Chapter 201

When Li Yao was standing there without any intention of exempting everyone from bowing, the group of mountain chiefs could not stand it.

They were scholars and did not want to offend the housekeeper over such a trivial matter.

It was just a bow, so they might as well get it over with.

Thus, the mountain chiefs went forward together and cupped their fists towards Li Yao, "We pay our respects to Miss Li."

"Gentlemen, please stand aside for now," Li Yao said.

"Thank you, Miss Li," the mountain chiefs replied.


After the mountain chiefs had bowed, it was the merchants' turn.

All eyes turned to Yang Chang to see how he would handle this today.

Yang Chang was quite crafty and knew that Li Yao was trying to intimidate them. But as merchants, they were naturally nonchalant about fame and fortune.

It was just a bow, not costing them any meat or silver.

Thus, he went forward and properly knelt on the ground to perform the big bow according to etiquette.

"We pay our respects to Miss Li."


"You are too kind," Li Yao said.

With Yang Chang taking the lead, the pressure was less intense for the others.

But just as the other merchants were about to step forward to bow, Li Yao waved her hand and said, "Gentlemen, you must be tired from standing so long. Let's exempt the bow for now."

Yang Chang's heart thumped. What was the meaning of this?

She exempted neither early nor late, but right after he had bowed.

The old eyes of Yang Chang immediately lit up. This Miss Li was clearly targeting him.

Fine, he would deal with this young miss to see what abilities she actually had.

"Miss Li," Yang Chang suppressed his anger and said, "Today we came because..."

"I don't care why you came," Li Yao interrupted him directly without any courtesy. "The academy still has an important ceremony to host, and the Prince of Yizhou and the Prefect will arrive soon. Please stand to the side and wait."

Li Yao knew that for people like Yang Chang, they should not be given any chance to speak.

Otherwise, he would always think of various reasons to say that the practices of Yangming Academy were inappropriate. Then after rallying the other people to stand with him, even if Liu Yun came, it would be hard to handle. In the end, they would have to compromise more or less.

But Li Yao would not concede an inch, so she had to shut his mouth first.

"The Prefect arrives!"

Following the loud announcement from outside, over a dozen carriages slowly stopped at the entrance.

Song Prefect brought along his wife and a group of yamen officials and walked in from outside.

This was beyond what the mountain chiefs and merchants had expected.

They knew that when Song Prefect was in Baichuan County, he had close ties with Miss Li. But for the entire group of yamen officials to come as well, the face he was giving her was too great.

"No need to bow," Song Prefect said loudly after getting off the carriage, stopping the commoners who were about to kneel.

Song Prefect strode into the academy with his wife. After someone offered congratulatory gifts, he congratulated everyone, making it clear to them.

The newly appointed Prefect supported Yangming Academy.

"The Prince of Yizhou arrives—"

Several luxurious carriages drove up, while Liu Yun was dressed very casually today, looking like a carefree young master.

"Exempted from bowing," Liu Yun said.

The commoners had just wanted to kneel when the bow was exempted again.

They felt that both the Prefect and the Prince seemed not bad and had an approachable air.

In the end, among the hundreds of people present, only a group of mountain chiefs and Yang Chang had bowed.

Yang Chang discreetly glanced at Li Yao. He knew these arrangements must have been made by her.

Otherwise, how would a Prefect and a Prince exempt people from bowing for no reason?

This woman was quite capable.

Seeing everyone had arrived, Du Xiao Hui loudly said according to the pre-arranged process, "Next, our Yangming Academy will hold a very important ceremony."


A sonorous bell rang, invigorating everyone.

Led by Du Xiao Hui, Liu Yun, Song Prefect, and Li Yao moved together to the front yard in the far east.

The screen walls that were originally blocked by the gates and front yard were now covered by huge red silk, concealing something underneath.

Du Xiao Hui came to Liu Yun and said, "Your Highness and Lord Prefect, please unveil the red silk with Miss Li."

"Very well, I shall start first," Liu Yun stepped forward and grabbed a corner of the red silk while Song Prefect and Li Yao held the other two corners. They gave a gentle pull and the smooth red silk slipped down.

What appeared before everyone was actually a huge screen wall carved from blue stone. Carved atop the wall were a few big characters: Merit Wall.

Everyone was puzzled. Could it be that Yangming Academy was actually a monastery? Why else set up something like a Merit Wall?

"To allow students everywhere to afford an education, our Yangming Academy only collects a small tuition fee," Du Xiao Hui said loudly. "But the academy also needs operating funds and to hire teachers, so the tuition collected is far from enough. Therefore, we hope everyone can lend a helping hand and donate some silver to help students everywhere. All donors will have their names recorded in the academy's registry of merit. Furthermore, those who donate over 500 taels will have their names carved onto this Merit Wall. Our students can see it every day and will surely remember your kindness."

"Oh? I thought Yangming Academy should be a pure land," Yang Chang said upon seeing a chance. "Didn't expect you to eventually covet the silver in our pockets."

"Right, our money will bring you fame. What do we get out of it?"

"Gentlemen, you have misunderstood if you think this way," Liu Yun said. "Yangming Academy only accepts the best students from thousands of miles away. Many will surely pass the imperial exams in the future to serve the court. And they will remember everyone's help today to become your connections. I believe everyone understands this better than I do."

With one sentence, Liu Yun touched their itch.

Indeed, this was a good way to build future connections.

"The Prince's words make sense," Yang Chang said. "But that is still many years later."

The implied meaning was clear. It was still unknown whether they would remember your past kindness in the future.

"Of course, it is up to everyone's willingness," Liu Yun turned and said to Du Xiao Hui. "I shall take the lead and donate 20,000 taels."


The crowd outside let out a soft cheer.

The Prince was quite generous to donate 20,000 taels in one go! But thinking that he was the emperor's most beloved son, they felt it reasonable.

With Liu Yun taking the lead, it was Song Prefect's turn next.

"I have a modest income and shall donate 1,000 taels."

Then Li Yao said at the right time, "I...cough cough... shall donate 18,000 taels."

What? Even the wealthiest merchants present likely could not casually hand over 18,000 taels!

Was this Miss Li even richer than them?

No wonder the Prince and Prefect wanted good ties with her!

After the three of them donated, the academy's teachers recorded it in the donation registry.

Then another elder with gray robes, Liu Yun's first tutor, came before the Merit Wall. People set up some long benches for him to steadily climb up.

He then took up a writing brush and wrote Liu Yun and the others' names and donated amounts in smooth, natural strokes that were very pleasing to the eye.

"After the ink dries, we will hire stonemasons to carve the words into the wall," Du Xiao Hui said. "Even after enduring wind and rain for thousands of years, it will remain clear."

This was the same as leaving an eternal legacy.

At this time, many people's hearts stirred.

Merchants had ample money but sorely lacked reputation.

Thus, many would donate to charity in exchange for fame, which was not empty prestige but could earn them even more money.

But without Yang Chang speaking, the others could only silently wait and see his stance.
