Chapter 742 The kings summit    King Cervantez sat at the head of the table while Shakuni sat on the tail with the other four kings seated in between , two on each side of the small dinner table.

  The setting was extremely intimidating with the room having 36 tier 4 men posted around the four kings all staring at them with ' Amiable ' smiles as the pressure on the dinner table was unreal.

  Amelia served the food with grace alongside Patricia, as Rudra tasted Queen Ruby's handcooked dishes for the first time ever.

  They were quite delicious and Rudra hence discovered for the first time that his wife had such a hidden talent as well. She had insisted in cooking for this summit and Rudra was very happy that she did , although the other four kings were unable to enjoy the taste of the food due to the environment, Cervantez appreciated it a lot.

  Cervantez said " Very delicious, I'm envious that you have such a good wife King Shakuni , she is a master chef ".

  The other four kings fell silent as they heard this , this was not an amiable dinner at all yet the emperor was behaving like they did not even exist in his eyes which was completely unacceptable.

  Cervantez continued " My noble kings , i will cut through the bullshit and tell it to your faces , i am interested in your territories, submit them to the Hazelgroove Empire and keep ruling over them as vassals or perish ".


  As Cervantez said this he banged his fork on the table and unleashed his aura as his tier 5 aura overwhelmed everyone in the room except for Rudra who kept enjoying his wife's meal as if everything was normal.

  The four kings started to sweat under his pressure as they felt aghasted , nonetheless they were prepared for such a push back and hence one of them mustered the courage and said " We knew that you were upto no good Cervantez, you might think you are a great bully , but we are not that easy to be bullied!  You alone cannot conquer all four of us combined and yes we are united. You are free to try but conquering our lands will not be without consequences for you !

  If you want to flatten our lands and kill millions of people who worship beniogre just like you do then fine , takeover our barrenlands with no population to rule over!

  But we shall not cave! ".

  The four kings bared their fangs against Cervantez and met his gaze head-on without being intimidated.

  They had already signed a system contract beforehand that said that they would be allowed to go back from the banquet with respect and without any harm befalling upon them , hence they knew that no matter what Cervantez tried to pull off here he could not actually kill them and the 36 tier 4 generals in the room were nothing more than showpieces.


  Cervantez had long anticipated such a reply as he only smiled gently and looked at Rudra as he said " I don't think you quite understand the situation that you are in "

  The four kings turned to look at Rudra who they thought was nothing more than Cervantez's vassal to finally notice something unusual about his visage.

  Under such a heavy aura he was unaffected as he wiped his face with a towel like a nobleman and rested his cutlery on the plate as he finished dining.

  Only then did he unleash his aura alongside gravity suppression to overwhelm the four kings in an instant as well as destroying the table and the chairs they were sitting on to pin them on the ground flat.

  The pressure that the two tier 5 aura alongside the gravity suppression created was too much for the four kings to handle as they pissed their pants and cried for mercy while two of them passed out .  " He-he is tier 5! Oh my god there is another tier 5 existance in this continent and he is in bed with Cervantez, WE ARE DOOMED , DOOMED "

  One of the kings started to cry and whine like a girl as their spineless behaviour disgusted Rudra.

  " okay - okay stop it , the kingdom of white rocks concedes , stop it now" .

  The other king that was awake crumpled as the alliance was shattered and one kingdom was annexed to the Hazelgroove Empire.

  Rudra's job was then completed as the other king of the blue rocks also conceded and with the alliance half empty the other two kings were also forced to concede making the banquet a grand success.

  Not even touching a single hair on the enemy , Rudra compelled four kings to give up their lands at once as he felt like he was a mob boss and not a dignified king in the process.

  He was doing mafia level shiz at a kingdom scale by making grown warriors piss their pants from his intimidation.

  He had indeed came a long way from the kid who dealt -1 damage to dragon scales.

  Cervantez was naturally extremely thankful of his support later on as the map of the continent was updated that day with four kingdoms annexed to the Hazelgroove Empire and the tale of the new tier 5 powerhouse spreading.

  The pope and the lizard man king the other 2 tier 5 powerhouses on the continent were alerted as the balance of power had shifted in the region with Rudra's ascension, however it was too late to do anything now , the church was neutral and was going to remain neutral while the lizardman king was quite a long distance removed from the Hazelgroove Empire as of now.

  In the future if the Hazelgroove Empire expanded a lot then there was a chance of conflict and all the Lizard king could do now was to prepare for that gruesome conflict.

  However for now , Rudra completed his last obligation towards someone he owed a favour to and in the process gained a constant stream of income for his territory and also a pledge for 5 million soldiers and 10 tier 4 generals to be lended for his war effort in hell.

  /// Today will be a 2 chapter day , this one is the normal , and we will have one more for hitting the GT target , good job guys ///
