Chapter 743 Max's Journey in Omega    Max started to play Omega after his birthday as Rudra bought him a nice customized VR pod with his name on it.

  Unlike his usual visage max was very excited when he entered Omega in the start as he could finally play the game of his dreams which he had seen only on TV uptil this point being played by his brother.

  However, he was very quick to understand that the vastness of the gap between himself and Rudra was akin to heaven and earth for now. Choosing to be a theif , just like his master Jhonny, Max wanted to use the sword as his main weapon and have a playstyle similiar to his brother .

  However when he actually started to fight packs of wolves and level up by himself , he realised that unlike his brother who could rupture space and time with his sword slashes , he needed to exert his peak strength just to pierce the hide of the wolves.

  Max was like a toddler who was learning the A.B.C.D for the first time in school while Rudra was a world-renowned author who wrote hundereds of pages of classics everyday.

  Max had a lot to learn and his insistence to do it alone and not lean on his brothers organization for help meant that he was having a much harder time than most who undertook the elites power levelling programme.

  Should Max will it , he would become tier 3 in a matter of 2 months however that was not how he wanted to play the game. He did not want to use his brothers identity to make his own mark.


  In just a short span of 2 days Max levelled upto level 10 and left the beginers village as he excitedly headed to greenthorn city to earn money and strength for the first time.  He participated in dungeon runs and experienced the thrill of Omega from then on for 22 days as he finally ascended to tier 1 with a SSS rating in his test.

  Finally having saved enough money for teleporting to Purplehaze city as after the teleportation he barely had enough silver saved for the entry toll as he excitedly saw the streets of his brother's city for the first time ever.

  It was clean , beautiful and reminded him of the mediaeval city pictures in his history textbooks as although it was semi modern, greenery was abundant and the streets were lively and the people were happy.

  Max was shocked to see that many shops had the photo of Rudra sat on his throne at their storefront with various flower necklaces on his neck that seemed to be freshly put.

  Upon asking a owner about it Max was very happy to know that the people do it willingly to show their love and appreciation for the king.

  Seeing this scene he felt warm in his heart to know that his brother was so loved and appreciated.


  Max saw many beautiful buildings such as the mage tower the teleportation centre the city library and so on , until he finally entered the inner district to visit the churches.

  There was a thorough security check before letting him enter inner city as all his weapons were seized and he was given a token to collect them later . The law and order was absolute within the area.

  Max wanted to see the true Elites guild hall and the other Legendary structures that he had only seen in pictures , but what caught his eye was the seemingly endless line infront of the church of death that was moving very fast.  It was the line for people willing to take the blood potion and join the war effort as uptil this moment across all the branches of the church 23 million people had enrolled for the war effort and the lines were endless at the moment.

  Rudra's speech created an unreal hype as every single player , major or minor wanted a piece of this action as many super guilds and first tier guilds took their entire organization into the war effort by signing themselves up.

  Max had heard the TV news about the coming huge realm war but he did not feel like his strength was sufficient to join it at the moment.

  However when he was just gawking at the huge line he overheard some conversation from tier 3 players where they said that the war was the fastest way to grow efficiently and how they wished they could have done it from tier 1.

  Something inside Max snapped at that second as he felt like even if he was not strong enough he should definitely atleast enroll for the experience, hence he joined the queue and waited for his turn to enroll.

  Only when he waited for hours in the line to get a vial of the hell's potion did max finally get a true view of his brother's glory , as for the 7 hours that he waited in the queue the only chatter he heard was about the greatness of King Shakuni Of The Elites.action

  People in the queue would kill for the opportunity to join the true Elites and have a chance to converse with Rudra and yet Max was someone who had that opportunity for free but chose not to take it.

  The conversation about Rudra were so exaggerated that Max felt the image of a near god like existance establish in his mind as he wondered ' Will i ever reach his heights? '.

  The reason why Max did not wish to join the elites was because he did not want to live under his brothers shadow and wanted to explore the game and make a name for his own self.

  He did not want to be Max Rajput the brother of Rudra Rajput, but wanted to become so big that people said look that's Rudra Rajput the brother of Max Rajput.

  However that dream seemed too farfetched at the moment.

  /// Bonus chapter for hitting the GT target, good job guys ///
