This was a world where nothing existed. A man stepped into a place that anyone else would call an utter emptiness. A man with long, dazzling golden hair, woke up with a temper—Zeus. The king of Olympus, the ruler of the 'sky', and the one who had dragged down the almighty Kronos from the throne.

This was Zeus' illusory world. In other words, an illusory world that represented one of his holy territories. He could do whatever he wanted in this space, but he showed no signs of doing anything. Even though he possessed the divine domain of 'creation', he did not seem particularly interested in creating anything. It was as if he had just appeared here because he was waiting for something.

[A new entity attempts to invade your space.]

[Odin is entering!]

Rumble! Just then, a thunderbolt fell in front of Zeus as if to threaten him. The aftershock was strong enough to cause him injury, but Zeus did not blink.

Then, a being with a ferocious temperament and angered expression appeared. Contrary to Zeus' laid-back temperament, the newly arrived being exuded the odor of a battlefield. It seemed this unauthorized being was looking to destroy everything in front of him. The being was Odin, the main god of Asgard.

If anyone else were to see this scene, they would have been terribly surprised. The heads of both societies who had just declared war against each other were now present in one place. However, although the two showed hostility towards each other, it did not seem like they would clash anytime soon.


"I thought you were just passing time by sleeping. It seems that you weren't just wasting time, huh?" Zeus glanced at Odin up and down, and lightly smirked. Though he was still under the Heavenly Demon disease, he noticed that Odin's aura did not seem weaker than before Odin contracted the disease. No, on the contrary, Odin's divine power seemed to be stronger.

"Who said I was just passing time?"

"So, that wasn't the case?"

"For me, the war in my dreams is also a war."

In addition to his divine domain of 'storm/tempest', Odin possessed two other divine domains: war and twilight. Since he was born, Odin's life was filled with war. While progressing through the wars, Odin had reflected on the reason for life and the value of his existence. All the while, with his 'twilight' divine domain, he often felt that he was on the cusp of attaining a new ego.

This was why Odin continued waging and participating in wars. It made no difference whether his eyes were open or closed. Even if he died, nothing would change. This was the approach that Odin had taken to face the coming great prophecy, the Twilight of the Gods (Ragnar?k).


"Well, if you say so." Zeus shrugged his shoulders and coldly stared at Odin. He knew that continuing to argue with Odin was like talking to a wall. Only Zeus' jaws would hurt. "Anyway, the desired chessboard has been set, and the son of the Heavenly Demon has been placed as a chess piece atop the chessboard. Do you think it's really possible to attract the Heavenly Demon's attention with this?"

"We have to."

"Okay, so how exactly?"

"…" Odin bit his lip and did not say anything. It seemed he was unwilling to divulge anything more.

Zeus did not pursue his line of questioning. He knew that Odin would never reply even if Zeus used force, unless Odin wanted to speak first.

"Fine. Well, anyway, the fact that the son of the Heavenly Demon would enter the Tower and enter Asgard are all things you have 'seen', so I'm assuming you've 'seen' what will happen in the future."

Odin's ability to see into the future was different from other transcendent beings that utilized the law of causality to peer into the future. He was able to glimpse into a cross section of the 'wheel'. Furthermore, the vision would be corroborated, as details were overlaid and reviewed with those from the three goddesses of fate placed under his command.

Wasn't the fact that the son of the Heavenly Demon entered Asgard and eventually fell into their hands proof that Odin had successfully looked into the future? It was not a coincidence that Odin opened his eyes at this very moment, even though the Heavenly Demon disease was still weighing heavily on him.

"Anyway, there's a lot at stake this time around… Let's make sure we reel that damn Heavenly Demon in this time."

Zeus laughed heartily at the thought of smashing the Heavenly Demon, the being who had imprisoned all of them in the Tower. Even if they failed in killing the Heavenly Demon, Zeus felt that they would deal a blow to the Heavenly Demon if he saw his son get hurt. Thus, how could Zeus not be in high spirits?

'According to how this war is progressing, other main gods will also start participating.'

On the surface, this great war was only between Olympus and Asgard, but many other main gods were also involved behind the scenes. It was a big event that would shake the world of the Tower. It was the first time that the heavenly world, which never seemed able to unite, would join hands.

While Zeus was happily contemplating the unfolding developments…

"…" Odin was expressionless, as if he had been drained of all emotion and had become a lifeless doll.***

"Let's skip the background information and get right to the main point." Urd did not introduce herself. Her choice of words made it obvious that any member of Asgard should know who she was. "The place we are going to attack is the sixteenth floor."



"Isn't that part of our territory?" Feeling that something was off, one of the crew members tilted his head and asked a question. They understood that the lower floors, from tenth floor and below, were Olympus' areas. Wasn't the eleventh through thirtieth floors all under Asgard's rule? In particular, the sixteenth floor was a place where many holy temples, belonging to Asgard gods, were located. It did not make much sense to 'attack' such a floor.

"When the news of the Great War came out, we received a tip that a large farm on the sixteenth floor would rebel and join up with Olympus. We expect that they've already joined Olympus' side."

The 'large farm' referred to the land owned by the holy temple and the surrounding villages where the workers who served the holy temple resided. The term 'large farm' was a derogatory term to describe the place where people not only did chores for the gods of the temple but also gathered and offered their faith.

And, of course, humans living on these large farms were not treated as proper humans. They were essentially slaves or livestock. That was all. To be put into such a place…the troop members felt as if they could already smell the stench of thick blood piercing their noses.

"We leave at midnight. We're going to make a surprise attack, so be prepared." Urd finished all she had to say and left with the other two Valkyries.


Even after the three Valkyries left, none of the Bifrost members stood up from their seats.


"Damn it."

"Are they planning on using us like dogs? Fuck."

All the members were busy venting their disappointment and swearing. Even though they may be dealing with revolting beings, they were going to have to deal with common, mortal people. Though it was called an attack, it was nothing more than a one-sided slaughter. For those who considered themselves warriors, it was a difficult operation to comprehend. However, the order had already been issued. It was impossible to go against the top-to-bottom chain of command within Asgard.

At that moment, Vivasvat, who had been sitting silently, jumped up from his seat. The startled troop members around him quickly turned to him. The face of the youngest, who was usually quiet and blunt, was immensely cold.

"Hey, you…!" Everyone tried to stop Vivasvat because they knew he would turn into a real madman when his eyes turned like this. However, before anyone could stop him, Vivasvat had already passed by the troop members.lightsnovel

Garmr had left with the three Valkyrie sisters to see them off. Vivasvat was planning on catching up to them and speaking his mind. Just then…

"Ha! Are you three really going to act this way?"

For some reason, it sounded like Garmr and the three Valkyrie sisters were arguing. Wondering what was going on, Vivasvat suddenly stopped his steps and hid in the shade of a tree.

"Hmm. I don't know what you mean. Rather than that, do you think it is appropriate for a battle unit commander to speak freely with a Valhalla Valkyrie?"

Unlike the impression she left while speaking to Bifrost, Urd chuckled and egged Garmr on. Verdandi and Skuld looked as if they were enjoying the scene. It was as if they were originally acquaintances.

"If you are going to use rank as an excuse, put it away. If it's a Valkyrie medal, I still have mine."

"Oh! Did you feel belittled? Why are you so worked up? We're colleagues after all."

While suppressing her anger, which reddened her face, Garmr spoke, "The members of Olympus that flowed into the sixteenth floor…you guys knew they infiltrated the place but pretended not to know, right?"

"Hmm? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You're trying to use the crackdown on the large farm as an example before the start of the great war so that no one within Asgard's ranks dare think of getting out of line. It's an often-used technique that Valhalla utilizes to avoid getting stabbed in the back."

"Hahaha. Because of your inability to reconcile the use of these tactics, you left your former glorious position and the many powers you were promised and decided to become a simple low-level commander, no?""…"

Urd smiled while holding her chin with her index finger and thumb. "My sweet and cute sister, Garmr. When will you mature? To be honest, the seat I'm sitting in right now was yours, right? If you want, you can have it back right now."

Slap! Garmr swept away Urd's extended hand. "I don't need that seat, so take it for yourself."

"If you don't want to take back what was once yours, then I guess there's nothing else that can be done." Urd shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Anyway, whatever you choose to do is fine. If you're thinking of disobeying your superior's orders, please do not delay and tell us as soon as possible. Then I can finally stab my beloved sister's beautiful back, right? Hahaha."

Urd let out such a shrill laugh and deliberately struck Garmr's shoulder with her own as she passed by. Verdandi and Skuld, who followed close behind, were also laughing out loud.

Clasp! Even after the three Valkyries had left, Garmr felt so indignant that she stood still in place for a long time.

Vivasvat knew that there might be some secret between Garmr and the three Valkyries. He fell into thought. 'Should I comfort her?' Seeing Garmr calming her anger, Vivasvat felt that it might help her if he was beside her to comfort her, but then again, Garmr may become angry at the fact that he has observed a scene that Garmr would not want to show as the unit's commander. While he was still contemplating on what he should do…

"…Phew! You can come out now." Garmr sighed deeply and suddenly spoke in a blunt voice. Vivasvat trembled involuntarily before Garmr added, "You're not going to come out?"


"Do you want me to throw my ax-like sword in your direction?"

"…Did you know I was here the entire time?" Vivasvat appeared with a sullen face.

Garmr lightly snorted. "You're releasing killing intent so unabatedly, only an idiot wouldn't notice your presence."

"Is that…so." Vivasvat scratched his cheek. Even though he was being talked down to, Vivasvat felt that the appearance of Garmr grumbling looked somewhat cute.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm '…wow, I must have truly lost my marbles.' To think that his commander, the Mad Dog of the battlefield, was cute… Vivasvat felt that his year in Asgard must have messed with his brain's inner circuitry. However, as Vivasvat looked at Garmr, he felt his own anger slowly subside. It was a strange feeling.

"Pretend you didn't hear or see anything here. It's a secret that shouldn't be said to others. Then I'll forgive you."

"Yes. Alright."

"I need to organize my thoughts, so you should leave." As if she did not have the energy to speak any more, Garmr lightly waved her hand and turned in the opposite direction.

Vivasvat somehow got the feeling that Garmr's back seemed to slump and get smaller. Perhaps the questions and challenges that he was currently struggling with were the same things that had festered Garmr for a long time. Maybe that was why Vivasvat felt a sense of kinship with Garmr.

Garmr was resentful at the fact that ordinary mortals would get hurt and protested against Valhalla's dirty tricks internally.

Perhaps it was because of that that Vivasvat wanted to support Garmr. He wanted to give his support for her struggle, which she kept hidden away deep within herself. "Commander."

"…What else do you have to say?"

So Vivasvat called out to Garmr, who looked back at him annoyingly.

"The place where the commander's morals stem from will alight the path."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"And there…"


"…I will be with you."

"…!" Garmr was momentarily stunned, but as soon as she understood the meaning of his words, her eyes grew wide. After leaving Valhalla, it was the first time anyone had read her thoughts so directly and sympathized with her. "You…!"

"So, can I kiss you? I think I've fallen in love with you."

In an instant, Garmr's face, which had been filled with an expression of annoyance, hardened. Step. Step. She approached Vivasvat quietly. Bam! She kicked Vivasvat's shin hard.

"That's sexual harassment, you bastard!"

"Ouch!" Vivasvat's screams rang out.
