Chapter 340

<Song Zhao> turned her head back and took a look. She saw her retinue had already gone out forty or fifty zhang*, with only sixteen close attendants around her.

Four people held ornamental umbrellas to shade her from the sun, another four walked in front and behind her to fan her, and six more pushed ice boxes full of ice cubes to cool her down. The closest to her were <Yun Shan> and <Xiao Fuzi>.

It was already hot in the summer day, and with so many people surrounding <Song Zhao>, even though they were there to serve and comfort her, looking out all she could see was a dense crowd - how could this be fun?

She complained impatiently, "It's already stuffy today, with so many people coming and going, I don't see how this makes it any better."

<Yun Shan> hurriedly said, "Your Highness... these are all arranged by the Emperor out of his care and concern for you."

When <Song Zhao> heard this, she became even more annoyed. "The Emperor is so good at arranging these things, how come whenever he comes to see me, he's alone? He's the Emperor, even more esteemed than me, he should have all seventy or eighty people fussing around him, make him suffer from the heat."


As soon as these words came out, she had committed a serious taboo. The palace maids attending her bowed their heads deeply, wishing they could plug their ears with cotton.

<Yun Shan> was even more anxious, stamping her feet, "Your Highness! You... cannot say the word 'die' in the palace, and certainly cannot connect these ill-omened words with the Emperor."

"<Xiao Jingheng> can't say this, can't say that, this is so boring! Forget it, let's not appreciate the flowers anymore, let's go back!"

<Song Zhao> said sullenly, ignoring the crowd of servants behind her as she quickened her pace and left.

In her current state of amnesia, she had completely forgotten the proper etiquette she previously learned as a young lady from a prestigious household.

<Xiao Jingheng> could only instruct <Mama> to patiently teach her again.


<Mama> taught her three times a day, with different rules each time, covering etiquette for sitting, standing, speaking, walking - there were taboos galore, giving <Song Zhao> a headache.

On top of the exceptionally stuffy weather these past few days, the noisy cicadas outside were also annoying.

That day, after <Song Zhao> got fed up listening to <Mama>'s nagging, she angrily chased her out. As <Mama> was leaving the palace crestfallen, she happened to run into <Xiao Jingheng>.

But he didn't say anything, just laughed and sat down across from <Song Zhao> after entering the inner chambers, asking her, "Who made my Zhao'er so angry today? Why are you in such a temper?"

<Song Zhao> shifted away to sit farther from <Xiao Jingheng>, sulking as she complained:

"I can't learn all those rules, I find them troublesome. Why can't I let the swaying bead ornaments on my head move when I walk, why can't I eat whatever I want when dining, why do people have to teach me how to sit and stand a certain way?"

She looked up at <Xiao Jingheng>, her eyes full of grievance,

"Is this what it takes to be your woman? If so, then I don't want to do it."

Her words were presumptuous and rude, but <Xiao Jingheng> was not angry. On the contrary, he laughed,

"Foolish words."

He stretched out his hand and flicked <Song Zhao>'s pert little nose, "If you don't want to learn them, then don't. As long as Zhao'er is happy, that's more important than anything."

His willingness to indulge <Song Zhao> made her less resistant to him.

That evening, he accompanied <Song Zhao> for dinner. While taking a stroll in the courtyard afterwards, he suddenly reached out and grasped her hand.

<Song Zhao> stiffened, instinctively wanting to pull her hand out, but he held it even tighter.

"I used to always hold your hand like this, walking around the palace, stopping here and there. You would act coy and say your feet were tired, insisting that I carry you on my back."

Recalling the past, he smiled gently.

Although <Song Zhao> felt no ripples in her heart, she no longer struggled, allowing him to lead her forward by the hand.

"I know you still can't accept me for now, and I don't want to force you either. Just being able to see you like this every day, to walk with you hand in hand, is good enough."

He squeezed <Song Zhao>'s hand tenderly,

A sudden gust of wind blew, scattering the hair by <Song Zhao>'s temples.

<Xiao Jingheng> took the chance to step closer to her and brush the strands behind her ear, then lightly kissed her forehead.

<Song Zhao> looked at him apprehensively, but he just smiled,

"It's getting late, you should rest early. I'll come see you again tomorrow."

After <Xiao Jingheng> left, <Song Zhao> stood in the courtyard a while longer until the wind grew stronger. Only then did <Yun Shan> say to her: "The wind is strong outside, Your Highness should retire to your quarters."

<Song Zhao> nodded lightly, and <Yun Shan> supported her back to the inner chamber.

When they reached the door, <Yun Shan> unconsciously glanced at the two palace maids standing guard, then earnestly advised <Song Zhao>:

"Actually, the Emperor treats Your Highness extremely well. Think about it, which woman in the realm can the Emperor not obtain? Yet the Emperor is willing to respect Your Highness's thoughts and not force you against your wishes - this shows how deeply he cherishes you. Since the Emperor considers Your Highness so thoughtfully, Your Highness should also consider the Emperor's feelings in return."

"Consider what?"

"Your Highness used to be intimate with the Emperor beyond any doubt. Now with your sudden amnesia, you've become so unfamiliar with him, how can the Emperor feel good in his heart...?"

Hearing this, <Song Zhao> didn't say anything more, just nodded pensively.

Later that night after washing up, <Song Zhao> had just blown out the candles and laid down when

suddenly a loud thunderclap sounded outside the window, giving her a tremendous shock.

She grasped the edge of her blanket tightly, crying out fearfully towards the door:

"Yun Shan, Yun Shan?"


Another muffled thunder, sounding like firecrackers ignited in a deserted plain, the noise so deafening it made one's heart tremble.


<Song Zhao> couldn't help letting out a frightened scream.

She curled up on the bed, desperately covering her ears.

Soon she heard urgent footsteps approaching her.

Thinking it was <Yun Shan>, when the canopy was lifted she threw herself towards that figure.

But instead she fell into a firm, warm embrace.

Then a deep, gentle male voice sounded by her ear:

"Don't be afraid Zhao'er, I am here."
