao Chen's mouth curled up. He held Yu Na back, indicating he would handle this.

He put on a mocking smile and walked over to heavily pat Qiao Rui on the shoulder. "Good skills, young man!"

"You flatter me!" Qiao Rui initially only gave a plain response to the compliment from a stranger.

But after responding, he suddenly sensed something amiss. This voice was oddly familiar, and carried a hint of murderous intent.

He mechanically turned his head back, and Yu Na and Xiao Chen were standing behind them.

For an instant, Qiao Rui looked as if he had seen two fierce ghosts.

