Chapter 11: Finally!  


Chapter 11: Finally!  


I adjusted the anatomy of my hand to make it sharp capable of slicing steel like butter as I stood over him.

I can see the fear in his eyes while he was trying to speak but all that can be heard is jibberish, incoherent sounds.

The cloth in his mouth was keeping him from saying anything coherent, "mmmmmmmmmm..." All the sound he could make is a mumbling sound that soon disappeared as.... his head fell to the ground.


My expression didn't change as I looked at my spotless hands with no trace of blood on them to be seen.

They say you can never erase the blood of the people you killed from your hands, but if you are fast, strong enough, then blood won't touch you in the first place...

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face as I thought to myself, 'I can joke at times like this, I guess you learn something new about yourself every day...'

"Test passed, so ..your price?" silva said still with a smile that became a little bit creepy.

And with a smile on my face, I responded, "I want you to teach me... about this," And with that, a light purple Aura started flowing out of every pore of my body, This is my Nen...



Silva narrowed his eyes as he looked at me with a cold look, "How?"

His cold look didn't faze me one bit as I calmly answered, "I awakened it about a month ago. I don't know exactly what it is except that it makes the person stronger, but since Hassam seems to know how to use it, I naturally assumed that you know how to use it as well."

There was a sudden silence for a while as he just kept looking at me until he asked, "When did you find out?" "A while ago, usually he has a hard time detecting me in our training and it only got harder as I was able to lower my presence even more.

But some time ago he started to always notice me once I reach a certain distance from him though I wasn't sure how at that time, that's until a month ago, I started to feel it clearly..." I said as I manipulated my aura to stop leaking.

"I will start teaching you tomorrow, meet me in my room in the morning." He then left, while I went back to my room with a smile on my face, finally!!


In a dark exquisite room, four people could be seen standing while looking at the same thing, a computer monitor that seems to be connected to a surveillance camera.

Kikyo Zoldyck, Zeno Zoldyck, and Tsubone, a relatively tall and bulky old woman. Her hair is tied up into two pigtails, and she wears a monocle on her right eye and Like all Zoldyck butlers, she wears a black formal suit.

And lastly, Maha Zoldyck, Zeno'sgrandfather, his body has deteriorated considerably due to his old age as He stood at 140 centimeters tall.

Each with a different expression to what they witnessed.

"Oh, Yasuo...Yasuo....such a cold look you have, even when you're killing expected of my son..hehehehe..."

Kikyo let out a creepy laugh though she didn't seem to pay attention to Yasuo awakening his Nen as it's not as 'important'.

Zeno had a smile on his face while Maha has no change of expression as if he doesn't care.

Suddenly Silva entered the room with a cold expression dominating his face, an expression that soon got replaced with...

" HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...I knew he would notice something strange when sparing with him but awakening Nen...HAHAHAHA... and having such a degree of control....." A maniacal laughing as a gleam of cunning light appeared in his eyes.

Zeno started to massage his fu Manchu mustache as he asked silva "who is going to teach him?"

"I'll see once I test his Nen category, if he is a manipulator I'll let Kikyo teach him, else I'll be the one to teach him." Answered Silva with a grin adorning his face.

Then silence fell upon the room.


In Silva Zoldyck's room, two people could be seen sitting while facing each other, me and my father. "Nen is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy, The term "Nen" can also be used in conversation to refer to Aura.

A person capable of utilizing Nen is colloquially referred to as a "Nen user", everyone in the family is a Nen user.

Because one can craft a great variety of para-psychological abilities through Nen, it is considered a dangerous power that is kept hidden from the public to maintain balance in society.

For now, I'll teach you the four major principles and test your Aura type, when we finish I'll give you a book covering everything you need to know about Nen, you'll memorize it by tomorrow and then we'll start your training."I made sure to pay my complete attention as he explained to me.

"The best way to teach someone like you is to perform the techniques while you mimic my actions, so..."

He directly let his aura go as he executed 'Ten', "this is Ten, you used it yesterday to stop your aura from leaking."

What followed is his aura instantly disappearing, "this is Zetsu, it Keeps the user's aura from leaking out of their body, making them harder to sense and relieving fatigue, at the cost of leaving them defenseless against Nen attacks.

Since you awakened Nen a month ago then you were basically using it the entire time, in fact, you were using it long before."

He let go of his aura again as he instantly projected it outwards explosively, "This is Ren, it focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively.

This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use, albeit at the cost of expending said aura.

One can train their Ren to extend its duration and increase the amount of aura at their disposal. Now you Try..."

My expression didn't change though there was a gleam of happiness within, 'This is it, finally, I can learn Nen, this is the moment I've been waiting for for the past 5 years,'

I closed my eyes as a smile surfaced on my face, then 'Ten' a shroud of aura started forming around my body.

'Ren' I Instantly projected my light purple aura outward, I'll test how long I can hold 'Ren' for later though what I noticed is that my aura is relatively calm for a technique such as 'Ren'.

Also, I don't know if the color of Aura means anything or is it synchronized with the person's personality and emotions? Hmm...

"Good, lastly is 'Hatsu' one's personal expression of Nen. Its qualities are influenced by but not restricted to the Nen user's natural Nen category, one of the six available.

Hatsu is used to project one's aura to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability that is colloquially referred to as a "Nen ability"

Silva nodded as he finished explaining, He then brought a cup filled with water and a leaf floating on it.

"We determine one's aura type through Water Divination. Place your hands around the cup and perform Ren." said silva

I did as told, 'Ren' slowly my aura started to surround the cup, Then! ...
