Chapter 403

Shang Yang's funeral was organized in a very simple manner. She was dressed in the attire of a concubine and sent to the Concubine Mausoleum for burial during the night.

Even in her burial, great attention was paid.

Xiao Jingheng personally arranged the coffin for her early on. It was a coffin made of peach wood and purple gold, with the lid engraved with Five Demon Talismans. If Shang Yang were to be buried in it, her soul would be trapped, condemned to be a lonely ghost forever.

In other words, Xiao Jingheng harbored such deep resentment towards her that he wouldn't even let her go in death.


Two days later, at noon, Cheng Yu went to the study and had lunch together with Chenghuan.


Zhao Hua prepared some dishes that Ruo Xin liked and was currently having a meal with the child.

Recently, the weather had turned hot, and both adults and children had lost their appetites. Ruo Xin only took a few bites and her mind was no longer on eating. Seeing Yunsan entertaining Cheng Ye beside her, she went over and playfully interacted with Cheng Ye.

Cheng Ye was very well-behaved and was laughing happily under Ruo Xin's teasing.

Ruo Xin also smiled and said, "Little Fourth Brother is really well-behaved. Mother, was I also like this when I was young?"

Zhao Hua was about to reply when she heard Ruo Xin quickly add,

"Oh, Mother, you weren't with me back then. I should ask Mother Consort Chen another day."


Children speak without reservation.

The child laughed innocently, oblivious to how much bitterness these seemingly casual words brought to Zhao Hua.

But Zhao Hua only felt a momentary pang of sadness and didn't pay it much attention.

After all, Ruo Xin was now very close to her.

Zhao Hua had missed the stage of the child's early growth, but she would make up for it in the future. She didn't have time to wallow in self-pity.

Zhao Hua gestured for Ruo Xin to come closer, scooped a spoonful of tofu and shrimp for her, and asked, "Your Second Brother has been back for some time. Mother hasn't asked you yet, do you get along well with him in private?"

Ruo Xin's cheeks were puffed up, and only after she swallowed half of the food did she answer in a muffled voice,

"Second Brother is always busy studying and doesn't like to play with us like Chenghuan does. The day before yesterday, Second Brother finally agreed to play sandbags with us. I saw a beautiful tassel hanging from his waist and played with it. Second Brother was a little unhappy..."

Zhao Hua knew what Ruo Xin was referring to as the tassel.

It was a gift from the Chen couple to Cheng Yu, something he cherished dearly.

She was about to explain a few words to Ruo Xin when Xiao Fuzi entered and whispered,

"Empress, the Emperor's carriage has arrived in the capital. He will enter the palace around noon."

"Understood," Zhao Hua replied calmly and asked, "Has Tian Ji completed the task?"

Xiao Fuzi said, "Everything has been arranged according to your instructions, Empress."

Zhao Hua nodded and then smiled at Ruo Xin,

"If you think that tassel is beautiful, tell your father when he arrives. Ask him for one too. Also, tell your father exactly what you told me earlier. Okay?"

Ruo Xin obediently nodded, "Okay!"

After finishing their meal, Zhao Hua took Ruo Xin for a stroll in the Imperial Garden. Upon returning to the palace, just as she was about to lull Ruo Xin to sleep, Xiao Jingheng arrived.

As he approached the side hall entrance, he could hear Zhao Hua telling Ruo Xin a story from inside.

"Once, there was a mother who desired to have fish, but it was bitterly cold and everything was frozen. Thankfully, a stroke of luck occurred. She undressed and cut through the ice to find the fish, and suddenly, the ice cracked open, and two carps leaped out..."

After hearing the story, Ruo Xin said, "Wang Xiang treats his stepmother so well. He is truly filial. In the future, Ruo Xin wants to be like him, filial to the empress and the emperor."


Xiao Jingheng pushed open the door and entered, smiling as he looked at the mother and daughter.

"Ruo Xin is growing up and already knows the importance of being filial to the emperor and empress."

"Father!" Ruo Xin was delighted to see Xiao Jingheng. She immediately jumped off the bed and stumbled her way to his side, pestering him to pick her up.

Xiao Jingheng lifted the child up and affectionately pressed his cheek against hers. Then he looked at Zhao Hua, his smile undiminished.

"Hui Fei's matter is being handled well by Zhao Er. I also asked the Grand Scholar earlier, and he said that Cheng Yu's studies are excellent. It is evident that Mr. Chen and his wife have never slackened in their guidance of Cheng Yu. Zhao Er can rest assured."

Although it was meant to be good news, Zhao Hua nodded with a somewhat forlorn smile.

"Yes, Mr. Chen and his wife have been very attentive to Cheng Yu, treating him almost like their own son. In the past, Wang Xiang lay on the ice to catch fish for his stepmother. Now, perhaps Cheng Yu can do the same for his foster parents..." Xiao Jingheng sensed the self-deprecating and bitter undertones in Zhao Hua's words. He was about to console her when Ruo Xin preempted him.

"Did Father bring me a gift?"

Xiao Jingheng playfully rubbed Ruo Xin's nose. "I bring you things you like every month. Aren't all those toys enough?"

"Not enough, not enough!" Ruo Xin grabbed Xiao Jingheng's collar with her little hand, sweetly coaxing him.

Xiao Jingheng's face beamed with a smile, his heart melting. He hurriedly said, "Alright, alright. Whatever Ruo Xin wants, Father will grant it."

"Then I want a tassel for a sword!"

"A tassel?" Xiao Jingheng chuckled in confusion. "That's something boys play with. Ruo Xin likes it too?"

"Yes!" Ruo Xin vigorously nodded. "Second Brother has a tassel for his sword, and it's so beautiful. I want to play with it, but Second Brother gets a little upset. It must be valuable, so I want to have one too."

Zhao Hua explained from the side, "It was a gift from Mr. Chen and his wife to Cheng Yu. It's kept as a keepsake, and the child can't bear to part with it."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingheng's face visibly darkened.

After putting Ruo Xin to sleep, as they walked hand in hand in the courtyard, Xiao Jingheng suddenly asked,

"Zhao Er, what are your thoughts on Wang Xiang's act of catching fish for his stepmother?"

"Filial piety is the highest virtue. Wang Xiang also owes his stepmother gratitude for raising him, so it is only right for him to be filial." Zhao Hua paused and looked at Xiao Jingheng, then shifted the conversation.

"But I believe this kind of filial piety should be limited to the common people and not be present in the palace."

Xiao Jingheng raised an intrigued eyebrow and asked, "Oh? Why do you say that?"

Zhao Hua replied, "The grace of nurturing surpasses the heavens. Even in this folk saying, 'nurturing' comes before 'raising.' Cheng Yu has been raised by the Chen couple since he can remember. I'm afraid he already holds them in higher regard than his own biological parents."

She tightened her grip on Xiao Jingheng's hand, her face filled with concern.

"Xiao Lang, I must be honest with you. I'm very worried. While such filial piety would be acceptable in the common folk, Cheng Yu is a prince. If he continues to hold onto his adoptive parents outside the palace and later honors the Chen couple as his own parents, what will become of him?"

Halfway through her words, Zhao Hua suddenly bowed to Xiao Jingheng.

"Xiao Lang, I have an unconventional request."

Xiao Jingheng quickly helped her up and said, "Please, rise and speak."

Struggling to find the right words, Zhao Hua finally said:

"To prevent future complications, I implore you, Xiao Lang... to grant the Chen couple a sense of closure."

[There will be another update soon, and also!! I'll be standing with my hands on my hips today! Let's see who dares to judge Zhao Zhao without knowing the whole story! (Fierce snarl.jpg)]
